cvar_t r_waterscroll = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_waterscroll", "1", "makes water scroll around, value controls how much"};
cvar_t r_bloom = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom", "0", "enables bloom effect (makes bright pixels affect neighboring pixels)"};
-cvar_t r_bloom_intensity = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom_intensity", "1.5", "how bright the glow is"};
+cvar_t r_bloom_colorscale = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom_colorscale", "1", "how bright the glow is"};
+cvar_t r_bloom_brighten = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom_brighten", "2", "how bright the glow is, after subtract/power"};
cvar_t r_bloom_blur = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom_blur", "4", "how large the glow is"};
cvar_t r_bloom_resolution = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom_resolution", "320", "what resolution to perform the bloom effect at (independent of screen resolution)"};
-cvar_t r_bloom_power = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom_power", "2", "how much to darken the image before blurring to make the bloom effect"};
+cvar_t r_bloom_colorexponent = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom_colorexponent", "1", "how exagerated the glow is"};
+cvar_t r_bloom_colorsubtract = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom_colorsubtract", "0.125", "reduces bloom colors by a certain amount"};
cvar_t r_hdr = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_hdr", "0", "enables High Dynamic Range bloom effect (higher quality version of r_bloom)"};
cvar_t r_hdr_scenebrightness = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_hdr_scenebrightness", "1", "global rendering brightness"};
-cvar_t r_hdr_bloomintensity = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_hdr_bloomintensity", "0.5", "amount of bloom"};
cvar_t r_hdr_glowintensity = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_hdr_glowintensity", "1", "how bright light emitting textures should appear"};
cvar_t r_smoothnormals_areaweighting = {0, "r_smoothnormals_areaweighting", "1", "uses significantly faster (and supposedly higher quality) area-weighted vertex normals and tangent vectors rather than summing normalized triangle normals and tangents"};
cvar_t r_test = {0, "r_test", "0", "internal development use only, leave it alone (usually does nothing anyway)"}; // used for testing renderer code changes, otherwise does nothing
cvar_t r_batchmode = {0, "r_batchmode", "1", "selects method of rendering multiple surfaces with one driver call (values are 0, 1, 2, etc...)"};
-rtexture_t *r_bloom_texture_screen;
-rtexture_t *r_bloom_texture_bloom;
+typedef struct r_glsl_bloomshader_s
+ int program;
+ int loc_Texture_Bloom;
+static struct r_bloomstate_s
+ qboolean enabled;
+ qboolean hdr;
+ int bloomwidth, bloomheight;
+ int screentexturewidth, screentextureheight;
+ rtexture_t *texture_screen;
+ int bloomtexturewidth, bloomtextureheight;
+ rtexture_t *texture_bloom;
+ r_glsl_bloomshader_t *shader;
+ // arrays for rendering the screen passes
+ float vertex3f[12];
+ float screentexcoord2f[8];
+ float bloomtexcoord2f[8];
+ float offsettexcoord2f[8];
rtexture_t *r_texture_blanknormalmap;
rtexture_t *r_texture_white;
rtexture_t *r_texture_black;
void gl_main_start(void)
r_main_texturepool = R_AllocTexturePool();
- r_bloom_texture_screen = NULL;
- r_bloom_texture_bloom = NULL;
if (gl_texturecubemap)
+ memset(&r_bloomstate, 0, sizeof(r_bloomstate));
memset(r_glsl_permutations, 0, sizeof(r_glsl_permutations));
void gl_main_shutdown(void)
- r_bloom_texture_screen = NULL;
- r_bloom_texture_bloom = NULL;
r_texture_blanknormalmap = NULL;
r_texture_white = NULL;
r_texture_black = NULL;
r_texture_whitecube = NULL;
r_texture_normalizationcube = NULL;
+ memset(&r_bloomstate, 0, sizeof(r_bloomstate));
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_bloom_intensity);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_bloom_colorscale);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_bloom_brighten);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_bloom_power);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_bloom_colorexponent);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_bloom_colorsubtract);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_hdr_bloomintensity);
