### Camera angles
-Like I said before you can control vertical and horizontal angles using the mouse. To rotate the view you need to use the commands `+right` and `+left`. To move up and down, you can use `+moveup` and `+movedown`. Probably you will want to bind them to keyboard keys with something like:
+Like I said before you can control vertical and horizontal angles using the mouse. To rotate the view you need to use the commands `+right` and `+left`. Probably you will want to bind them to keyboard keys with something like:
- bind UPARROW "+moveup"
- bind DOWNARROW "+moveDOWN"
bind LEFTARROW "+left"
bind RIGHTARROW "+right"
Using standard movement keys you can move to right/left and forward/backward, also by default you can move up/down just looking up/down and moving forward/backward.
For moving up/down you can use +moveup and +movedown.
+ bind UPARROW "+moveup"
+ bind DOWNARROW "+moveDOWN"
### Camera modes
The camera has two modes: chase and free. By default the camera starts in chase mode, chaning the position according to player movements. To switch to free mode, where you can put the camera anywhere on the map, use: