Con_Printf("Mod_ValidateElements: out of bounds element detected at %s:%d\n", filename, fileline);
+void Mod_BuildBumpVectors(const float *v0, const float *v1, const float *v2, const float *tc0, const float *tc1, const float *tc2, float *svector3f, float *tvector3f, float *normal3f)
+ float f;
+ normal3f[0] = (v1[1] - v0[1]) * (v2[2] - v0[2]) - (v1[2] - v0[2]) * (v2[1] - v0[1]);
+ normal3f[1] = (v1[2] - v0[2]) * (v2[0] - v0[0]) - (v1[0] - v0[0]) * (v2[2] - v0[2]);
+ normal3f[2] = (v1[0] - v0[0]) * (v2[1] - v0[1]) - (v1[1] - v0[1]) * (v2[0] - v0[0]);
+ VectorNormalize(normal3f);
+ tvector3f[0] = ((tc1[0] - tc0[0]) * (v2[0] - v0[0]) - (tc2[0] - tc0[0]) * (v1[0] - v0[0]));
+ tvector3f[1] = ((tc1[0] - tc0[0]) * (v2[1] - v0[1]) - (tc2[0] - tc0[0]) * (v1[1] - v0[1]));
+ tvector3f[2] = ((tc1[0] - tc0[0]) * (v2[2] - v0[2]) - (tc2[0] - tc0[0]) * (v1[2] - v0[2]));
+ f = -DotProduct(tvector3f, normal3f);
+ VectorMA(tvector3f, f, normal3f, tvector3f);
+ VectorNormalize(tvector3f);
+ CrossProduct(normal3f, tvector3f, svector3f);
// warning: this is an expensive function!
void Mod_BuildTextureVectorsAndNormals(int numverts, int numtriangles, const float *vertex3f, const float *texcoord2f, const int *elements, float *svector3f, float *tvector3f, float *normal3f)
int i, tnum;
- float sdir[3], tdir[3], normal[3], f, *v;
+ float sdir[3], tdir[3], normal[3], *v;
const int *e;
// clear the vectors
if (svector3f)
// process each vertex of each triangle and accumulate the results
for (tnum = 0, e = elements;tnum < numtriangles;tnum++, e += 3)
- // calculate texture matrix for triangle
- // and then accumulate matrix onto verts used by triangle
-#if 0
- // 3 assignments, 3 subtracts
- VectorSubtract(vertex3f + e[1] * 3, vertex3f + e[0] * 3, edgedir1);
- // 3 assignments, 3 subtracts
- VectorSubtract(vertex3f + e[2] * 3, vertex3f + e[0] * 3, edgedir2);
- // 3 assignments, 3 subtracts, 6 multiplies
- CrossProduct(edgedir1, edgedir2, normal);
- // 3 assignments, 15 subtracts, 6 multiplies
- normal[0] = (vertex3f[e[1] * 3 + 1] - vertex3f[e[0] * 3 + 1]) * (vertex3f[e[2] * 3 + 2] - vertex3f[e[0] * 3 + 2]) - (vertex3f[e[1] * 3 + 2] - vertex3f[e[0] * 3 + 2]) * (vertex3f[e[2] * 3 + 1] - vertex3f[e[0] * 3 + 1]);
- normal[1] = (vertex3f[e[1] * 3 + 2] - vertex3f[e[0] * 3 + 2]) * (vertex3f[e[2] * 3 + 0] - vertex3f[e[0] * 3 + 0]) - (vertex3f[e[1] * 3 + 0] - vertex3f[e[0] * 3 + 0]) * (vertex3f[e[2] * 3 + 2] - vertex3f[e[0] * 3 + 2]);
- normal[2] = (vertex3f[e[1] * 3 + 0] - vertex3f[e[0] * 3 + 0]) * (vertex3f[e[2] * 3 + 1] - vertex3f[e[0] * 3 + 1]) - (vertex3f[e[1] * 3 + 1] - vertex3f[e[0] * 3 + 1]) * (vertex3f[e[2] * 3 + 0] - vertex3f[e[0] * 3 + 0]);
- // 1 assignment, 2 adds, 3 multiplies, 1 compare
- f = DotProduct(normal, normal);
- if (f >= 0.001)
+ Mod_BuildBumpVectors(vertex3f + e[0] * 3, vertex3f + e[1] * 3, vertex3f + e[2] * 3, texcoord2f + e[0] * 2, texcoord2f + e[1] * 2, texcoord2f + e[2] * 2, sdir, tdir, normal);
+ if (svector3f)
- // 4 assignments, 1 divide, 1 sqrt, 3 multiplies
