originjitter 80 80 80
sizeincrease -10
airfriction 0.04
-gravity -0.2
\ No newline at end of file
+gravity -0.2
+// redflag_touch -- effects for touching the red flag
+// used nowhere in code
+effect redflag_touch
+count 35
+type spark
+tex 40 40
+color 0xFF0000 0x970000
+size 1 3
+alpha 0 256 556
+gravity 1
+bounce 1.5
+originjitter 1 1 1
+velocityjitter 300 300 300
+velocitymultiplier 0.5
+airfriction 3
+// blueflag_touch -- effects for touching the blue flag
+// used nowhere in code
+effect blueflag_touch
+count 35
+type spark
+tex 40 40
+color 0x0000FF 0x000097
+size 1 3
+alpha 0 256 556
+gravity 1
+bounce 1.5
+originjitter 1 1 1
+velocityjitter 300 300 300
+velocitymultiplier 0.5
+airfriction 3
if(time > self.wait) // if we haven't in a while, play a sound/effect
- pointparticles(particleeffectnum("kaball_sparks"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
+ pointparticles(particleeffectnum(self.toucheffect), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
sound(self, CH_TRIGGER, self.snd_flag_touch, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
self.wait = time + FLAG_TOUCHRATE;