-GENERIC_COMMAND(dumpcommands, "Dump all commands on the program to <program>_cmd_dump.txt")
+GENERIC_COMMAND(dumpcommands, "Dump all commands on the program to <program>_cmd_dump.txt", false)
// Do not hard code aliases for these, instead create them in commands.cfg... also: keep in alphabetical order, please ;)
-GENERIC_COMMAND(addtolist, "Add a string to a cvar") { GenericCommand_addtolist(request, arguments); }
-GENERIC_COMMAND(maplist, "Automatic control of maplist") { GenericCommand_maplist(request, arguments); }
-GENERIC_COMMAND(nextframe, "Execute the given command next frame of this VM") { GenericCommand_nextframe(request, command); }
-GENERIC_COMMAND(qc_curl, "Queries a URL") { GenericCommand_qc_curl(request, arguments); }
-GENERIC_COMMAND(removefromlist, "Remove a string from a cvar") { GenericCommand_removefromlist(request, arguments); }
-GENERIC_COMMAND(restartnotifs, "Re-initialize all notifications") { GenericCommand_restartnotifs(request); }
-GENERIC_COMMAND(rpn, "RPN calculator") { GenericCommand_rpn(request, arguments, command); }
-GENERIC_COMMAND(settemp, "Temporarily set a value to a cvar which is restored later") { GenericCommand_settemp(request, arguments); }
-GENERIC_COMMAND(settemp_restore, "Restore all cvars set by settemp command") { GenericCommand_settemp_restore(request); }
-GENERIC_COMMAND(runtest, "Run unit tests") { GenericCommand_runtest(request, arguments); }
+GENERIC_COMMAND(addtolist, "Add a string to a cvar", true) { GenericCommand_addtolist(request, arguments); }
+GENERIC_COMMAND(maplist, "Automatic control of maplist", true) { GenericCommand_maplist(request, arguments); }
+GENERIC_COMMAND(nextframe, "Execute the given command next frame of this VM", true) { GenericCommand_nextframe(request, command); }
+GENERIC_COMMAND(qc_curl, "Queries a URL", true) { GenericCommand_qc_curl(request, arguments); }
+GENERIC_COMMAND(removefromlist, "Remove a string from a cvar", true) { GenericCommand_removefromlist(request, arguments); }
+GENERIC_COMMAND(restartnotifs, "Re-initialize all notifications", false) { GenericCommand_restartnotifs(request); }
+GENERIC_COMMAND(rpn, "RPN calculator", true) { GenericCommand_rpn(request, arguments, command); }
+GENERIC_COMMAND(settemp, "Temporarily set a value to a cvar which is restored later", false) { GenericCommand_settemp(request, arguments); }
+GENERIC_COMMAND(settemp_restore, "Restore all cvars set by settemp command", false) { GenericCommand_settemp_restore(request); }
+GENERIC_COMMAND(runtest, "Run unit tests", false) { GenericCommand_runtest(request, arguments); }
void GenericCommand_macro_help()
-#define GENERIC_COMMAND(id, description) \
+.bool m_menubased; // switch to tell whether this alias should be registered as a menu or client based command
+#define GENERIC_COMMAND(id, description, menubased) \
CLASS(genericcommand_##id, Command) \
ATTRIB(genericcommand_##id, m_name, string, #id); \
ATTRIB(genericcommand_##id, m_description, string, description); \
+ ATTRIB(genericcommand_##id, m_menubased, bool, menubased); \
ENDCLASS(genericcommand_##id) \
REGISTER(GENERIC_COMMANDS, CMD_G, id, m_id, NEW(genericcommand_##id)); \
METHOD(genericcommand_##id, m_invokecmd, void(genericcommand_##id this, int request, entity caller, int arguments, string command))
- FOREACH(GENERIC_COMMANDS, true, localcmd(sprintf("alias %1$s \"%2$s %1$s ${* ?}\"\n", it.m_name, "qc_cmd_svmenu")));
+ FOREACH(GENERIC_COMMANDS, true, localcmd(sprintf("alias %1$s \"%2$s %1$s ${* ?}\"\n", it.m_name, ((it.m_menubased) ? "qc_cmd_svmenu" : "qc_cmd_svcl"))));
-GENERIC_COMMAND(bufstr_get, "Examine a string buffer object")
+GENERIC_COMMAND(bufstr_get, "Examine a string buffer object", false)
switch (request)
-GENERIC_COMMAND(version, "Print the current version")
+GENERIC_COMMAND(version, "Print the current version", false)
switch (request)
#ifdef CSQC
void(float bufhandle, string pattern, string antipattern) buf_cvarlist = #517;
-GENERIC_COMMAND(cvar_localchanges, "Print locally changed cvars")
+GENERIC_COMMAND(cvar_localchanges, "Print locally changed cvars", false)
switch (request)
-GENERIC_COMMAND(find, "Search through entities for matching classname")
+GENERIC_COMMAND(find, "Search through entities for matching classname", false)
switch (request)
-GENERIC_COMMAND(findat, "Search through entities for matching origin")
+GENERIC_COMMAND(findat, "Search through entities for matching origin", false)
switch (request)
#undef WRITE
-GENERIC_COMMAND(dumpeffectinfo, "Dump all effectinfo to effectinfo_dump.txt")
+GENERIC_COMMAND(dumpeffectinfo, "Dump all effectinfo to effectinfo_dump.txt", false)
switch (request) {
void Dump_Items();
-GENERIC_COMMAND(dumpitems, "Dump all items to the console") {
+GENERIC_COMMAND(dumpitems, "Dump all items to the console", false) {
switch (request) {
void Dump_Notifications(int fh, bool alsoprint);
-GENERIC_COMMAND(dumpnotifs, "Dump all notifications into notifications_dump.txt")
+GENERIC_COMMAND(dumpnotifs, "Dump all notifications into notifications_dump.txt", false)
switch (request)
#define TR_CONFIG_END()
-GENERIC_COMMAND(dumpturrets, "Dump all turrets into turrets_dump.txt")
+GENERIC_COMMAND(dumpturrets, "Dump all turrets into turrets_dump.txt", false)
#define WepSet_FromWeapon(it) ((it).m_wepset)
WepSet _WepSet_FromWeapon(int i);
-GENERIC_COMMAND(dumpweapons, "Dump all weapons into weapons_dump.txt") // WEAPONTODO: make this work with other progs than just server
+GENERIC_COMMAND(dumpweapons, "Dump all weapons into weapons_dump.txt", false) // WEAPONTODO: make this work with other progs than just server
#include <common/command/_mod.qh>
-GENERIC_COMMAND(mx, "Send a matrix command") {
+GENERIC_COMMAND(mx, "Send a matrix command", false) {
switch (argv(1)) {
case "user":
strcpy(matrix_user, substring(command, argv_start_index(2), -1));