set g_norecoil 0 "if set to 1 shooting weapons won't make you crosshair to move upwards (recoil)"\r
set g_maplist_mostrecent "" "contains the name of the maps that were most recently played"\r
seta g_maplist_mostrecent_count 3 "number of most recent maps that are blocked from being played again"\r
-seta g_maplist "voretemple gasolinepowered reslimed skycastle greatwall_overloaded basementctf brokenworld arahia stormkeep basement farewell greatwall_revisited soylent warfare ruiner desertfactory evilspace"\r
+seta g_maplist "voretemple gasolinepowered reslimed skycastle greatwall_overloaded basementctf brokenworld arahia stormkeep basement farewell greatwall_revisited soylent warfare ruiner desertfactory evilspace strength"\r
seta g_maplist_index 0 "this is used internally for saving position in maplist cycle"\r
seta g_maplist_selectrandom 0 "if 1, a random map will be chosen as next map - DEPRECATED in favor of g_maplist_shuffle"\r
seta g_maplist_shuffle 1 "new randomization method: like selectrandom, but avoid playing the same maps in short succession. This works by taking out the first element and inserting it into g_maplist with a bias to the end of the list"\r
--- /dev/null
+ qer_editorimage env/green_dark/green_dark_lf.tga\r
+ q3map_lightimage env/green_dark/green_dark_lf.tga\r
+ skyParms env/green_dark/green_dark 128 -\r
+ surfaceparm noimpact\r
+ surfaceparm nolightmap\r
+ surfaceparm nomarks\r
+ surfaceparm sky\r
+ q3map_surfacelight 200\r
+// q3map_sunExt red green blue intensity degrees elevation deviance samples\r
+ q3map_sunExt 0.55 0.55 0.55 100 215 40 4 4\r
+ qer_editorimage textures/kaznexctf2/grate.tga\r
+ surfaceparm nomarks\r
+ surfaceparm trans\r
+ cull none\r
+ nopicmip\r
+ {\r
+ map textures/kaznexctf2/grate.tga\r
+ rgbGen identity\r
+ depthWrite\r
+ //alphaFunc GE128\r
+ blendfunc blend\r
+ }\r
+ {\r
+ map $lightmap \r
+ blendfunc filter\r
+ rgbGen identity\r
+ tcGen lightmap \r
+ depthFunc equal\r
+ }\r
+ qer_editorimage textures/liquids/slime2.tga\r
+ surfaceparm noimpact\r
+ surfaceparm nonsolid\r
+ surfaceparm slime\r
+ surfaceparm trans\r
+ cull disable\r
+ deformVertexes wave 150 sin 2 5 0.25 0.1\r
+ tessSize 128\r
+ qer_trans 0.5\r
+ q3map_surfacelight 1200\r
+ {\r
+ map textures/liquids/slime2.tga\r
+ blendfunc add\r
+ rgbGen identity\r
+ tcMod turb 0 0.2 0 0.04\r
+ }\r
+ qer_editorimage textures/liquids/slime2.tga\r
+ surfaceparm noimpact\r
+ surfaceparm nonsolid\r
+ surfaceparm slime\r
+ surfaceparm trans\r
+ cull disable\r
+ //deformVertexes wave 150 sin 2 5 0.25 0.1\r
+ tessSize 128\r
+ qer_trans 0.5\r
+ q3map_surfacelight 1200\r
+ {\r
+ map textures/liquids/slime2.tga\r
+ blendfunc add\r
+ rgbGen identity\r
+ tcMod scroll 0 -0.2\r
+ }\r