seta notification_ANNCE_VOTE_CALL "2" "0 = disabled, 1 = enabled if gentle mode is off, 2 = always enabled"
seta notification_ANNCE_VOTE_FAIL "2" "0 = disabled, 1 = enabled if gentle mode is off, 2 = always enabled"
-// MSG_INFO notifications (count = 311):
+// MSG_INFO notifications (count = 315):
seta notification_INFO_CONNECTING "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_INFO_CHAT_NOSPECTATORS "2" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_INFO_CTF_CAPTURE_RED "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_INFO_JOIN_CONNECT_TEAM_YELLOW "2" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_INFO_JOIN_CONNECT_TEAM_PINK "2" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_INFO_JOIN_PLAY "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
+seta notification_INFO_JOIN_PLAY_TEAM_RED "2" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
+seta notification_INFO_JOIN_PLAY_TEAM_BLUE "2" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
+seta notification_INFO_JOIN_PLAY_TEAM_YELLOW "2" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
+seta notification_INFO_JOIN_PLAY_TEAM_PINK "2" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_INFO_KEEPAWAY_DROPPED "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_INFO_KEEPAWAY_PICKUP "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_INFO_KEYHUNT_CAPTURE_RED "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_INFO_WEAPON_VAPORIZER_MURDER "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_INFO_WEAPON_VORTEX_MURDER "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
-// MSG_CENTER notifications (count = 221):
+// MSG_CENTER notifications (count = 222):
seta notification_CENTER_ALONE "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
seta notification_CENTER_ASSAULT_ATTACKING "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
seta notification_CENTER_ASSAULT_DEFENDING "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
seta notification_CENTER_LMS_NOLIVES "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
seta notification_CENTER_MISSING_TEAMS "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
seta notification_CENTER_MISSING_PLAYERS "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
+seta notification_CENTER_INSTAGIB_DOWNGRADE "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
seta notification_CENTER_INSTAGIB_FINDAMMO "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
seta notification_CENTER_INSTAGIB_FINDAMMO_FIRST "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
seta notification_CENTER_INSTAGIB_LIVES_REMAINING "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
seta notification_show_sprees_info_newline "1" "Show attacker spree information for MSG_INFO messages on a separate line than the death notification itself"
seta notification_show_sprees_info_specialonly "1" "Don't show attacker spree information in MSG_INFO messages if it isn't an achievement"
-// Notification counts (total = 797): MSG_ANNCE = 89, MSG_INFO = 311, MSG_CENTER = 221, MSG_MULTI = 152, MSG_CHOICE = 24
+// Notification counts (total = 802): MSG_ANNCE = 89, MSG_INFO = 315, MSG_CENTER = 222, MSG_MULTI = 152, MSG_CHOICE = 24
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(2, INFO_JOIN_CONNECT, 1, 0, "s1", "", "", _("^BG%s^F3 connected"), "")
MULTITEAM_INFO(2, INFO_JOIN_CONNECT_TEAM_, 4, 1, 0, "s1", "", "", _("^BG%s^F3 connected and joined the ^TC^TT team"), "")
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(1, INFO_JOIN_PLAY, 1, 0, "s1", "", "", _("^BG%s^F3 is now playing"), "")
+ MULTITEAM_INFO(2, INFO_JOIN_PLAY_TEAM_, 4, 1, 0, "s1", "", "", _("^BG%s^F3 is now playing on the ^TC^TT team"), "")
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(1, INFO_KEEPAWAY_DROPPED, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "notify_balldropped", _("^BG%s^BG has dropped the ball!"), "")
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(1, INFO_KEEPAWAY_PICKUP, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "notify_ballpickedup", _("^BG%s^BG has picked up the ball!"), "")
MULTITEAM_INFO(1, INFO_KEYHUNT_CAPTURE_, 4, 1, 0, "s1", "", "", _("^BG%s^BG captured the keys for the ^TC^TT team"), "")
this.netname_previous = strzone(this.netname);
- Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, (teamplay ? APP_TEAM_ENT_4(this, INFO_JOIN_CONNECT_TEAM_) : INFO_JOIN_CONNECT), this.netname);
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, ((teamplay && IS_PLAYER(this)) ? APP_TEAM_ENT_4(this, INFO_JOIN_CONNECT_TEAM_) : INFO_JOIN_CONNECT), this.netname);
stuffcmd(this, clientstuff, "\n");
stuffcmd(this, "cl_particles_reloadeffects\n"); // TODO do we still need this?
- if(IS_PLAYER(self)) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, world, MSG_INFO, INFO_JOIN_PLAY, self.netname); }
+ if(IS_PLAYER(self)) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, world, MSG_INFO, ((teamplay) ? APP_TEAM_ENT_4(this, INFO_JOIN_PLAY_TEAM_) : INFO_JOIN_PLAY), self.netname); }
stuffcmd(self, "menu_showteamselect\n");