render->shadertime = shadertime;
render->alpha = 1;
VectorSet(render->colormod, 1, 1, 1);
+ VectorSet(render->glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
return render;
flagrender->skinnum = skin;
flagrender->alpha = 1;
VectorSet(flagrender->colormod, 1, 1, 1);
+ VectorSet(flagrender->glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
// attach the flag to the player matrix
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&flagmatrix, -f, -22, 0, 0, 0, -45, 1);
Matrix4x4_Concat(&flagrender->matrix, &player->render.matrix, &flagmatrix);
e->render.flags = e->state_current.flags;
e->render.effects = e->state_current.effects;
VectorScale(e->state_current.colormod, (1.0f / 32.0f), e->render.colormod);
+ VectorScale(e->state_current.glowmod, (1.0f / 32.0f), e->render.glowmod);
if(e >= cl.entities && e < cl.entities + cl.num_entities)
e->render.entitynumber = e - cl.entities;
if (e->render.model->type == mod_alias)
angles[0] = -angles[0];
if ((e->render.effects & EF_SELECTABLE) && cl.cmd.cursor_entitynumber == e->state_current.number)
+ {
VectorScale(e->render.colormod, 2, e->render.colormod);
+ VectorScale(e->render.glowmod, 2, e->render.glowmod);
+ }
// if model is alias or this is a tenebrae-like dlight, reverse pitch direction
else if (e->state_current.lightpflags & PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC)
if (!r_fullbright.integer)
ent->render.flags |= RENDER_LIGHT;
VectorSet(ent->render.colormod, 1, 1, 1);
+ VectorSet(ent->render.glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
r_refdef.scene.worldentity = &ent->render;
r_refdef.scene.worldmodel = cl.worldmodel;
if (!(e->render.effects & (EF_NOSHADOW | EF_ADDITIVE | EF_NODEPTHTEST)) && (e->render.alpha >= 1))
e->render.flags |= RENDER_SHADOW;
VectorSet(e->render.colormod, 1, 1, 1);
+ VectorSet(e->render.glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
r_refdef.scene.entities[r_refdef.scene.numentities++] = &e->render;
entrender->model = cl.csqc_model_precache[-(e->modelindex+1)];
entrender->alpha = 1;
VectorSet(entrender->colormod, 1, 1, 1);
+ VectorSet(entrender->glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&entrender->matrix, e->origin[0], e->origin[1], e->origin[2], 0, 0, 0, 1);
entrender->model = cl.model_precache[cl.qw_modelindex_spike];
entrender->alpha = 1;
VectorSet(entrender->colormod, 1, 1, 1);
+ VectorSet(entrender->glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&entrender->matrix, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], 1);
// colormod tinting of models
float colormod[3];
+ float glowmod[3];
// interpolated animation - active framegroups and blend factors
framegroupblend_t framegroupblend[MAX_FRAMEGROUPBLENDS];
staticent->render.scale = 1;
if ((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, prog->fieldoffsets.scale)) && val->_float) staticent->render.scale = val->_float;
if ((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, prog->fieldoffsets.colormod)) && VectorLength2(val->vector)) VectorCopy(val->vector, staticent->render.colormod);
+ if ((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, prog->fieldoffsets.glowmod)) && VectorLength2(val->vector)) VectorCopy(val->vector, staticent->render.glowmod);
+ if (!VectorLength2(staticent->render.colormod))
+ VectorSet(staticent->render.colormod, 1, 1, 1);
+ if (!VectorLength2(staticent->render.glowmod))
+ VectorSet(staticent->render.glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
renderflags = 0;
if ((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, prog->fieldoffsets.renderflags)) && val->_float) renderflags = (int)val->_float;
if((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.alpha)) && val->_float) entrender->alpha = val->_float;
if((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.scale)) && val->_float) entrender->scale = scale = val->_float;
if((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.colormod)) && VectorLength2(val->vector)) VectorCopy(val->vector, entrender->colormod);
+ if((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.glowmod)) && VectorLength2(val->vector)) VectorCopy(val->vector, entrender->glowmod);
if((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.effects)) && val->_float) entrender->effects |= (int)val->_float;
if((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.tag_entity)) && val->edict)
+ if (!VectorLength2(entrender->colormod))
+ VectorSet(entrender->colormod, 1, 1, 1);
+ if (!VectorLength2(entrender->glowmod))
+ VectorSet(entrender->glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
if (renderflags & RF_USEAXIS)
if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_SpecularScale >= 0) qglUniform1fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_SpecularScale, r_refdef.lightmapintensity * specularscale);
if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_TintColor >= 0) qglUniform4fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_TintColor, rsurface.texture->lightmapcolor[0], rsurface.texture->lightmapcolor[1], rsurface.texture->lightmapcolor[2], rsurface.texture->lightmapcolor[3]);
- if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_GlowColor >= 0) qglUniform1fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_GlowColor, r_hdr_glowintensity.value, r_hdr_glowintensity.value, r_hdr_glowintensity.value);
+ if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_GlowColor >= 0) qglUniform3fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_GlowColor, rsurface.glowmod[0] * r_hdr_glowintensity.value, rsurface.glowmod[1] * r_hdr_glowintensity.value, rsurface.glowmod[2] * r_hdr_glowintensity.value);
// additive passes are only darkened by fog, not tinted
if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_FogColor >= 0)
VectorSet(rsurface.modellight_lightdir, 0, 0, 1);
VectorSet(rsurface.colormap_pantscolor, 0, 0, 0);
VectorSet(rsurface.colormap_shirtcolor, 0, 0, 0);
+ VectorSet(rsurface.glowmod, 1, 1, 1);
memset(rsurface.frameblend, 0, sizeof(rsurface.frameblend));
rsurface.frameblend[0].lerp = 1;
rsurface.basepolygonfactor = r_refdef.polygonfactor;
VectorCopy(ent->modellight_lightdir, rsurface.modellight_lightdir);
VectorCopy(ent->colormap_pantscolor, rsurface.colormap_pantscolor);
VectorCopy(ent->colormap_shirtcolor, rsurface.colormap_shirtcolor);
+ VectorCopy(ent->glowmod, rsurface.glowmod);
memcpy(rsurface.frameblend, ent->frameblend, sizeof(ent->frameblend));
rsurface.basepolygonfactor = r_refdef.polygonfactor;
rsurface.basepolygonoffset = r_refdef.polygonoffset;
int glow_color; // ssqc
int glow_size; // ssqc
int glow_trail; // ssqc
+ int glowmod; // ssqc / csqc
int gravity; // ssqc
int groundentity; // ssqc / csqc
int hull; // ssqc / csqc
0,//unsigned char internaleffects; // INTEF_FLAG1QW and so on
0,//unsigned char tagindex;
{32, 32, 32},//unsigned char colormod[3];
+ {32, 32, 32},//unsigned char glowmod[3];
// padding to a multiple of 8 bytes (to align the double time)
- {0,0,0,0,0}//unsigned char unused[5]; // !
