float hidden_width;
int direction;
-float demo_angle = -37;
-float demo_direction = 1;
-float demo_time = 0;
-bool state_onground = false;
-float state_onground_time = 0;
-bool state_strafekeys = false;
-float state_strafekeys_time = 0;
-bool turn = false;
-float turnangle;
-float turnspeed;
-float turnaccel;
-bool fwd = true;
-float starttime = 0;
-float startspeed = -1;
+float GeomLerp(float a, float _lerp, float b); // declare GeomLerp here since there's no header file for it
void HUD_StrafeHUD()
// draw strafehud
if(csqcplayer && strafeplayer)
+ float strafe_waterlevel;
+ // get the player waterlevel without affecting the player entity
+ {
+ // store old values
+ void old_contentstransition(int, int) = strafeplayer.contentstransition;
+ float old_watertype = strafeplayer.watertype;
+ float old_waterlevel = strafeplayer.waterlevel;
+ strafeplayer.contentstransition = func_null; // unset the contentstransition function if present
+ _Movetype_CheckWater(strafeplayer);
+ strafe_waterlevel = strafeplayer.waterlevel; // store the player waterlevel
+ // restore old values
+ strafeplayer.contentstransition = old_contentstransition;
+ strafeplayer.watertype = old_watertype;
+ strafeplayer.waterlevel = old_waterlevel;
+ }
+ // presistent
+ static float demo_angle = -37;
+ static float demo_direction = 1;
+ static float demo_time = 0;
+ static bool state_onground = false;
+ static float state_onground_time = 0;
+ static bool state_strafekeys = false;
+ static float state_strafekeys_time = 0;
+ static bool turn = false;
+ static float turnangle;
+ static float turnspeed;
+ static float turnaccel;
+ static bool fwd = true;
+ static float strafe_dt_time = 0;
+ static int strafe_dt_count = 0;
+ static float strafe_dt_sum = 0;
+ static float strafe_dt_avg = 0;
// physics
bool onground = islocal ? IS_ONGROUND(strafeplayer) : !(strafeplayer.anim_implicit_state & ANIMIMPLICITSTATE_INAIR);
bool strafekeys;
- bool swimming = strafeplayer.waterlevel >= WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING;
+ bool swimming = strafe_waterlevel >= WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING; // the hud will not work well while swimming
bool spectating = entcs_GetSpecState(strafeplayer.sv_entnum) == ENTCS_SPEC_PURE;
float speed = !autocvar__hud_configure ? vlen(vec2(csqcplayer.velocity)) : 1337; // use local csqcmodel entity for this even when spectating, flickers too much otherwise
- float crouch_mod = IS_DUCKED(csqcplayer) && !swimming ? .5 : 1;
- float water_mod = swimming ? .7 : 1; // very simplified water physics, the hud will not work well (and is not supposed to) while swimming
+ float maxspeed_mod = IS_DUCKED(csqcplayer) ? .5 : 1;
float maxspeed_phys = onground ? PHYS_MAXSPEED(strafeplayer) : PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer);
- float maxspeed = !autocvar__hud_configure ? maxspeed_phys * crouch_mod * water_mod : 320;
+ float maxspeed = !autocvar__hud_configure ? maxspeed_phys * maxspeed_mod : 320;
float movespeed;
+ float bestspeed;
float maxaccel_phys = onground ? PHYS_ACCELERATE(strafeplayer) : PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer);
- float maxaccel = !autocvar__hud_configure ? maxaccel_phys * crouch_mod * water_mod : 1;
+ float maxaccel = !autocvar__hud_configure ? maxaccel_phys : 1;
+ float frametime_phys;
float vel_angle = vectoangles(strafeplayer.velocity).y - (vectoangles(strafeplayer.velocity).y > 180 ? 360 : 0); // change the range from 0° - 360° to -180° - 180° to match how view_angle represents angles
float view_angle = PHYS_INPUT_ANGLES(strafeplayer).y;
float angle;
float length_conversion_factor = GetLengthUnitFactor(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_unit);
int length_decimals = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_unit >= 3 && autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_unit <= 5 ? 6 : 2; // use more decimals when displaying km or miles
float antiflicker_angle = bound(0, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_antiflicker_angle, 180);
- float antiflicker_speed = max(0, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_antiflicker_speed);
float minspeed;
float shift_offset = 0;
