-find_package(LibXml2 REQUIRED)
-find_package(GTK2 REQUIRED)
-find_package(GtkGLExt REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)
macro(radiant_plugin name)
message(STATUS "Found Plugin ${name}")
- radiant/autosave.cpp
- radiant/autosave.h
- radiant/brush.cpp
- radiant/brush.h
- radiant/brush_primit.cpp
- radiant/brush_primit.h
- radiant/brushmanip.cpp
- radiant/brushmanip.h
- radiant/brushmodule.cpp
- radiant/brushmodule.h
- radiant/brushnode.cpp
- radiant/brushnode.h
- radiant/brushtokens.cpp
- radiant/brushtokens.h
- radiant/brushxml.cpp
- radiant/brushxml.h
- radiant/build.cpp
- radiant/build.h
- radiant/camwindow.cpp
- radiant/camwindow.h
- radiant/clippertool.cpp
- radiant/clippertool.h
- radiant/commands.cpp
- radiant/commands.h
- radiant/console.cpp
- radiant/console.h
- radiant/csg.cpp
- radiant/csg.h
- radiant/dialog.cpp
- radiant/dialog.h
- radiant/eclass.cpp
- radiant/eclass.h
- radiant/eclass_def.cpp
- radiant/eclass_def.h
- radiant/eclass_doom3.cpp
- radiant/eclass_doom3.h
- radiant/eclass_fgd.cpp
- radiant/eclass_fgd.h
- radiant/eclass_xml.cpp
- radiant/eclass_xml.h
- radiant/entity.cpp
- radiant/entity.h
- radiant/entityinspector.cpp
- radiant/entityinspector.h
- radiant/entitylist.cpp
- radiant/entitylist.h
- radiant/environment.cpp
- radiant/environment.h
- radiant/error.cpp
- radiant/error.h
- radiant/feedback.cpp
- radiant/feedback.h
- radiant/filetypes.cpp
- radiant/filetypes.h
- radiant/filters.cpp
- radiant/filters.h
- radiant/findtexturedialog.cpp
- radiant/findtexturedialog.h
- radiant/glwidget.cpp
- radiant/glwidget.h
- radiant/grid.cpp
- radiant/grid.h
- radiant/groupdialog.cpp
- radiant/groupdialog.h
- radiant/gtkdlgs.cpp
- radiant/gtkdlgs.h
- radiant/gtkmisc.cpp
- radiant/gtkmisc.h
- radiant/help.cpp
- radiant/help.h
- radiant/image.cpp
- radiant/image.h
- radiant/main.cpp
- radiant/main.h
- radiant/mainframe.cpp
- radiant/mainframe.h
- radiant/map.cpp
- radiant/map.h
- radiant/mru.cpp
- radiant/mru.h
- radiant/multimon.cpp
- radiant/multimon.h
- radiant/nullmodel.cpp
- radiant/nullmodel.h
- radiant/parse.cpp
- radiant/parse.h
- radiant/patch.cpp
- radiant/patch.h
- radiant/patchdialog.cpp
- radiant/patchdialog.h
- radiant/patchmanip.cpp
- radiant/patchmanip.h
- radiant/patchmodule.cpp
- radiant/patchmodule.h
- radiant/plugin.cpp
- radiant/plugin.h
- radiant/pluginapi.cpp
- radiant/pluginapi.h
- radiant/pluginmanager.cpp
- radiant/pluginmanager.h
- radiant/pluginmenu.cpp
- radiant/pluginmenu.h
- radiant/plugintoolbar.cpp
- radiant/plugintoolbar.h
- radiant/points.cpp
- radiant/points.h
- radiant/preferencedictionary.cpp
- radiant/preferencedictionary.h
- radiant/preferences.cpp
- radiant/preferences.h
- radiant/qe3.cpp
- radiant/qe3.h
- radiant/qgl.cpp
- radiant/qgl.h
- radiant/referencecache.cpp
- radiant/referencecache.h
- radiant/renderer.cpp
- radiant/renderer.h
- radiant/renderstate.cpp
- radiant/renderstate.h
- radiant/resource.h
- radiant/scenegraph.cpp
- radiant/scenegraph.h
- radiant/select.cpp
- radiant/select.h
- radiant/selection.cpp
- radiant/selection.h
- radiant/server.cpp
- radiant/server.h
- radiant/shaders.cpp
- radiant/shaders.h
- radiant/sockets.cpp
- radiant/sockets.h
- radiant/stacktrace.cpp
- radiant/stacktrace.h
- radiant/surfacedialog.cpp
- radiant/surfacedialog.h
- radiant/texmanip.cpp
- radiant/texmanip.h
- radiant/textureentry.cpp
- radiant/textureentry.h
- radiant/textures.cpp
- radiant/textures.h
- radiant/texwindow.cpp
- radiant/texwindow.h
