MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(JOIN_NOSPAWNS, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_PREVENT_JOIN, "0 0", _("^K1No spawnpoints available!\nHope your team can fix it..."), "")
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(JOIN_PREVENT, N_ENABLE, 0, 1, "f1", CPID_PREVENT_JOIN, "0 0", _("^K1You may not join the game at this time.\nThis match is limited to ^F2%s^BG players."), "")
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(JOIN_PLAYBAN, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_PREVENT_JOIN, "0 0", BOLD(_("^K1You aren't allowed to play because you are banned in this server, but you can play minigames")), "")
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(JOIN_PLAYBAN, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_PREVENT_JOIN, "0 0", BOLD(_("^K1You aren't allowed to play because you are banned in this server")), "")
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(KEEPAWAY_DROPPED, N_ENABLE, 1, 0, "s1", CPID_KEEPAWAY, "0 0", _("^BG%s^BG has dropped the ball!"), "")
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(KEEPAWAY_PICKUP, N_ENABLE, 1, 0, "s1", CPID_KEEPAWAY, "0 0", _("^BG%s^BG has picked up the ball!"), "")