--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "quakedef.h"
+float TraceLine (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t impact, vec3_t normal);
+#define MAX_EXPLOSIONS 64
+vec3_t explosionspherevert[EXPLOSIONVERTS];
+vec3_t explosionspherevertvel[EXPLOSIONVERTS];
+float explosiontexcoords[EXPLOSIONVERTS][2];
+int explosiontris[EXPLOSIONTRIS][3];
+vec3_t explosionpoint[EXPLOSIONVERTS];
+typedef struct explosion_s
+ float alpha;
+ vec3_t vert[EXPLOSIONVERTS];
+ vec3_t vertvel[EXPLOSIONVERTS];
+explosion_t explosion[128];
+int explosiontexture;
+int explosiontexturefog;
+cvar_t r_explosionclip = {"r_explosionclip", "0"};
+int R_ExplosionVert(int column, int row)
+ int i;
+ float a, b, c;
+ i = row * (EXPLOSIONSEGMENTS + 1) + column;
+ a = row * M_PI * 2 / EXPLOSIONBANDS;
+ b = column * M_PI * 2 / EXPLOSIONSEGMENTS;
+ c = cos(b);
+ explosionpoint[i][0] = cos(a) * c;
+ explosionpoint[i][1] = sin(a) * c;
+ explosionpoint[i][2] = -sin(b);
+ explosiontexcoords[i][0] = (float) column / (float) EXPLOSIONSEGMENTS;
+ explosiontexcoords[i][1] = (float) row / (float) EXPLOSIONBANDS;
+ return i;
+void r_explosion_start()
+ int x, y;
+ byte noise1[128][128], noise2[128][128], data[128][128][4];
+ fractalnoise(&noise1[0][0], 128, 8);
+ fractalnoise(&noise2[0][0], 128, 8);
+ for (y = 0;y < 128;y++)
+ {
+ for (x = 0;x < 128;x++)
+ {
+ int j, r, g, b, a;
+ j = noise1[y][x] * 3 - 128;
+ r = (j * 512) / 256;
+ g = (j * 256) / 256;
+ b = (j * 128) / 256;
+ a = noise2[y][x];
+ data[y][x][0] = bound(0, r, 255);
+ data[y][x][1] = bound(0, g, 255);
+ data[y][x][2] = bound(0, b, 255);
+ data[y][x][3] = bound(0, a, 255);
+ }
+ }
+ explosiontexture = GL_LoadTexture ("explosiontexture", 128, 128, &data[0][0][0], true, true, 4);
+ for (y = 0;y < 128;y++)
+ for (x = 0;x < 128;x++)
+ data[y][x][0] = data[y][x][1] = data[y][x][2] = 255;
+ explosiontexturefog = GL_LoadTexture ("explosiontexturefog", 128, 128, &data[0][0][0], true, true, 4);
+void r_explosion_shutdown()
+void R_Explosion_Init()
+ int i, x, y;
+ i = 0;
+ for (y = 0;y < EXPLOSIONBANDS;y++)
+ {
+ for (x = 0;x < EXPLOSIONSEGMENTS;x++)
+ {
+ explosiontris[i][0] = R_ExplosionVert(x , y );
+ explosiontris[i][1] = R_ExplosionVert(x + 1, y );
+ explosiontris[i][2] = R_ExplosionVert(x , y + 1);
+ i++;
+ explosiontris[i][0] = R_ExplosionVert(x + 1, y );
+ explosiontris[i][1] = R_ExplosionVert(x + 1, y + 1);
+ explosiontris[i][2] = R_ExplosionVert(x , y + 1);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0;i < EXPLOSIONVERTS;i++)
+ {
+ explosionspherevert[i][0] = explosionpoint[i][0] * EXPLOSIONSTARTRADIUS;
+ explosionspherevert[i][1] = explosionpoint[i][1] * EXPLOSIONSTARTRADIUS;
+ explosionspherevert[i][2] = explosionpoint[i][2] * EXPLOSIONSTARTRADIUS;
+ explosionspherevertvel[i][0] = explosionpoint[i][0] * EXPLOSIONSTARTVELOCITY;
+ explosionspherevertvel[i][1] = explosionpoint[i][1] * EXPLOSIONSTARTVELOCITY;
+ explosionspherevertvel[i][2] = explosionpoint[i][2] * EXPLOSIONSTARTVELOCITY;
+ }
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_explosionclip);
+ R_RegisterModule("R_Explosions", r_explosion_start, r_explosion_shutdown);
+void R_NewExplosion(vec3_t org)
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = 0;i < MAX_EXPLOSIONS;i++)
+ {
+ if (explosion[i].alpha <= 0.0f)
+ {
+ explosion[i].alpha = EXPLOSIONFADESTART;
+ for (j = 0;j < EXPLOSIONVERTS;j++)
+ {
+ explosion[i].vert[j][0] = explosionspherevert[j][0] + org[0];
