seta hud_timer_pos "-0.213725 0" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_timer_size "0.212735 0.054427" "size of this panel"
seta hud_timer_increment 0 "show elapsed time instead of remaining time"
-seta hud_timer_bg border_oldhud "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background, if set to 0 = disable background"
+seta hud_timer_bg border "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background, if set to 0 = disable background"
seta hud_timer_bg_color "" "optional R G B string of the background color, otherwise use hud default"
seta hud_timer_bg_alpha 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override default alpha"
seta hud_timer_bg_border 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override size of border around the background"