GL_SetupView_Mode_Ortho(0, 0, 1, 1, -10, 100);
GL_Scissor(r_view.x, r_view.y, r_view.width, r_view.height);
GL_ColorMask(r_view.colormask[0], r_view.colormask[1], r_view.colormask[2], 1);
- GL_ScissorTest(true);
- GL_DepthMask(true);
- GL_DepthTest(true);
+ GL_ScissorTest(false);
+ GL_DepthMask(false);
+ GL_DepthTest(false);
+ R_Bloom_SetupShader(
+"// bloom shader\n"
+"// written by Forest 'LordHavoc' Hale\n"
+"// common definitions between vertex shader and fragment shader:\n"
+"#ifdef __GLSL_CG_DATA_TYPES\n"
+"#define myhalf half\n"
+"#define myhvec2 hvec2\n"
+"#define myhvec3 hvec3\n"
+"#define myhvec4 hvec4\n"
+"#define myhalf float\n"
+"#define myhvec2 vec2\n"
+"#define myhvec3 vec3\n"
+"#define myhvec4 vec4\n"
+"varying vec2 ScreenTexCoord;\n"
+"varying vec2 BloomTexCoord;\n"
+"// vertex shader specific:\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" ScreenTexCoord = vec2(gl_MultiTexCoord0);\n"
+" BloomTexCoord = vec2(gl_MultiTexCoord1);\n"
+" // transform vertex to camera space, using ftransform to match non-VS\n"
+" // rendering\n"
+" gl_Position = ftransform();\n"
+"#endif // VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"// fragment shader specific:\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" int x, y;
+" myhvec3 color = myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Screen, ScreenTexCoord));\n"
+" for (x = -BLUR_X;x <= BLUR_X;x++)
+" color.rgb += myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Bloom, BloomTexCoord));\n"
+" color.rgb += myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Bloom, BloomTexCoord));\n"
+" color.rgb += myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Bloom, BloomTexCoord));\n"
+" color.rgb += myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Bloom, BloomTexCoord));\n"
+" gl_FragColor = vec4(color);\n"
+"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
void R_SetupView(const matrix4x4_t *matrix)
if (r_refdef.rtworldshadows || r_refdef.rtdlightshadows)
void R_RenderScene(void);
-void R_Bloom_MakeTexture(qboolean darken)
+void R_Bloom_StartFrame(void)
- int screenwidth, screenheight;
- int screentexturewidth, screentextureheight;
- int bloomtexturewidth, bloomtextureheight;
- int bloomwidth, bloomheight, x, range;
- float xoffset, yoffset, r;
- float vertex3f[12];
- float texcoord2f[3][8];
+ int bloomtexturewidth, bloomtextureheight, screentexturewidth, screentextureheight;
// set bloomwidth and bloomheight to the bloom resolution that will be
// used (often less than the screen resolution for faster rendering)
- bloomwidth = bound(1, r_bloom_resolution.integer, r_view.width);
- bloomheight = bound(1, bloomwidth * r_view.height / r_view.width, r_view.height);
+ r_bloomstate.bloomwidth = bound(1, r_bloom_resolution.integer, r_view.width);
+ r_bloomstate.bloomheight = r_bloomstate.bloomwidth * r_view.height / r_view.width;
+ r_bloomstate.bloomheight = bound(1, r_bloomstate.bloomheight, r_view.height);
- // set the (poorly named) screenwidth and screenheight variables to
- // a power of 2 at least as large as the screen, these will define the
- // size of the texture to allocate
- for (screenwidth = 1;screenwidth < vid.width;screenwidth *= 2);
- for (screenheight = 1;screenheight < vid.height;screenheight *= 2);
+ // calculate desired texture sizes
+ if (gl_support_arb_texture_non_power_of_two)
+ {
+ screentexturewidth = r_view.width;
+ screentextureheight = r_view.height;
+ bloomtexturewidth = r_bloomstate.bloomwidth;
+ bloomtextureheight = r_bloomstate.bloomheight;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (screentexturewidth = 1;screentexturewidth < vid.width ;screentexturewidth *= 2);
+ for (screentextureheight = 1;screentextureheight < vid.height ;screentextureheight *= 2);
+ for (bloomtexturewidth = 1;bloomtexturewidth < r_bloomstate.bloomwidth ;bloomtexturewidth *= 2);
+ for (bloomtextureheight = 1;bloomtextureheight < r_bloomstate.bloomheight;bloomtextureheight *= 2);
+ }
- r_refdef.stats.bloom++;
+ if (r_hdr.integer)
+ {
+ screentexturewidth = screentextureheight = 0;
+ }
+ else if (r_bloom.integer)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ screentexturewidth = screentextureheight = 0;
+ bloomtexturewidth = bloomtextureheight = 0;
+ }
- // allocate textures as needed
- // TODO: reallocate these when size settings change
