Should be thick enough to fit a player entity (i.e. 32 units), preferably even thicker.
-------- KEYS --------
target: must point to another trigger_warpzone, or...
+targetname: must be pointed to by another trigger_warpzone. Should be pointed to by a misc_warpzone_position entity, or...
+killtarget: should point to a target_position entity.
target2: is triggered when a player ENTERS the warpzone (and warps away)
target3: is triggered when a player LEAVES the warpzone (from the other warp zone to this one)
target4: is triggered in both cases
target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
-targetname: must be pointed to by another trigger_warpzone. Should be pointed to by a misc_warpzone_position entity, or...
-killtarget: should point to a target_position entity, or
warpzone_fadestart: start distance of fading out the warpzone
warpzone_fadeend: end distance of fading out the warpzone (if viewer is further, warpzone is not rendered at all)
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------