crosshair 11\r
seta crosshair_color "1 1 0.5"\r
seta crosshair_alpha 0.3\r
-seta crosshair_size 0.5\r
+seta crosshair_size 0.4\r
seta crosshair_pickup 1 "crosshair grows then shrinks back when picking up an item"\r
seta crosshair_color_by_health 1 "if enabled, crosshair color will depend on current health"\r
seta crosshair_unarmed_dim_color 0.5 "dim crosshair color by this amount when we aren't holding a weapon"\r
seta crosshair_unarmed_dim_alpha 0.5 "dim crosshair alpha by this amount when we aren't holding a weapon"\r
seta crosshair_pickup_speed 4 "speed of the crosshair pickup effect"\r
seta crosshair_ring_alpha 0.5 "alpha of the crosshair ammo ring"\r
-seta crosshair_ring_size 3 "size of the crosshair ammo ring"\r
+seta crosshair_ring_size 2.5 "size of the crosshair ammo ring"\r
seta crosshair_swallowindicator 1 "when enabled, the crosshair will turn into a symbol to indicate you can swallow an enemy or team mate"\r
seta crosshair_swallowindicator_size 0.5 "size of the crosshair swallow indicator"\r
seta crosshair_swallowindicator_color_red 1 "red amount for the crosshair swallow indicator, 0 for all color cvars uses normal crosshair color"\r