- if (!r_bloom_texture_screen)
- r_bloom_texture_screen = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "screen", screenwidth, screenheight, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_FORCENEAREST | TEXF_CLAMP | TEXF_ALWAYSPRECACHE, NULL);
- if (!r_bloom_texture_bloom)
- r_bloom_texture_bloom = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "bloom", screenwidth, screenheight, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_FORCELINEAR | TEXF_CLAMP | TEXF_ALWAYSPRECACHE, NULL);
+ if ((!bloomtexturewidth && !bloomtextureheight) || r_bloom_resolution.integer < 4 || r_bloom_blur.value < 1 || r_bloom_blur.value >= 512 || screentexturewidth > gl_max_texture_size || screentextureheight > gl_max_texture_size || bloomtexturewidth > gl_max_texture_size || bloomtextureheight > gl_max_texture_size)
+ {
+ // can't use bloom if the parameters are too weird
+ // can't use bloom if the card does not support the texture size
+ if (r_bloomstate.texture_screen)
+ R_FreeTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_screen);
+ if (r_bloomstate.texture_bloom)
+ R_FreeTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_bloom);
+ memset(&r_bloomstate, 0, sizeof(r_bloomstate));
+ return;
+ }
- screentexturewidth = R_TextureWidth(r_bloom_texture_screen);
- screentextureheight = R_TextureHeight(r_bloom_texture_screen);
- bloomtexturewidth = R_TextureWidth(r_bloom_texture_bloom);
- bloomtextureheight = R_TextureHeight(r_bloom_texture_bloom);
+ r_bloomstate.enabled = true;
+ r_bloomstate.hdr = r_hdr.integer != 0;
+ // allocate textures as needed
+ if (r_bloomstate.screentexturewidth != screentexturewidth || r_bloomstate.screentextureheight != screentextureheight)
+ {
+ if (r_bloomstate.texture_screen)
+ R_FreeTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_screen);
+ r_bloomstate.texture_screen = NULL;
+ r_bloomstate.screentexturewidth = screentexturewidth;
+ r_bloomstate.screentextureheight = screentextureheight;
+ if (r_bloomstate.screentexturewidth && r_bloomstate.screentextureheight)
+ r_bloomstate.texture_screen = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "screen", r_bloomstate.screentexturewidth, r_bloomstate.screentextureheight, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_FORCENEAREST | TEXF_CLAMP | TEXF_ALWAYSPRECACHE, NULL);
+ }
+ if (r_bloomstate.bloomtexturewidth != bloomtexturewidth || r_bloomstate.bloomtextureheight != bloomtextureheight)
+ {
+ if (r_bloomstate.texture_bloom)
+ R_FreeTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_bloom);
+ r_bloomstate.texture_bloom = NULL;
+ r_bloomstate.bloomtexturewidth = bloomtexturewidth;
+ r_bloomstate.bloomtextureheight = bloomtextureheight;
+ if (r_bloomstate.bloomtexturewidth && r_bloomstate.bloomtextureheight)
+ r_bloomstate.texture_bloom = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "bloom", r_bloomstate.bloomtexturewidth, r_bloomstate.bloomtextureheight, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_FORCELINEAR | TEXF_CLAMP | TEXF_ALWAYSPRECACHE, NULL);
+ }
// vertex coordinates for a quad that covers the screen exactly
- vertex3f[0] = 0;vertex3f[1] = 0;vertex3f[2] = 0;
- vertex3f[3] = 1;vertex3f[4] = 0;vertex3f[5] = 0;
- vertex3f[6] = 1;vertex3f[7] = 1;vertex3f[8] = 0;
- vertex3f[9] = 0;vertex3f[10] = 1;vertex3f[11] = 0;
+ r_bloomstate.vertex3f[0] = 0;r_bloomstate.vertex3f[1] = 0;r_bloomstate.vertex3f[2] = 0;
+ r_bloomstate.vertex3f[3] = 1;r_bloomstate.vertex3f[4] = 0;r_bloomstate.vertex3f[5] = 0;
+ r_bloomstate.vertex3f[6] = 1;r_bloomstate.vertex3f[7] = 1;r_bloomstate.vertex3f[8] = 0;
+ r_bloomstate.vertex3f[9] = 0;r_bloomstate.vertex3f[10] = 1;r_bloomstate.vertex3f[11] = 0;
// set up a texcoord array for the full resolution screen image
// (we have to keep this around to copy back during final render)
- texcoord2f[0][0] = 0;
- texcoord2f[0][1] = (float)r_view.height / (float)screentextureheight;
- texcoord2f[0][2] = (float)r_view.width / (float)screentexturewidth;
- texcoord2f[0][3] = (float)r_view.height / (float)screentextureheight;
- texcoord2f[0][4] = (float)r_view.width / (float)screentexturewidth;
- texcoord2f[0][5] = 0;
- texcoord2f[0][6] = 0;
- texcoord2f[0][7] = 0;
+ r_bloomstate.screentexcoord2f[0] = 0;
+ r_bloomstate.screentexcoord2f[1] = (float)r_view.height / (float)r_bloomstate.screentextureheight;
+ r_bloomstate.screentexcoord2f[2] = (float)r_view.width / (float)r_bloomstate.screentexturewidth;