+ {0,0}//unsigned char unused[2]; // !
// LordHavoc: I own protocol ranges 96, 97, 3500-3599
MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->colormod[1]);
MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->colormod[2]);
+ if (bits & E5_GLOWMOD)
+ {
+ MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->glowmod[0]);
+ MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->glowmod[1]);
+ MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->glowmod[2]);
+ }
s->colormod[1] = MSG_ReadByte();
s->colormod[2] = MSG_ReadByte();
+ if (bits & E5_GLOWMOD)
+ {
+ s->glowmod[0] = MSG_ReadByte();
+ s->glowmod[1] = MSG_ReadByte();
+ s->glowmod[2] = MSG_ReadByte();
+ }
if (developer_networkentities.integer >= 2)
Con_Printf(" E5_GLOW %i:%i", s->glowsize * 4, s->glowcolor);
if (bits & E5_COLORMOD)
Con_Printf(" E5_COLORMOD %f:%f:%f", s->colormod[0] / 32.0f, s->colormod[1] / 32.0f, s->colormod[2] / 32.0f);
+ if (bits & E5_GLOWMOD)
+ Con_Printf(" E5_GLOWMOD %f:%f:%f", s->glowmod[0] / 32.0f, s->glowmod[1] / 32.0f, s->glowmod[2] / 32.0f);
bits |= E5_GLOW;
if (o->colormod[0] != n->colormod[0] || o->colormod[1] != n->colormod[1] || o->colormod[2] != n->colormod[2])
bits |= E5_COLORMOD;
+ if (o->glowmod[0] != n->glowmod[0] || o->glowmod[1] != n->glowmod[1] || o->glowmod[2] != n->glowmod[2])
+ bits |= E5_GLOWMOD;
if (o->active == ACTIVE_NETWORK)
unsigned char internaleffects; // INTEF_FLAG1QW and so on
unsigned char tagindex;
unsigned char colormod[3];
+ unsigned char glowmod[3];
// padding to a multiple of 8 bytes (to align the double time)
- unsigned char unused[5];
+ unsigned char unused[2];
// bits >= (1<<24)
#define E5_EXTEND3 (1<<23)
-// unused
-#define E5_UNUSED24 (1<<24)
+// byte[3] = s->glowmod[0], s->glowmod[1], s->glowmod[2]
+#define E5_GLOWMOD (1<<24)
// unused
#define E5_UNUSED25 (1<<25)
// unused
prog->fieldoffsets.glow_color = PRVM_ED_FindFieldOffset("glow_color");
prog->fieldoffsets.glow_size = PRVM_ED_FindFieldOffset("glow_size");
prog->fieldoffsets.glow_trail = PRVM_ED_FindFieldOffset("glow_trail");
+ prog->fieldoffsets.glowmod = PRVM_ED_FindFieldOffset("glowmod");
prog->fieldoffsets.gravity = PRVM_ED_FindFieldOffset("gravity");
prog->fieldoffsets.groundentity = PRVM_ED_FindFieldOffset("groundentity");
prog->fieldoffsets.hull = PRVM_ED_FindFieldOffset("hull");
// colormapping state from entity (these are black if colormapping is off)
vec3_t colormap_pantscolor;
vec3_t colormap_shirtcolor;
+ // special coloring of glow textures
+ vec3_t glowmod;
// view location in model space
vec3_t modelorg; // TODO: rename this
// polygon offset data for submodels
{ev_vector, "cursor_screen"},
{ev_vector, "cursor_trace_endpos"},
{ev_vector, "cursor_trace_start"},
+ {ev_vector, "glowmod"},
{ev_vector, "movement"},
{ev_vector, "punchvector"},
i = (int)(val->vector[2] * 32.0f);cs->colormod[2] = bound(0, i, 255);
+ // don't need to init cs->glowmod because the defaultstate did that for us
+ //cs->glowmod[0] = cs->glowmod[1] = cs->glowmod[2] = 32;
+ val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, prog->fieldoffsets.glowmod);
+ if (val->vector[0] || val->vector[1] || val->vector[2])
+ {
+ i = (int)(val->vector[0] * 32.0f);cs->glowmod[0] = bound(0, i, 255);
+ i = (int)(val->vector[1] * 32.0f);cs->glowmod[1] = bound(0, i, 255);
+ i = (int)(val->vector[2] * 32.0f);cs->glowmod[2] = bound(0, i, 255);
+ }
cs->modelindex = modelindex;
cs->alpha = 255;