// Used for tex file support, Smokin'Guns globals
Q_EXTERN qboolean compile_map;
-#define AUTOEXPAND_BY_REALLOC( ptr, reqitem, allocated, def ) \
+#define _AUTOEXPAND_BY_REALLOC( ptr, reqitem, allocated, def, fillWithZeros ) \
do \
{ \
+ int prevAllocated = allocated; \
if ( reqitem >= allocated ) \
{ \
if ( allocated == 0 ) { \
- allocated = def; } \
+ allocated = def; \
+ } \
while ( reqitem >= allocated && allocated ) \
+ { \
allocated *= 2; \
+ } \
if ( !allocated || allocated > 2147483647 / (int)sizeof( *ptr ) ) \
{ \
Error( #ptr " over 2 GB" ); \
} \
ptr = realloc( ptr, sizeof( *ptr ) * allocated ); \
if ( !ptr ) { \
- Error( #ptr " out of memory" ); } \
+ Error( #ptr " out of memory" ); \
+ } \
+ if ( fillWithZeros ) \
+ { \
+ memset( ptr + ( sizeof( *ptr ) * prevAllocated ), 0 , sizeof( *ptr ) * ( allocated - prevAllocated ) ); \
+ } \
} \
} \
while ( 0 )
+#define AUTOEXPAND_BY_REALLOC( ptr, reqitem, allocated, def ) _AUTOEXPAND_BY_REALLOC( ptr, reqitem, allocated, def, qfalse )
+#define AUTOEXPAND_BY_REALLOC0( ptr, reqitem, allocated, def ) _AUTOEXPAND_BY_REALLOC( ptr, reqitem, allocated, def, qtrue )
#define AUTOEXPAND_BY_REALLOC_BSP( suffix, def ) AUTOEXPAND_BY_REALLOC( bsp##suffix, numBSP##suffix, allocatedBSP##suffix, def )
+#define AUTOEXPAND_BY_REALLOC0_BSP( suffix, def ) AUTOEXPAND_BY_REALLOC0( bsp##suffix, numBSP##suffix, allocatedBSP##suffix, def )
#define Image_LinearFloatFromsRGBFloat( c ) ( ( ( c ) <= 0.04045f ) ? ( c ) * ( 1.0f / 12.92f ) : (float)pow( ( ( c ) + 0.055f ) * ( 1.0f / 1.055f ), 2.4f ) )
#define Image_sRGBFloatFromLinearFloat( c ) ( ( ( c ) < 0.0031308f ) ? ( c ) * 12.92f : 1.055f * (float)pow( ( c ), 1.0f / 2.4f ) - 0.055f )