+ r_bloomstate.screentexcoord2f[3] = (float)r_view.height / (float)r_bloomstate.screentextureheight;
+ r_bloomstate.screentexcoord2f[4] = (float)r_view.width / (float)r_bloomstate.screentexturewidth;
+ r_bloomstate.screentexcoord2f[5] = 0;
+ r_bloomstate.screentexcoord2f[6] = 0;
+ r_bloomstate.screentexcoord2f[7] = 0;
// set up a texcoord array for the reduced resolution bloom image
// (which will be additive blended over the screen image)
- texcoord2f[1][0] = 0;
- texcoord2f[1][1] = (float)bloomheight / (float)bloomtextureheight;
- texcoord2f[1][2] = (float)bloomwidth / (float)bloomtexturewidth;
- texcoord2f[1][3] = (float)bloomheight / (float)bloomtextureheight;
- texcoord2f[1][4] = (float)bloomwidth / (float)bloomtexturewidth;
- texcoord2f[1][5] = 0;
- texcoord2f[1][6] = 0;
- texcoord2f[1][7] = 0;
+ r_bloomstate.bloomtexcoord2f[0] = 0;
+ r_bloomstate.bloomtexcoord2f[1] = (float)r_bloomstate.bloomheight / (float)r_bloomstate.bloomtextureheight;
+ r_bloomstate.bloomtexcoord2f[2] = (float)r_bloomstate.bloomwidth / (float)r_bloomstate.bloomtexturewidth;
+ r_bloomstate.bloomtexcoord2f[3] = (float)r_bloomstate.bloomheight / (float)r_bloomstate.bloomtextureheight;
+ r_bloomstate.bloomtexcoord2f[4] = (float)r_bloomstate.bloomwidth / (float)r_bloomstate.bloomtexturewidth;
+ r_bloomstate.bloomtexcoord2f[5] = 0;
+ r_bloomstate.bloomtexcoord2f[6] = 0;
+ r_bloomstate.bloomtexcoord2f[7] = 0;
+void R_Bloom_CopyScreenTexture(float colorscale)
+ r_refdef.stats.bloom++;
- GL_DepthTest(false);
- R_Mesh_VertexPointer(vertex3f);
+ R_Mesh_VertexPointer(r_bloomstate.vertex3f);
- R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, texcoord2f[0]);
- R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloom_texture_screen));
+ R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, r_bloomstate.screentexcoord2f);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_screen));
// copy view into the screen texture
// now scale it down to the bloom texture size
- qglViewport(r_view.x, vid.height - (r_view.y + bloomheight), bloomwidth, bloomheight);CHECKGLERROR
+ qglViewport(r_view.x, vid.height - (r_view.y + r_bloomstate.bloomheight), r_bloomstate.bloomwidth, r_bloomstate.bloomheight);CHECKGLERROR
GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GL_Color(colorscale, colorscale, colorscale, 1);
// TODO: optimize with multitexture or GLSL
R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements);
- r_refdef.stats.bloom_drawpixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight;
+ r_refdef.stats.bloom_drawpixels += r_bloomstate.bloomwidth * r_bloomstate.bloomheight;
- if (darken)
- {
- // raise to a power of itself to darken it (this leaves the really
- // bright stuff bright, and everything else becomes very dark)
- // render multiple times with a multiply blendfunc to raise to a power
- for (x = 1;x < r_bloom_power.integer;x++)
- {
- R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements);
- r_refdef.stats.bloom_drawpixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight;
- }
- }
+ // we now have a bloom image in the framebuffer
+ // copy it into the bloom image texture for later processing
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_bloom));
+ GL_ActiveTexture(0);
+ qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, r_view.x, vid.height - (r_view.y + r_bloomstate.bloomheight), r_bloomstate.bloomwidth, r_bloomstate.bloomheight);CHECKGLERROR
+ r_refdef.stats.bloom_copypixels += r_bloomstate.bloomwidth * r_bloomstate.bloomheight;
- // we now have a darkened bloom image in the framebuffer
- // copy it into the bloom image texture for more processing
- R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloom_texture_bloom));
- R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, texcoord2f[2]);
+void R_Bloom_CopyHDRTexture(void)
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_bloom));
- qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, r_view.x, vid.height - (r_view.y + bloomheight), bloomwidth, bloomheight);CHECKGLERROR
- r_refdef.stats.bloom_copypixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight;
+ qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, r_view.x, vid.height - (r_view.y + r_view.height), r_view.width, r_view.height);CHECKGLERROR
+ r_refdef.stats.bloom_copypixels += r_view.width * r_view.height;
