set g_sandbox_editor_distance_edit 350 "distance at which players can edit or remove objects they are looking at"
seta menu_sandbox_spawn_model "" // used to store the model in the input field
+set menu_sandbox_edit_skin 0
+set menu_sandbox_edit_frame 0
alias menu_showsandboxtools "menu_cmd directmenu SandboxTools"
bind f7 menu_showsandboxtools
me.TDempty(me, 0.1);
me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Copy"), '0 0 0', "sandbox duplicate_object_copy", 0));
me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Paste"), '0 0 0', "sandbox duplicate_object_paste", 0));
+ me.TR(me);
+ me.TR(me);
+ me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Set skin:"), '0 0 0', "sandbox edit_object skin $menu_sandbox_edit_skin", 0));
+ me.TD(me, 1, 1.5, e = makeXonoticSlider(0, 99, 1, "menu_sandbox_edit_skin"));
+ me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Set frame:"), '0 0 0', "sandbox edit_object frame $menu_sandbox_edit_frame", 0));
+ me.TD(me, 1, 1.5, e = makeXonoticSlider(0, 99, 1, "menu_sandbox_edit_frame"));
me.gotoRC(me, me.rows - 1, 0);
me.TD(me, 1, me.columns, e = makeXonoticButton(_("OK"), '0 0 0'));