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-.rpc { fill:#ffca55 }
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+.hagar { fill:#e39160 }
+.hlac { fill:#e39160 }
+.hmg { fill:#fd725d }
+.hook { fill:#81f13d }
+.laser { fill:#f7717b }
+.minelayer { fill:#fd725d }
+.nex { fill:#75c3d5 }
+.porto { fill:#679ff3 }
+.rifle { fill:#e39160 }
+.rocketlauncher { fill:#e9be57 }
+.rpc { fill:#e9be57 }
+.seeker { fill:#f7717b }
+.shotgun { fill:#8897a4 }
+.shockwave { fill:#77b38a }
+.tuba { fill:#e9be57 }
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+.vortex { fill:#75c3d5 }
/* Powerups */
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-.strength { fill:#ffa35f }
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+.speed { fill:#75c3d5 }
+.strength { fill:#e39160 }
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/* Items */
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+.keepaway { fill:#8aa9c6 }
+.ball { fill:#8aa9c6 }
+/* Nades */
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+.nade_ice { fill:#75c3d5 }
+.nade_napalm { fill:#e39160 }
/* Notifications */
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-.fall { fill:#ff7373 }
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-.selfkill { fill:#96ccfa }
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-.slime { fill:#dcff4b }
-.telefrag { fill:#73c1ff }
-.void { fill:#78b5ff }
-.water { fill:#69fffa }
+.camping { fill:#81f13d }
+.death { fill:#8aa9c6 }
+.fall { fill:#fd725d }
+.lava { fill:#e39160 }
+.melee { fill:#81f13d }
+.outofammo { fill:#8aa9c6 }
+.selfkill { fill:#8aa9c6 }
+.shootingstar { fill:#e9be57 }
+.slime { fill:#81f13d }
+.telefrag { fill:#679ff3 }
+.void { fill:#679ff3 }
+.water { fill:#75c3d5 }
/* Race */
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-.newrank { fill:#fff34b }
-.newrecord { fill:#ff8669 }
-.newtime { fill:#81ff4b }
+.newfail { fill:#679ff3 }
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+/* Jetpack */
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