- // blend on at multiple vertical offsets to achieve a vertical blur
- // TODO: do offset blends using GLSL
- range = r_bloom_blur.integer * bloomwidth / 320;
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- for (x = -range;x <= range;x++)
- {
- xoffset = 0 / (float)bloomwidth * (float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth;
- yoffset = x / (float)bloomheight * (float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight;
- // compute a texcoord array with the specified x and y offset
- texcoord2f[2][0] = xoffset+0;
- texcoord2f[2][1] = yoffset+(float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight;
- texcoord2f[2][2] = xoffset+(float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth;
- texcoord2f[2][3] = yoffset+(float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight;
- texcoord2f[2][4] = xoffset+(float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth;
- texcoord2f[2][5] = yoffset+0;
- texcoord2f[2][6] = xoffset+0;
- texcoord2f[2][7] = yoffset+0;
- // this r value looks like a 'dot' particle, fading sharply to
- // black at the edges
- // (probably not realistic but looks good enough)
- r = r_bloom_intensity.value/(range*2+1)*(1 - x*x/(float)(range*range));
- if (r < 0.01f)
- continue;
+void R_Bloom_MakeTexture(void)
+ int x, range, dir;
+ float xoffset, yoffset, r;
+ r_refdef.stats.bloom++;
+ R_ResetViewRendering();
+ R_Mesh_VertexPointer(r_bloomstate.vertex3f);
+ R_Mesh_ColorPointer(NULL);
+ // we have a bloom image in the framebuffer
+ qglViewport(r_view.x, vid.height - (r_view.y + r_bloomstate.bloomheight), r_bloomstate.bloomwidth, r_bloomstate.bloomheight);CHECKGLERROR
+ for (x = 1;x < r_bloom_colorexponent.value;)
+ {
+ x *= 2;
+ r = bound(0, r_bloom_colorexponent.value / x, 1);
GL_Color(r, r, r, 1);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_bloom));
+ R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, r_bloomstate.bloomtexcoord2f);
R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements);
- r_refdef.stats.bloom_drawpixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight;
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
+ r_refdef.stats.bloom_drawpixels += r_bloomstate.bloomwidth * r_bloomstate.bloomheight;
+ // copy the vertically blurred bloom view to a texture
+ GL_ActiveTexture(0);
+ qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, r_view.x, vid.height - (r_view.y + r_bloomstate.bloomheight), r_bloomstate.bloomwidth, r_bloomstate.bloomheight);CHECKGLERROR
+ r_refdef.stats.bloom_copypixels += r_bloomstate.bloomwidth * r_bloomstate.bloomheight;
- // copy the vertically blurred bloom view to a texture
- GL_ActiveTexture(0);
- qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, r_view.x, vid.height - (r_view.y + bloomheight), bloomwidth, bloomheight);CHECKGLERROR
- r_refdef.stats.bloom_copypixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight;
+ range = r_bloom_blur.integer * r_bloomstate.bloomwidth / 320;
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_bloom));
+ R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, r_bloomstate.offsettexcoord2f);
- // blend the vertically blurred image at multiple offsets horizontally
- // to finish the blur effect
- // TODO: do offset blends using GLSL
- range = r_bloom_blur.integer * bloomwidth / 320;
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- for (x = -range;x <= range;x++)
- {
- xoffset = x / (float)bloomwidth * (float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth;
- yoffset = 0 / (float)bloomheight * (float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight;
- // compute a texcoord array with the specified x and y offset
- texcoord2f[2][0] = xoffset+0;
- texcoord2f[2][1] = yoffset+(float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight;
- texcoord2f[2][2] = xoffset+(float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth;
- texcoord2f[2][3] = yoffset+(float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight;
- texcoord2f[2][4] = xoffset+(float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth;
- texcoord2f[2][5] = yoffset+0;
- texcoord2f[2][6] = xoffset+0;
- texcoord2f[2][7] = yoffset+0;
- // this r value looks like a 'dot' particle, fading sharply to
- // black at the edges
- // (probably not realistic but looks good enough)
- r = r_bloom_intensity.value/(range*2+1)*(1 - x*x/(float)(range*range));