+ explosion[i].vert[j][1] = explosionspherevert[j][1] + org[1];
+ explosion[i].vert[j][2] = explosionspherevert[j][2] + org[2];
+ explosion[i].vertvel[j][0] = explosionspherevertvel[j][0];
+ explosion[i].vertvel[j][1] = explosionspherevertvel[j][1];
+ explosion[i].vertvel[j][2] = explosionspherevertvel[j][2];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void R_DrawExplosion(explosion_t *e)
+ int i, index, *indexlist = &explosiontris[0][0], alpha = bound(0, e->alpha * 255.0f, 255);
+ float s = cl.time * 1, t = cl.time * 0.75;
+ s -= (int) s;
+ t -= (int) t;
+ /*
+ glColor4f(1,1,1,e->alpha);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+// glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, explosiontexture);
+ if (gl_vertexarrays.value)
+ {
+ qglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, (float *) &e->vert[0][0]);
+// qglTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, (float *) &explosiontexcoords[0][0]);
+ glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
+// glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+// glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+ glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
+ for (i = 0;i < EXPLOSIONTRIS * 3;i++)
+ {
+ index = *indexlist++;
+// glTexCoord2fv(explosiontexcoords[index]);
+ glVertex3fv(e->vert[index]);
+ }
+ glEnd();
+ }
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ */
+ for (i = 0;i < EXPLOSIONTRIS;i++)
+ {
+ transpolybegin(explosiontexture, 0, explosiontexturefog, TPOLYTYPE_ALPHA);
+ index = *indexlist++;transpolyvert(e->vert[index][0], e->vert[index][1], e->vert[index][2], explosiontexcoords[index][0] + s, explosiontexcoords[index][1] + t, 255, 255, 255, alpha);
+ index = *indexlist++;transpolyvert(e->vert[index][0], e->vert[index][1], e->vert[index][2], explosiontexcoords[index][0] + s, explosiontexcoords[index][1] + t, 255, 255, 255, alpha);
+ index = *indexlist++;transpolyvert(e->vert[index][0], e->vert[index][1], e->vert[index][2], explosiontexcoords[index][0] + s, explosiontexcoords[index][1] + t, 255, 255, 255, alpha);
+ transpolyend();
+ }
+void R_MoveExplosion(explosion_t *e, float frametime)
+ int i;
+ vec3_t end;
+ e->alpha -= frametime * EXPLOSIONFADERATE;
+ for (i = 0;i < EXPLOSIONVERTS;i++)
+ {
+ if (e->vertvel[i][0] || e->vertvel[i][1] || e->vertvel[i][2])
+ {
+ end[0] = e->vert[i][0] + frametime * e->vertvel[i][0];
+ end[1] = e->vert[i][1] + frametime * e->vertvel[i][1];
+ end[2] = e->vert[i][2] + frametime * e->vertvel[i][2];
+ if (r_explosionclip.value)
+ {
+ float f, dot;
+ vec3_t impact, normal;
+ f = TraceLine(e->vert[i], end, impact, normal);
+ VectorCopy(impact, e->vert[i]);
+ if (f < 1)
+ {
+ // clip velocity against the wall
+ dot = -DotProduct(e->vertvel[i], normal);
+ e->vertvel[i][0] += normal[0] * dot;
+ e->vertvel[i][1] += normal[1] * dot;
+ e->vertvel[i][2] += normal[2] * dot;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VectorCopy(end, e->vert[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void R_MoveExplosions()
+ int i;
+ float frametime;
+ frametime = cl.time - cl.oldtime;
+ for (i = 0;i < MAX_EXPLOSIONS;i++)
+ {
+ if (explosion[i].alpha > 0.0f)
+ {
+ R_MoveExplosion(&explosion[i], frametime);
+ }
+ }
+void R_DrawExplosions()
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0;i < MAX_EXPLOSIONS;i++)
+ {
+ if (explosion[i].alpha > 0.0f)
+ {
+ R_DrawExplosion(&explosion[i]);
+ }
+ }