bool straight_overturn = false;
- bool immobile = speed <= (swimming ? antiflicker_speed : 0);
+ bool immobile = speed <= 0;
float hudangle;
float neutral_offset;
float neutral_width;
arrow_size = max(arrow_size, 1);
+ // determine frametime
+ if((csqcplayer_status == CSQCPLAYERSTATUS_PREDICTED) && (input_timelength > 0))
+ frametime_phys = input_timelength;
+ else
+ frametime_phys = ticrate;
+ if(frametime_phys > .05) // server splits frames longer than 50 ms into two moves
+ frametime_phys /= 2; // doesn't ensure frames are smaller than 50 ms, just splits large frames in half, matches server behaviour
+ // calculate average frametime
+ strafe_dt_sum += frametime_phys;
+ ++strafe_dt_count;
+ if(((time - strafe_dt_time) > autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_fps_update) || (strafe_dt_time == 0))
+ {
+ strafe_dt_avg = strafe_dt_sum / strafe_dt_count;
+ strafe_dt_time = time;
+ strafe_dt_count = strafe_dt_sum = 0;
+ }
// determine whether the player is pressing forwards or backwards keys
if(islocal) // if entity is local player
state_strafekeys = strafekeys;
- if((!strafekeys && vlen(vec2(movement)) > 0) || swimming || autocvar__hud_configure)
+ if((!strafekeys && vlen(vec2(movement)) > 0) || autocvar__hud_configure)
turn = false;
turnangle = wishangle;
// calculate the maximum air strafe speed and acceleration
- if(PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer) == 0){
- maxspeed = 0;
- }
- else if(PHYS_MAXAIRSTRAFESPEED(strafeplayer) == 0 || PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer) <= PHYS_MAXAIRSTRAFESPEED(strafeplayer)){
- maxspeed = PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer);
- }
- else{
- maxspeed = PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer) * pow(fabs(PHYS_MAXAIRSTRAFESPEED(strafeplayer) / PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer)), 1 - (90 - fabs(wishangle)) / 45); // no modifiers here because they don't affect air strafing
+ float strafity = 1 - (90 - fabs(wishangle)) / 45;
+ if(PHYS_MAXAIRSTRAFESPEED(strafeplayer) != 0){
+ maxspeed = GeomLerp(PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer), strafity, PHYS_MAXAIRSTRAFESPEED(strafeplayer));
+ maxspeed = min(maxspeed, PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer) * maxspeed_mod);
turnspeed = vlen(vec2(movement));
if(turnspeed == 0) turnspeed = maxspeed;
else turnspeed = min(turnspeed, maxspeed);
- if(PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer) == 0){
- maxaccel = 0;
- }
- else if(PHYS_AIRSTRAFEACCELERATE(strafeplayer) == 0 || PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer) <= PHYS_AIRSTRAFEACCELERATE(strafeplayer)){
- maxaccel = PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer);
- }
- else{
- maxaccel = PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer) * pow(fabs(PHYS_AIRSTRAFEACCELERATE(strafeplayer) / PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer)), 1 - (90 - fabs(wishangle)) / 45); // no modifiers here because they don't affect air strafing
+ if(PHYS_AIRSTRAFEACCELERATE(strafeplayer) != 0) {
+ maxaccel = GeomLerp(PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer), strafity, PHYS_AIRSTRAFEACCELERATE(strafeplayer));
turnaccel = maxaccel;
if((keys & KEY_JUMP) && ((time - state_onground_time) < autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_timeout_ground)) // if ground timeout hasn't expired yet use air accelerate
- maxaccel = !autocvar__hud_configure ? PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer) * crouch_mod * water_mod : 1;
+ maxaccel = !autocvar__hud_configure ? PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer) : 1;
if(!(keys & KEY_JUMP) && ((time - state_onground_time) < autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_timeout_air)) // if air timeout hasn't expired yet use ground accelerate
- maxaccel = !autocvar__hud_configure ? PHYS_ACCELERATE(strafeplayer) * crouch_mod * water_mod : 1;
+ maxaccel = !autocvar__hud_configure ? PHYS_ACCELERATE(strafeplayer) : 1;
- minspeed = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_minspeed < 0 ? (movespeed - maxaccel) + antiflicker_speed : autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_minspeed;