- if (r < 0.01f)
- continue;
- GL_Color(r, r, r, 1);
+ for (dir = 0;dir < 2;dir++)
+ {
+ // blend on at multiple vertical offsets to achieve a vertical blur
+ // TODO: do offset blends using GLSL
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ for (x = -range;x <= range;x++)
+ {
+ if (!dir){xoffset = 0;yoffset = x;}
+ else {xoffset = x;yoffset = 0;}
+ xoffset /= (float)r_bloomstate.bloomtexturewidth;
+ yoffset /= (float)r_bloomstate.bloomtextureheight;
+ // compute a texcoord array with the specified x and y offset
+ r_bloomstate.offsettexcoord2f[0] = xoffset+0;
+ r_bloomstate.offsettexcoord2f[1] = yoffset+(float)r_bloomstate.bloomheight / (float)r_bloomstate.bloomtextureheight;
+ r_bloomstate.offsettexcoord2f[2] = xoffset+(float)r_bloomstate.bloomwidth / (float)r_bloomstate.bloomtexturewidth;
+ r_bloomstate.offsettexcoord2f[3] = yoffset+(float)r_bloomstate.bloomheight / (float)r_bloomstate.bloomtextureheight;
+ r_bloomstate.offsettexcoord2f[4] = xoffset+(float)r_bloomstate.bloomwidth / (float)r_bloomstate.bloomtexturewidth;
+ r_bloomstate.offsettexcoord2f[5] = yoffset+0;
+ r_bloomstate.offsettexcoord2f[6] = xoffset+0;
+ r_bloomstate.offsettexcoord2f[7] = yoffset+0;
+ // this r value looks like a 'dot' particle, fading sharply to
+ // black at the edges
+ // (probably not realistic but looks good enough)
+ //r = ((range*range+1)/((float)(x*x+1)))/(range*2+1);
+ //r = (dir ? 1.0f : r_bloom_brighten.value)/(range*2+1);
+ r = (dir ? 1.0f : r_bloom_brighten.value)/(range*2+1)*(1 - x*x/(float)(range*range));
+ GL_Color(r, r, r, 1);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements);
+ r_refdef.stats.bloom_drawpixels += r_bloomstate.bloomwidth * r_bloomstate.bloomheight;
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
+ }
+ // copy the vertically blurred bloom view to a texture
+ GL_ActiveTexture(0);
+ qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, r_view.x, vid.height - (r_view.y + r_bloomstate.bloomheight), r_bloomstate.bloomwidth, r_bloomstate.bloomheight);CHECKGLERROR
+ r_refdef.stats.bloom_copypixels += r_bloomstate.bloomwidth * r_bloomstate.bloomheight;
+ }
+ // apply subtract last
+ // (just like it would be in a GLSL shader)
+ if (r_bloom_colorsubtract.value > 0 && gl_support_ext_blend_subtract)
+ {
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_bloom));
+ R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, r_bloomstate.bloomtexcoord2f);
+ GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements);
- r_refdef.stats.bloom_drawpixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight;
+ r_refdef.stats.bloom_drawpixels += r_bloomstate.bloomwidth * r_bloomstate.bloomheight;
GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
- }
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_texture_white));
+ R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, r_bloomstate.bloomtexcoord2f);
+ GL_Color(r_bloom_colorsubtract.value, r_bloom_colorsubtract.value, r_bloom_colorsubtract.value, 1);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements);
+ r_refdef.stats.bloom_drawpixels += r_bloomstate.bloomwidth * r_bloomstate.bloomheight;
+ qglBlendEquationEXT(GL_FUNC_ADD_EXT);
- // copy the blurred bloom view to a texture
- GL_ActiveTexture(0);
- qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, r_view.x, vid.height - (r_view.y + bloomheight), bloomwidth, bloomheight);CHECKGLERROR
- r_refdef.stats.bloom_copypixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight;
+ // copy the darkened bloom view to a texture
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_bloom));
+ GL_ActiveTexture(0);
+ qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, r_view.x, vid.height - (r_view.y + r_bloomstate.bloomheight), r_bloomstate.bloomwidth, r_bloomstate.bloomheight);CHECKGLERROR
+ r_refdef.stats.bloom_copypixels += r_bloomstate.bloomwidth * r_bloomstate.bloomheight;
+ }
void R_HDR_RenderBloomTexture(void)
oldwidth = r_view.width;
oldheight = r_view.height;
- r_view.width = bound(1, r_bloom_resolution.integer, min(r_view.width, gl_max_texture_size));
- r_view.height = r_view.width * oldheight / oldwidth;
+ r_view.width = r_bloomstate.bloomwidth;
+ r_view.height = r_bloomstate.bloomheight;
// TODO: support GL_EXT_framebuffer_object rather than reusing the framebuffer? it might improve SLI performance.
