**Other Active Contributors
Ant "Antibody" Zucaro
Antonio "terencehill" Piu
Ben "MooKow" Banker
Samual Lenks
Severin "sev" Meyer
Stephan "esteel" Stahl
+The player with the unnecessarily long name
Wolfgang "Blub\0" Bumiller
** TODO to be verified and sorted into the categories
-Akari - freezetag fixes, crosshair color health indicator
atheros - CA fixes
cortez - map changes
Florian Paul Schmidt - g_dodging
magorian - a menu text overlap issue fix
Paul Scott - keepaway bot AI
PlasmaSheep - worked on player voices
-ThePWTULN - campaign timer
Sc0rp - some of our music
Rodrigo Mouton Laudin <ratogenesis> - Spanish translation
Maxime Paradis <taximus.micro> - French translation (additionally to calinou)