"ctf","space-elevator","7","9","5",,,"Capture the Flag: Space Elevator","CTF versus a team of 'Unhuman' bots! 5 captures to win."
"dm","darkzone","5","9","15",,"g_new_toys 1; g_cloaked 1","[Special] Deathmatch: Darkzone","New Toys: In this mutator some fancy weapons like the Mine Layer, the Heavy Laser Assault Cannon (HLAC) or the T.A.G. Seeker will spawn.\nAlso you're experiencing another mutator: almost invisible players."
"ctf","dance","7","10","3",,"g_instagib 1; g_grappling_hook 1","[Special] Capture the Flag: Dance","InstaGib in CTF this time. Also you will experience here how to play with the off-hand Grappling Hook (Press 'e' or Mouse1 to use it)!"
-"dm","fuse","1","10","10",,,"[Special] Duel: Fuse","This time you will face only 1 bot - a so-called 'Duel'. Duel is very popular in the Multiplayer modus."
+"dm","fuse","1","10","10",,,"[Special] Duel: Fuse","This time you will face only 1 bot - a so-called 'Duel'. Duel is very popular in Multiplayer."
"dm","glowplant","5","11","20",,,"[FINAL] Deathmatch: Glow Plant","In this final match you have to beat 4 'Godlike' bots and you need to get 20 frags to win and complete the campaign! After this you should be ready for fights versus real people."
"dm","stormkeep","9","11",15",,"g_weaponarena devastator","[Bonus] Deathmatch: Stormkeep","SURPRISE!\nWelcome to the ROCKET HELL!\nOnly the Devastator will be available here - don't blow up yourself! Have fun!"