set minplayers 0 "number of players playing at the same time (if not enough real players are there the remaining slots are filled with bots)"
// restart server if all players hit "ready"-button
-set sv_ready_restart 0 "if set to 1 allow a map to be restarted once all players pressed the \"ready\" button'"
-set sv_ready_restart_after_countdown 0 "if set to 1 the players and map items are reset after the countdown ended, otherwise they're reset already at the beginning of the countdown"
+set sv_ready_restart 0 "allow a map to be restarted once all players pressed the \"ready\" button"
+set sv_ready_restart_after_countdown 0 "reset players and map items after the countdown ended, instead of at the beginning of the countdown"
set sv_ready_restart_repeatable 0 "allows the players to restart the game as often as needed"
seta cl_hitsound 1 "play a hit notifier sound when you have hit an enemy, 1: same pitch 2: increase pitch with more damage 3: decrease pitch with more damage"
seta cl_eventchase_generator_viewoffset "0 0 80" "viewoffset of eventchase camera while viewing generator explosion"
//nifreks lockonrestart feature, used in team-based game modes, if set to 1 and all players readied up no other player can then join the game anymore, useful to block spectators from joining
-set teamplay_lockonrestart 0 "it set to 1 in a team-based game, the teams are locked once all players readied up and the game restarted (no new players can join after restart unless using the server-command unlockteams)"
+set teamplay_lockonrestart 0 "lock teams once all players readied up and the game restarted (no new players can join after restart unless using the server-command unlockteams)"
set g_maxplayers 0 "maximum number of players allowed to play at the same time, set to 0 to allow all players to join the game"
set g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime 5 "if the players voted for the \"nospectators\" command, this setting defines the number of seconds a observer/spectator has time to join the game before he gets kicked"
// tournament mod
-set g_warmup 0 "split the game into a warmup- and match-stage when set to 1"
-set g_warmup_limit 0 "if set to -1 the warmup-stage is not affected by any timelimit, if set to 0 the usual timelimit also affects warmup-stage, otherwise warmup will be limited to this time in SECONDS (useful for public matches)"
-set g_warmup_allow_timeout 0 "if set to 1 timeouts can also be called in the warmup-stage, when sv_timeout is set to 1"
+set g_warmup 0 "split the game into a warmup- and match-stage"
+set g_warmup_limit 0 "limit warmup-stage to this time (in seconds); if set to -1 the warmup-stage is not affected by any timelimit, if set to 0 the usual timelimit also affects warmup-stage"
+set g_warmup_allow_timeout 0 "allow calling timeouts in the warmup-stage (if sv_timeout is set to 1)"
set g_warmup_allguns 1 "provide more weapons on start while in warmup: 0 = normal start weapons, 1 = all guns available on the map, 2 = all normal weapons"
set g_warmup_majority_factor 0.8 "minimum percentage of players ready needed for warmup to end"
set g_chat_nospectators 0 "if 0 spec/observer chat is always visible to the player, if 1 it is never visible to players, if 2 it is only visible to players during warmup stage"
-set sv_vote_nospectators 0 "Only players can call a vote (thus spectators and observers can't call a vote): 0 = all people can vote, 1 = spectators can vote in warmup stage, 2 = only players can vote (no exceptions)."
+set sv_vote_nospectators 0 "only players can call a vote (thus spectators and observers can't call a vote): 0 = all people can vote, 1 = spectators can vote in warmup stage, 2 = only players can vote (no exceptions)."
alias g_tourney "g_tourney_$1"
alias g_tourney_1 "g_warmup 1; g_chat_nospectators 2; sv_vote_nospectators 1"
alias g_tourney_0 "g_warmup 0; g_chat_nospectators 0; sv_vote_nospectators 0"
-set sv_timeout 0 "allows a player to call a timeout, this will pause the game for some time"
+set sv_timeout 0 "allow a player to call a timeout, this will pause the game for some time"
set sv_timeout_length 120 "how long the game will be paused at max, in seconds"
set sv_timeout_number 2 "how many timeouts one player is allowed to call (gets reset after a restart)"
set sv_timeout_leadtime 4 "how long the players will be informed that a timeout was called before it starts, in seconds"
set g_telefrags_avoid 1 "when teleporters have a random destination, avoid teleporting to locations where a telefrag would happen"
set g_teleport_maxspeed 0 "maximum speed that a player can keep when going through a teleporter (if a misc_teleporter_dest also has a cap the smallest one of these will be used), 0 = don't limit, -1 = keep no speed"
-seta cl_damageeffect 1 "enable weapon damage effects. 1 enables the feature on skeletal models, 2 on any model"
+seta cl_damageeffect 1 "enable weapon damage effects: 1 enables the feature on skeletal models, 2 on any model"
seta cl_damageeffect_ticrate 0.1 "particle spawn rate"
seta cl_damageeffect_bones 5 "how many damages to allow on a rigged mesh at once (non-skeletal objects are limited to one)"
seta cl_damageeffect_distribute 1 "divide particle intensity if multiple damages are present"