- f = 1.0f / f;
- VectorScale(normal, f, normal);
- if (normal3f)
+ for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
- // 9 assignments, 9 adds
- for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
- {
- normal3f[e[i]*3 ] += normal[0];
- normal3f[e[i]*3+1] += normal[1];
- normal3f[e[i]*3+2] += normal[2];
- }
+ svector3f[e[i]*3 ] += sdir[0];
+ svector3f[e[i]*3+1] += sdir[1];
+ svector3f[e[i]*3+2] += sdir[2];
- if (tvector3f || svector3f)
+ }
+ if (tvector3f)
+ {
+ for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
+ {
+ tvector3f[e[i]*3 ] += tdir[0];
+ tvector3f[e[i]*3+1] += tdir[1];
+ tvector3f[e[i]*3+2] += tdir[2];
+ }
+ }
+ if (normal3f)
+ {
+ for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
- // 3 assignments, 15 subtracts, 6 multiplies
- tdir[0] = ((texcoord2f[e[1] * 2] - texcoord2f[e[0] * 2]) * (vertex3f[e[2]*3+0] - vertex3f[e[0]*3+0]) - (texcoord2f[e[2] * 2] - texcoord2f[e[0] * 2]) * (vertex3f[e[1]*3+0] - vertex3f[e[0]*3+0]));
- tdir[1] = ((texcoord2f[e[1] * 2] - texcoord2f[e[0] * 2]) * (vertex3f[e[2]*3+1] - vertex3f[e[0]*3+1]) - (texcoord2f[e[2] * 2] - texcoord2f[e[0] * 2]) * (vertex3f[e[1]*3+1] - vertex3f[e[0]*3+1]));
- tdir[2] = ((texcoord2f[e[1] * 2] - texcoord2f[e[0] * 2]) * (vertex3f[e[2]*3+2] - vertex3f[e[0]*3+2]) - (texcoord2f[e[2] * 2] - texcoord2f[e[0] * 2]) * (vertex3f[e[1]*3+2] - vertex3f[e[0]*3+2]));
- // 1 assignments, 1 negates, 2 adds, 3 multiplies
- f = -DotProduct(tdir, normal);
- // 3 assignments, 3 adds, 3 multiplies
- VectorMA(tdir, f, normal, tdir);
- // 4 assignments, 1 divide, 1 sqrt, 2 adds, 6 multiplies
- VectorNormalize(tdir);
- if (tvector3f)
- {
- // 9 assignments, 9 adds
- for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
- {
- tvector3f[e[i]*3 ] += tdir[0];
- tvector3f[e[i]*3+1] += tdir[1];
- tvector3f[e[i]*3+2] += tdir[2];
- }
- }
- if (svector3f)
- {
- // 3 assignments, 3 subtracts, 6 multiplies
- CrossProduct(normal, tdir, sdir);
- // 9 assignments, 9 adds
- for (i = 0;i < 3;i++)
- {
- svector3f[e[i]*3 ] += sdir[0];
- svector3f[e[i]*3+1] += sdir[1];
- svector3f[e[i]*3+2] += sdir[2];
- }
- }
+ normal3f[e[i]*3 ] += normal[0];
+ normal3f[e[i]*3+1] += normal[1];
+ normal3f[e[i]*3+2] += normal[2];
return true;
+void Mod_GetTerrainVertex3fTexCoord2fFromRGBA(const qbyte *imagepixels, int imagewidth, int imageheight, int ix, int iy, float *vertex3f, float *texcoord2f, matrix4x4_t *pixelstepmatrix, matrix4x4_t *pixeltexturestepmatrix)
+ float v[3], tc[3];
+ v[0] = ix;
+ v[1] = iy;
+ if (ix >= 0 && iy >= 0 && ix < imagewidth && iy < imageheight)
+ v[2] = (imagepixels[((iy*imagewidth)+ix)*4+0] + imagepixels[((iy*imagewidth)+ix)*4+1] + imagepixels[((iy*imagewidth)+ix)*4+2]) * (1.0f / 765.0f);
+ else
+ v[2] = 0;
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(pixelstepmatrix, v, vertex3f);
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(pixeltexturestepmatrix, v, tc);
+ texcoord2f[0] = tc[0];
+ texcoord2f[1] = tc[1];
