"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
" // get the surface normal and the gloss color\n"
-" myhalf3 surfacenormal = normalize(mix(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryNormal, TexCoord)), myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)), terrainblend) - myhalf3(0.5));\n"
+" myhalf3 surfacenormal = normalize(mix(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryNormal, TexCoord)), myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)), terrainblend) - myhalf3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));\n"
"# ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
" myhalf3 glosscolor = mix(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryGloss, TexCoord), myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord)), TexCoord), terrainblend);\n"
"# endif\n"
typedef enum shaderpermutation_e
- SHADERPERMUTATION_VERTEXTEXTUREBLEND = 1<<0, // indicates this is a two-layer material blend based on vertex alpha (q3bsp)
- SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING = 1<<1, // indicates this is a colormapped skin
- SHADERPERMUTATION_CONTRASTBOOST = 1<<2, // r_glsl_contrastboost boosts the contrast at low color levels (similar to gamma)
- SHADERPERMUTATION_FOG = 1<<3, // tint the color by fog color or black if using additive blend mode
- SHADERPERMUTATION_CUBEFILTER = 1<<4, // (lightsource) use cubemap light filter
- SHADERPERMUTATION_GLOW = 1<<5, // (lightmap) blend in an additive glow texture
- SHADERPERMUTATION_DIFFUSE = 1<<6, // (lightsource) whether to use directional shading
+ SHADERPERMUTATION_DIFFUSE = 1<<0, // (lightsource) whether to use directional shading
+ SHADERPERMUTATION_VERTEXTEXTUREBLEND = 1<<1, // indicates this is a two-layer material blend based on vertex alpha (q3bsp)
+ SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING = 1<<2, // indicates this is a colormapped skin
+ SHADERPERMUTATION_CONTRASTBOOST = 1<<3, // r_glsl_contrastboost boosts the contrast at low color levels (similar to gamma)
+ SHADERPERMUTATION_FOG = 1<<4, // tint the color by fog color or black if using additive blend mode
+ SHADERPERMUTATION_CUBEFILTER = 1<<5, // (lightsource) use cubemap light filter
+ SHADERPERMUTATION_GLOW = 1<<6, // (lightmap) blend in an additive glow texture
SHADERPERMUTATION_SPECULAR = 1<<7, // (lightsource or deluxemapping) render specular effects
SHADERPERMUTATION_REFLECTION = 1<<8, // normalmap-perturbed reflection of the scene infront of the surface, preformed as an overlay on the surface
SHADERPERMUTATION_OFFSETMAPPING = 1<<9, // adjust texcoords to roughly simulate a displacement mapped surface
shaderpermutationinfo_t shaderpermutationinfo[SHADERPERMUTATION_COUNT] =
+ {"#define USEDIFFUSE\n", " diffuse"},
{"#define USEVERTEXTEXTUREBLEND\n", " vertextextureblend"},
{"#define USECOLORMAPPING\n", " colormapping"},
{"#define USECONTRASTBOOST\n", " contrastboost"},
{"#define USEFOG\n", " fog"},
{"#define USECUBEFILTER\n", " cubefilter"},
{"#define USEGLOW\n", " glow"},
- {"#define USEDIFFUSE\n", " diffuse"},
{"#define USESPECULAR\n", " specular"},
{"#define USEREFLECTION\n", " reflection"},
{"#define USEOFFSETMAPPING\n", " offsetmapping"},