tracebox(dst_ahead, this.mins, this.maxs, dst_down, true, this);
if (tracebox_hits_trigger_hurt(dst_ahead, this.mins, this.maxs, trace_endpos))
- evadelava = normalize(this.velocity) * -1;
+ {
+ if (gco.z > this.origin.z + jumpstepheightvec.z)
+ {
+ // the goal is probably on an upper platform, assume bot can't get there
+ LOG_TRACE("bot ", this.netname, " avoided the goal ", this.goalcurrent.classname, " ", etos(this.goalcurrent), " because it led to a dangerous path; goal stack cleared");
+ navigation_clearroute(this);
+ this.bot_strategytime = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ evadelava = normalize(this.velocity) * -1;
+ }