+ maxaccel *= strafe_dt_avg * movespeed;
+ bestspeed = max(movespeed - maxaccel, 0);
+ float strafespeed = speed; // speed minus friction
+ if((strafespeed > 0) && onground){
+ float strafefriction = IS_ONSLICK(strafeplayer) ? PHYS_FRICTION_SLICK(strafeplayer) : PHYS_FRICTION(strafeplayer);
+ float f = 1 - strafe_dt_avg * strafefriction * max(PHYS_STOPSPEED(strafeplayer) / strafespeed, 1);
+ if(f <= 0)
+ strafespeed = 0;
+ else
+ strafespeed *= f;
+ }
+ minspeed = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_minspeed < 0 ? bestspeed + (speed - strafespeed) : autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_minspeed;
// get current strafing angle ranging from -180° to +180°
// best angle to strafe at
- bestangle = (speed > fabs(movespeed - maxaccel) ? acos(fabs(movespeed - maxaccel) / speed) * RAD2DEG * (direction < 0 ? -1 : 1) : 0);
- prebestangle = (speed > fabs(movespeed) ? acos(fabs(movespeed) / speed) * RAD2DEG * (direction < 0 ? -1 : 1) : 0);
+ bestangle = (strafespeed > bestspeed ? acos(bestspeed / strafespeed) * RAD2DEG * (direction < 0 ? -1 : 1) : 0);
+ prebestangle = (strafespeed > movespeed ? acos(movespeed / strafespeed) * RAD2DEG * (direction < 0 ? -1 : 1) : 0);
odd_bestangle = -bestangle - wishangle;
bestangle -= wishangle;
prebestangle -= wishangle;
HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(accelzone_right_offset, accelzone_width, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_accel_color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_accel_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, 2);
HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(preaccelzone_right_offset, preaccelzone_width, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_preaccel_color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_preaccel_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, 0);
- // draw overturn zone
+ // draw overturn zone (technically incorrect, acceleration decreases after 90 degrees but speed loss happens a little bit after 90 degrees, however due to sv_airstopaccelerate that's hard to calculate)
HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD(overturn_offset, overturn_width, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_overturn_color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_overturn_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_style, 3);
// draw neutral zone
slicksteps = min(slicksteps, 4);
- slicksteps = 90 / pow(2, slicksteps);
+ slicksteps = 90 / 2 ** slicksteps;
- if(islocal) slickdetected = IS_ONSLICK(strafeplayer); // don't need to traceline if already touching slick
+ if(islocal) slickdetected = (IS_ONSLICK(strafeplayer) || (IS_ONGROUND(strafeplayer) && (PHYS_FRICTION(strafeplayer) == 0))); // don't need to traceline if already touching slick
// traceline into every direction
trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = 0;
+ vector traceorigin = strafeplayer.origin + '0 0 1' * strafeplayer.mins.z;
for(float i = 0; i < 360 && !slickdetected; i += slicksteps)
vector slickoffset;
slickoffset.x = sin(j * DEG2RAD) * slickrotate;
slickoffset.y = cos(j * DEG2RAD) * slickrotate;
- traceline(strafeplayer.origin, strafeplayer.origin + slickoffset, MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL);
+ traceline(traceorigin, traceorigin + slickoffset, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, strafeplayer);
if((PHYS_FRICTION(strafeplayer) == 0 && trace_fraction < 1) || trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SLICK) slickdetected = true;
slickoffset.x = slickoffset.y = 0;
- traceline(strafeplayer.origin, strafeplayer.origin + slickoffset, MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL);
+ traceline(traceorigin, traceorigin + slickoffset, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, strafeplayer);
if((PHYS_FRICTION(strafeplayer) == 0 && trace_fraction < 1) || trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SLICK) slickdetected = true;
drawfill(panel_pos + eX * (indicator_direction ? 0 : panel_size.x - direction_size_horizontal.x) + eY * panel_size.y, direction_size_horizontal, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction_color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(speed <= (fabs(movespeed - maxaccel) + antiflicker_speed) && !immobile)