- // FIXME: change global lightmapintensity and light intensity according to r_hdr_bloomintensity cvar
- // FIXME: change global lightmapintensity and light intensity according to r_hdr_scenebrightness cvar
// TODO: add exposure compensation features
- r_view.colorscale = r_hdr_bloomintensity.value * r_hdr_scenebrightness.value;
+ r_view.colorscale = r_bloom_colorscale.value * r_hdr_scenebrightness.value;
- R_Bloom_MakeTexture(false);
+ R_Bloom_CopyHDRTexture();
+ R_Bloom_MakeTexture();
+ R_ResetViewRendering();
+ GL_ScissorTest(true);
+ GL_DepthMask(true);
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
if (r_timereport_active)
// restore the view settings
r_view.width = oldwidth;
r_view.height = oldheight;
- // go back to full view area
- R_ResetViewRendering();
static void R_BlendView(void)
- int screenwidth, screenheight;
- int bloomwidth, bloomheight;
- qboolean dobloom;
- qboolean dohdr;
- qboolean doblend;
- float vertex3f[12];
- float texcoord2f[3][8];
- // set the (poorly named) screenwidth and screenheight variables to
- // a power of 2 at least as large as the screen, these will define the
- // size of the texture to allocate
- for (screenwidth = 1;screenwidth < vid.width;screenwidth *= 2);
- for (screenheight = 1;screenheight < vid.height;screenheight *= 2);
- doblend = r_refdef.viewblend[3] >= 0.01f;
- dobloom = !r_hdr.integer && r_bloom.integer && screenwidth <= gl_max_texture_size && screenheight <= gl_max_texture_size && r_bloom_resolution.value >= 32 && r_bloom_power.integer >= 1 && r_bloom_power.integer < 100 && r_bloom_blur.value >= 0 && r_bloom_blur.value < 512;
- dohdr = r_hdr.integer && screenwidth <= gl_max_texture_size && screenheight <= gl_max_texture_size && r_bloom_resolution.value >= 32 && r_bloom_power.integer >= 1 && r_bloom_power.integer < 100 && r_bloom_blur.value >= 0 && r_bloom_blur.value < 512;
- if (!dobloom && !dohdr && !doblend)
- return;
- // vertex coordinates for a quad that covers the screen exactly
- vertex3f[0] = 0;vertex3f[1] = 0;vertex3f[2] = 0;
- vertex3f[3] = 1;vertex3f[4] = 0;vertex3f[5] = 0;
- vertex3f[6] = 1;vertex3f[7] = 1;vertex3f[8] = 0;
- vertex3f[9] = 0;vertex3f[10] = 1;vertex3f[11] = 0;
- // set bloomwidth and bloomheight to the bloom resolution that will be
- // used (often less than the screen resolution for faster rendering)
- bloomwidth = min(r_view.width, r_bloom_resolution.integer);
- bloomheight = min(r_view.height, bloomwidth * r_view.height / r_view.width);
- // set up a texcoord array for the full resolution screen image
- // (we have to keep this around to copy back during final render)
- texcoord2f[0][0] = 0;
- texcoord2f[0][1] = (float)r_view.height / (float)screenheight;
- texcoord2f[0][2] = (float)r_view.width / (float)screenwidth;
- texcoord2f[0][3] = (float)r_view.height / (float)screenheight;
- texcoord2f[0][4] = (float)r_view.width / (float)screenwidth;
- texcoord2f[0][5] = 0;
- texcoord2f[0][6] = 0;
- texcoord2f[0][7] = 0;
- // set up a texcoord array for the reduced resolution bloom image
- // (which will be additive blended over the screen image)
- texcoord2f[1][0] = 0;
- texcoord2f[1][1] = (float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight;
- texcoord2f[1][2] = (float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth;
- texcoord2f[1][3] = (float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight;
- texcoord2f[1][4] = (float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth;
- texcoord2f[1][5] = 0;
- texcoord2f[1][6] = 0;
- texcoord2f[1][7] = 0;
- if (dohdr)
+ if (r_bloomstate.enabled && r_bloomstate.hdr)
// render high dynamic range bloom effect
// the bloom texture was made earlier this render, so we just need to
// blend it onto the screen...
