for(tmp_entity = ctf_worldflaglist; tmp_entity; tmp_entity = tmp_entity.ctf_worldflagnext)
- {
if(tmp_entity.ctf_status == FLAG_DROPPED)
- if(vlen(self.origin - tmp_entity.origin) < autocvar_g_ctf_dropped_capture_radius)
- {
- ctf_Handle_Dropped_Capture(self, tmp_entity);
- }
- }
+ if(vlen(self.origin - tmp_entity.origin) < autocvar_g_ctf_dropped_capture_radius)
+ ctf_Handle_Dropped_Capture(self, tmp_entity);
if(other.classname != "player") // The flag just touched an object, most likely the world
- if(self.wait > time) // if we haven't in a while, play a sound/effect
+ if(time > self.wait) // if we haven't in a while, play a sound/effect
pointparticles(particleeffectnum("kaball_sparks"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
sound(self, CH_TRIGGER, self.snd_flag_touch, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);