+ if(strafespeed <= bestspeed && !immobile)
bestangle_anywhere = true; // moving forward should suffice to gain speed
// show speed when crossing the start trigger
if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_startspeed_fade > 0)
- float text_alpha = 0;
+ static float startspeed = 0, starttime = 0; // displayed value and timestamp for fade out
if((race_nextcheckpoint == 1) || (race_checkpoint == 254 && race_nextcheckpoint == 255)) // check if the start trigger was hit (will also trigger if the finish trigger was hit if those have the same ID)
if(starttime != race_checkpointtime)
startspeed = speed;
- if(startspeed >= 0)
- {
- text_alpha = cos(((time - starttime) / autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_startspeed_fade) * 90 * DEG2RAD); // fade non-linear like the physics panel does
- if((time - starttime) > autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_startspeed_fade)
- {
- startspeed = -1;
- }
- }
- if(startspeed >= 0 && text_alpha > 0 && autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_startspeed_size > 0)
+ if((starttime > 0) && ((time - starttime) <= autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_startspeed_fade) && autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_startspeed_size > 0)
+ float text_alpha = cos(((time - starttime) / autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_startspeed_fade) * 90 * DEG2RAD); // fade non-linear like the physics panel does
vector startspeed_size = panel_size;
startspeed_size.y = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_startspeed_size;
drawstring_aspect(panel_pos + eY * (panel_size.y + text_offset), strcat(ftos_decimals(startspeed * speed_conversion_factor, 2), autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_unit_show ? speed_unit : ""), startspeed_size, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_startspeed_color, text_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- {
- starttime = 0;
- startspeed = -1;
- }
// show height achieved by a single jump
+ // FIXME: checking z position differences is unreliable (warpzones, teleporter, kill, etc) but using velocity to calculate jump height would be
+ // inaccurate in hud code (possibly different tick rate, doesn't run when hud isn't drawn, rounding errors)
if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_jumpheight_fade > 0 && autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_jumpheight_size > 0)
static float height_min = 0, height_max = 0; // ground and peak of jump z coordinates
static float jumpheight = 0, jumptime = 0; // displayed value and timestamp for fade out
- // tries to catch kill and spectate but those are not reliable, should just hook to kill/spectate/teleport and reset jump height there
- if((strafeplayer.velocity.z <= 0 && height_max >= strafeplayer.origin.z) || onground || swimming || IS_DEAD(strafeplayer) || spectating)
+ // tries to catch kill and spectate but those are not reliable
+ if((strafeplayer.velocity.z <= 0) || onground || swimming || IS_DEAD(strafeplayer) || spectating)
height_min = height_max = strafeplayer.origin.z;
else if(strafeplayer.origin.z > height_max)
height_max = strafeplayer.origin.z;
- jumpheight = (height_max - height_min) * length_conversion_factor;
+ float jumpheight_new = (height_max - height_min) * length_conversion_factor;
- if(jumpheight > max(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_jumpheight_min, 0))
+ if(jumpheight_new > max(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_jumpheight_min, 0))
+ {
+ jumpheight = jumpheight_new;
jumptime = time;
+ }
- if((time - jumptime) <= autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_jumpheight_fade)
+ if((jumptime > 0) && (time - jumptime) <= autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_jumpheight_fade)
float text_alpha = cos(((time - jumptime) / autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_jumpheight_fade) * 90 * DEG2RAD); // fade non-linear like the physics panel does
vector jumpheight_size = panel_size;