- radiant/timer.cpp
- radiant/timer.h
- radiant/treemodel.cpp
- radiant/treemodel.h
- radiant/undo.cpp
- radiant/undo.h
- radiant/url.cpp
- radiant/url.h
- radiant/view.cpp
- radiant/view.h
- radiant/watchbsp.cpp
- radiant/watchbsp.h
- radiant/winding.cpp
- radiant/winding.h
- radiant/windowobservers.cpp
- radiant/windowobservers.h
- radiant/xmlstuff.cpp
- radiant/xmlstuff.h
- radiant/xywindow.cpp
- radiant/xywindow.h
+add_subdirectory(radiant build)
-add_executable(radiant WIN32 radiant/radiant.rc ${RADIANTLIST})
- cmdlib
- container
- ddslib
- debugging
- gtkutil
- l_net
-# math
- mathlib
- md5lib
- memory
- modulesystem
- os
- picomodel
- profile
- script
- signal
- splines
- stream
- string
- xmllib
# Copy data files from sources to the build directory
--- /dev/null
+find_package(LibXml2 REQUIRED)
+find_package(GTK2 REQUIRED)
+find_package(GtkGLExt REQUIRED)
+ autosave.cpp
+ autosave.h
+ brush.cpp
+ brush.h
+ brush_primit.cpp
+ brush_primit.h
+ brushmanip.cpp
+ brushmanip.h
+ brushmodule.cpp
+ brushmodule.h
+ brushnode.cpp
+ brushnode.h
+ brushtokens.cpp
+ brushtokens.h
+ brushxml.cpp
+ brushxml.h
+ build.cpp
+ build.h
+ camwindow.cpp
+ camwindow.h
+ clippertool.cpp
+ clippertool.h
+ commands.cpp
+ commands.h
+ console.cpp
+ console.h
+ csg.cpp
+ csg.h
+ dialog.cpp
+ dialog.h
+ eclass.cpp
+ eclass.h
+ eclass_def.cpp
+ eclass_def.h
+ eclass_doom3.cpp
+ eclass_doom3.h
+ eclass_fgd.cpp
+ eclass_fgd.h
+ eclass_xml.cpp
+ eclass_xml.h
+ entity.cpp
+ entity.h
+ entityinspector.cpp
+ entityinspector.h
+ entitylist.cpp
+ entitylist.h
+ environment.cpp
+ environment.h
+ error.cpp
+ error.h
+ feedback.cpp
+ feedback.h
+ filetypes.cpp
+ filetypes.h
+ filters.cpp
+ filters.h
+ findtexturedialog.cpp
+ findtexturedialog.h
+ glwidget.cpp
+ glwidget.h
+ grid.cpp
+ grid.h
+ groupdialog.cpp
+ groupdialog.h
+ gtkdlgs.cpp
+ gtkdlgs.h
+ gtkmisc.cpp
+ gtkmisc.h
+ help.cpp
+ help.h
+ image.cpp
+ image.h
+ main.cpp
+ main.h
+ mainframe.cpp
+ mainframe.h
+ map.cpp
+ map.h
+ mru.cpp
+ mru.h
+ multimon.cpp
+ multimon.h
+ nullmodel.cpp
+ nullmodel.h
+ parse.cpp
+ parse.h
+ patch.cpp
+ patch.h
+ patchdialog.cpp
+ patchdialog.h
+ patchmanip.cpp
+ patchmanip.h
+ patchmodule.cpp
+ patchmodule.h
+ plugin.cpp
+ plugin.h
+ pluginapi.cpp
+ pluginapi.h
+ pluginmanager.cpp
+ pluginmanager.h
+ pluginmenu.cpp
+ pluginmenu.h
+ plugintoolbar.cpp
+ plugintoolbar.h
+ points.cpp
+ points.h
+ preferencedictionary.cpp
+ preferencedictionary.h
+ preferences.cpp
+ preferences.h
+ qe3.cpp
+ qe3.h
+ qgl.cpp
+ qgl.h
+ referencecache.cpp
+ referencecache.h
+ renderer.cpp
+ renderer.h
+ renderstate.cpp
+ renderstate.h
+ resource.h
+ scenegraph.cpp
+ scenegraph.h
+ select.cpp
+ select.h
+ selection.cpp
+ selection.h
+ server.cpp
+ server.h
+ shaders.cpp
+ shaders.h
+ sockets.cpp
+ sockets.h
+ stacktrace.cpp
+ stacktrace.h
+ surfacedialog.cpp
+ surfacedialog.h
+ texmanip.cpp
+ texmanip.h
+ textureentry.cpp
+ textureentry.h
+ textures.cpp
+ textures.h
+ texwindow.cpp
+ texwindow.h
+ timer.cpp
+ timer.h
+ treemodel.cpp
+ treemodel.h
+ undo.cpp
+ undo.h
+ url.cpp
+ url.h
+ view.cpp
+ view.h
+ watchbsp.cpp
+ watchbsp.h
+ winding.cpp
+ winding.h
+ windowobservers.cpp
+ windowobservers.h
+ xmlstuff.cpp
+ xmlstuff.h
+ xywindow.cpp
+ xywindow.h
+add_executable(radiant WIN32 radiant.rc ${RADIANTLIST})
+ cmdlib
+ container
+ ddslib
+ debugging
+ gtkutil
+ l_net
+# math
+ mathlib
+ md5lib
+ memory
+ modulesystem
+ os
+ picomodel
+ profile
+ script
+ signal
+ splines
+ stream
+ string
+ xmllib