Before the turn, while still bunny hopping, release the forward key. Once you’ve released the forward key (while still keeping the jump key pressed), hold down the strafe key in the direction you want to turn (for sharp right turn: strafe right). Keep holding the jump key and the strafe key and smoothly and steadily turn your mouse into the strafe direction (in my example, right). It’s vital to move the mouse smoothly, because any abrupt sudden movements will slow you down. I can’t stress this aspect enough – a lot of newcomers that I told this technique basically got all the key pressing part right but fail at moving the mouse smoothly. Softly accelerate and decelerate the mouse turn and maintain a steady turn speed in between. The movement needs to be fluent and soft to get the full benefit. Also note that releasing the forward key while you’ve already pressed the strafe key will slow you down too, so be sure to use the right order. You’ll notice that if you do it right, you actually don’t lose speed in turns, but rather start to accelerate! This technique is called "strafe turning".
! Hopping Step by Step)!:
+_click to view full size_
Once you’re done turning, you can release the strafe key and press forward key again or even directly switch to the other direction. A good way to practice this is to use forward only for inital acceleration, and then to do turns left and right running in an number eight-shaped figure (I recommend the main room in the map “afterslime” for that).
! Figure for Strafe Turning)!:
+_click to view full size_
It takes a while to get used to, but if you practice it, this goes into your cerebellum sooner or later (depending on your age, mostly) and then you’ll never think about it again! At that point you’ll be bunny hopping all over the place at high speed. Mastering this technique is very rewarding, since running around a map at high speed is a bunch of fun.
Now, when accelerating fast, you won't always want to do that vertically. Some times the first few bunny hops are not fast enough to reach a place (or to get out of a place) in time. With the technique of wall lasering you can easily reach rather high horizontal speeds instantly, out of the stand.
! Lasering Step by Step)!:
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To master wall lasering, you'll obviously need a wall. While it would seem logic to use a wall that you can laser off in a 90 degree angle with a laser shot backwards, it is at least equally effective and easier to use a wall that is parallel to your desired movement direction. For practicing this, you start off standing next to that wall and are facing into the desired movement direction. Then you start a bunny hop by pressing foward and then the jump key. While in the air from your first jump, you flick around (to approximately 8 o'clock if the wall is left from you, 4 o'clock if the wall is right to you), shoot the laser at the wall, aiming slightly above your head. If you shoot parallel or even down a bit, you'll get a high upwards boost, wasting energy into vertical acceleration, so be sure to aim a little bit upwards! After the flick shot turn back to your desired movement direction and contine to bunny hop. Do not release the jump key during the entire process.
Once you've learned how to reliably accelerate out of the stand with this technique, you can also use it while already bunny hopping in order to gain extra horizontal speed. Just flick around when passing a wall to gain an extra boost. Note that the laser always needs to travel a bit until it hits the wall. The faster you get, the less you need to turn backwards, since you'll travel forwards while the laser is on its way to the wall. At very high speeds you will even be able to shoot at 10 o'clock or 2 o'clock respectively, so you're not even facing backwards any more! But most maps don't allow for such fast movement. Experiment and learn at which speed to use what angle, and you'll be a fast flag runner very soon!
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-<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-3026 aligncenter" alt="RampJumping" src="" width="800" height="230" /></a>
+h3. Ramp Jumping
+! Jumping)!: