// Health/armor (#3)
-float health_time, prev_health;
-float armor_time, prev_armor;
+// prev_* vars contain the health/armor at the previous FRAME
+float prev_health, prev_armor;
+// *_time vars contain time at which damage happened
+ // health_time -1 remembers that player was dead
+float health_time, armor_time;
+// saved_* vars contain the old health/armor value (before the damage happened)
+ // special cases:
+ // -2: during the load effect (spawning)
+ // -1: load or damage effect are ended normally
+ // 0: when effects are forcedly stopped; this is to avoid unintended effects as soon as we switch spectated player (e.g. from playerX: 70h to playerY: 50h)
var float saved_health = -2;
var float saved_armor = -2;
void HUD_HealthArmor(void)
float armor, health, fuel;