set g_player_brightness 0 "set to 2 for brighter players"
seta g_balance_cloaked_alpha 0.25
+seta menu_sandbox_spawn_model ""
+seta menu_sandbox_attach_bone ""
+seta menu_sandbox_edit_skin 0
+seta menu_sandbox_edit_alpha 1
+seta menu_sandbox_edit_color_main "1 1 1"
+seta menu_sandbox_edit_color_glow "1 1 1"
+seta menu_sandbox_edit_frame 0
+seta menu_sandbox_edit_scale 1
+seta menu_sandbox_edit_solidity 1
+seta menu_sandbox_edit_physics 1
+seta menu_sandbox_edit_force 1
+seta menu_sandbox_edit_material ""
bind f7 menu_showsandboxtools
set g_playerclip_collisions 1 "0 = disable collision testing against playerclips, might be useful on some defrag maps"
set g_sandbox_object_material_velocity_factor 0.002 "velocity range which decides the intensity of material effects"
set cl_sandbox_clipboard ""
-seta menu_sandbox_spawn_model ""
-seta menu_sandbox_attach_bone ""
-seta menu_sandbox_edit_skin 0
-seta menu_sandbox_edit_alpha 1
-seta menu_sandbox_edit_color_main "1 1 1"
-seta menu_sandbox_edit_color_glow "1 1 1"
-seta menu_sandbox_edit_frame 0
-seta menu_sandbox_edit_scale 1
-seta menu_sandbox_edit_solidity 1
-seta menu_sandbox_edit_physics 1
-seta menu_sandbox_edit_force 1
-seta menu_sandbox_edit_material ""
// ========================
// invincible projectiles