{"-flat", "Enable flat shading (good for combining with -celshader)"},
{"-fulldetail", "Treat detail brushes as structural ones"},
{"-leaktest", "Abort if a leak was found"},
- {"-linefile <filename.lin>", "Line file to write"},
+ {"-linfile <filename.lin>", "Line file to write"},
{"-meta", "Combine adjacent triangles of the same texture to surfaces (ALWAYS USE THIS)"},
{"-minsamplesize <N>", "Sets minimum lightmap resolution in luxels/qu"},
{"-mi <N>", "Sets the maximum number of indexes per surface"},
struct HelpOption vis[] = {
{"-vis <filename.map>", "Switch that enters this stage"},
{"-fast", "Very fast and crude vis calculation"},
+ {"-hint", "Merge all but hint portals"},
{"-mergeportals", "The less crude half of `-merge`, makes vis sometimes much faster but doesn't hurt fps usually"},
{"-merge", "Faster but still okay vis calculation"},
{"-nopassage", "Just use PortalFlow vis (usually less fps)"},
{"-gridscale <F>", "Scaling factor for the light grid only"},
{"-keeplights", "Keep light entities in the BSP file after compile"},
{"-lightmapdir <directory>", "Directory to store external lightmaps (default: same as map name without extension)"},
+ {"-lightmapsearchblocksize <N>", "Restrict lightmap search to block size <N>"},
+ {"-lightmapsearchpower <N>", "Optimize for lightmap merge power <N>"},
{"-lightmapsize <N>", "Size of lightmaps to generate (must be a power of two)"},
{"-lightsubdiv <N>", "Size of light emitting shader subdivision"},
{"-lomem", "Low memory but slower lighting mode"},