- GL_DepthTest(false);
- R_Mesh_VertexPointer(vertex3f);
+ R_Mesh_VertexPointer(r_bloomstate.vertex3f);
GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
- R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloom_texture_bloom));
- R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, texcoord2f[1]);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_bloom));
+ R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, r_bloomstate.bloomtexcoord2f);
R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements);
r_refdef.stats.bloom_drawpixels += r_view.width * r_view.height;
- if (dobloom)
+ else if (r_bloomstate.enabled)
// render simple bloom effect
+ // copy the screen and shrink it and darken it for the bloom process
+ R_Bloom_CopyScreenTexture(r_bloom_colorscale.value);
// make the bloom texture
- R_Bloom_MakeTexture(true);
+ R_Bloom_MakeTexture();
// put the original screen image back in place and blend the bloom
// texture on it
- GL_DepthTest(false);
- R_Mesh_VertexPointer(vertex3f);
+ R_Mesh_VertexPointer(r_bloomstate.vertex3f);
GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
// do both in one pass if possible
- R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloom_texture_screen));
- R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, texcoord2f[0]);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_bloom));
+ R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, r_bloomstate.bloomtexcoord2f);
if (r_textureunits.integer >= 2 && gl_combine.integer)
R_Mesh_TexCombine(1, GL_ADD, GL_ADD, 1, 1);
- R_Mesh_TexBind(1, R_GetTexture(r_bloom_texture_bloom));
- R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(1, 2, texcoord2f[1]);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(1, R_GetTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_screen));
+ R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(1, 2, r_bloomstate.screentexcoord2f);
r_refdef.stats.bloom_drawpixels += r_view.width * r_view.height;
// now blend on the bloom texture
GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
- R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloom_texture_bloom));
- R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, texcoord2f[1]);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_bloomstate.texture_screen));
+ R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, r_bloomstate.screentexcoord2f);
R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements);
r_refdef.stats.bloom_drawpixels += r_view.width * r_view.height;
- if (doblend)
+ if (r_refdef.viewblend[3] >= (1.0f / 256.0f))
// apply a color tint to the whole view
- GL_DepthTest(false);
- R_Mesh_VertexPointer(vertex3f);
+ R_Mesh_VertexPointer(r_bloomstate.vertex3f);
GL_Color(r_refdef.viewblend[0], r_refdef.viewblend[1], r_refdef.viewblend[2], r_refdef.viewblend[3]);
return; //Host_Error ("R_RenderView: NULL worldmodel");
- GL_ScissorTest(true);
- GL_DepthMask(true);
if (r_timereport_active)
+ GL_ScissorTest(true);
+ GL_DepthMask(true);
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
if (r_timereport_active)
+ R_Bloom_StartFrame();
// this produces a bloom texture to be used in R_BlendView() later
if (r_hdr.integer)
t->colormapping = VectorLength2(ent->colormap_pantscolor) + VectorLength2(ent->colormap_shirtcolor) >= (1.0f / 1048576.0f);
t->basetexture = (!t->colormapping && t->currentskinframe->merged) ? t->currentskinframe->merged : t->currentskinframe->base;
t->glosstexture = r_texture_white;
- t->specularpower = 8;
+ t->specularpower = r_shadow_glossexponent.value;
t->specularscale = 0;
if (r_shadow_gloss.integer > 0)