+void Mod_GetTerrainVertexFromRGBA(const qbyte *imagepixels, int imagewidth, int imageheight, int ix, int iy, float *vertex3f, float *svector3f, float *tvector3f, float *normal3f, float *texcoord2f, matrix4x4_t *pixelstepmatrix, matrix4x4_t *pixeltexturestepmatrix)
+ float v[3], vup[3], vdown[3], vleft[3], vright[3];
+ float tc[3], tcup[3], tcdown[3], tcleft[3], tcright[3];
+ float sv[3], tv[3], nl[3];
+ Mod_GetTerrainVertex3fTexCoord2fFromRGBA(imagepixels, imagewidth, imageheight, ix, iy, vertex3f, texcoord2f, pixelstepmatrix, pixeltexturestepmatrix);
+ Mod_GetTerrainVertex3fTexCoord2fFromRGBA(imagepixels, imagewidth, imageheight, ix, iy - 1, vup, tcup, pixelstepmatrix, pixeltexturestepmatrix);
+ Mod_GetTerrainVertex3fTexCoord2fFromRGBA(imagepixels, imagewidth, imageheight, ix, iy + 1, vdown, tcdown, pixelstepmatrix, pixeltexturestepmatrix);
+ Mod_GetTerrainVertex3fTexCoord2fFromRGBA(imagepixels, imagewidth, imageheight, ix - 1, iy, vleft, tcleft, pixelstepmatrix, pixeltexturestepmatrix);
+ Mod_GetTerrainVertex3fTexCoord2fFromRGBA(imagepixels, imagewidth, imageheight, ix + 1, iy, vright, tcright, pixelstepmatrix, pixeltexturestepmatrix);
+ Mod_BuildBumpVectors(vertex3f, vup, vright, texcoord2f, tcup, tcright, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f);
+ Mod_BuildBumpVectors(vertex3f, vright, vdown, texcoord2f, tcright, tcdown, sv, tv, nl);
+ VectorAdd(svector3f, sv, svector3f);
+ VectorAdd(tvector3f, tv, tvector3f);
+ VectorAdd(normal3f, nl, normal3f);
+ Mod_BuildBumpVectors(vertex3f, vdown, vleft, texcoord2f, tcdown, tcleft, sv, tv, nl);
+ VectorAdd(svector3f, sv, svector3f);
+ VectorAdd(tvector3f, tv, tvector3f);
+ VectorAdd(normal3f, nl, normal3f);
+ Mod_BuildBumpVectors(vertex3f, vleft, vup, texcoord2f, tcleft, tcup, sv, tv, nl);
+ VectorAdd(svector3f, sv, svector3f);
+ VectorAdd(tvector3f, tv, tvector3f);
+ VectorAdd(normal3f, nl, normal3f);
+void Mod_ConstructTerrainPatchFromRGBA(const qbyte *imagepixels, int imagewidth, int imageheight, int x1, int y1, int width, int height, int *element3i, int *neighbor3i, float *vertex3f, float *svector3f, float *tvector3f, float *normal3f, float *texcoord2f, matrix4x4_t *pixelstepmatrix, matrix4x4_t *pixeltexturestepmatrix)
+ int x, y, ix, iy, *e;
+ e = element3i;
+ for (y = 0;y < height;y++)
+ {
+ for (x = 0;x < width;x++)
+ {
+ e[0] = (y + 1) * (width + 1) + (x + 0);
+ e[1] = (y + 0) * (width + 1) + (x + 0);
+ e[2] = (y + 1) * (width + 1) + (x + 1);
+ e[3] = (y + 0) * (width + 1) + (x + 0);
+ e[4] = (y + 0) * (width + 1) + (x + 1);
+ e[5] = (y + 1) * (width + 1) + (x + 1);
+ e += 6;
+ }
+ }
+ Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(neighbor3i, element3i, width*height*2);
+ for (y = 0, iy = y1;y < height + 1;y++, iy++)
+ for (x = 0, ix = x1;x < width + 1;x++, ix++, vertex3f += 3, texcoord2f += 2, svector3f += 3, tvector3f += 3, normal3f += 3)
+ Mod_GetTerrainVertexFromRGBA(imagepixels, imagewidth, imageheight, ix, iy, vertex3f, texcoord2f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, pixelstepmatrix, pixeltexturestepmatrix);