+ HUD_Panel_ApplyFadeAlpha();
+ // TODO make this configurable
+ if(weaponorder_bypriority != autocvar_cl_weaponpriority || !weaponorder[0])
+ {
+ float weapon_cnt;
+ if(weaponorder_bypriority)
+ strunzone(weaponorder_bypriority);
+ if(weaponorder_byimpulse)
+ strunzone(weaponorder_byimpulse);
+ weaponorder_bypriority = strzone(autocvar_cl_weaponpriority);
+ weaponorder_byimpulse = strzone(W_FixWeaponOrder_BuildImpulseList(W_FixWeaponOrder_ForceComplete(W_NumberWeaponOrder(weaponorder_bypriority))));
+ weaponorder_cmp_str = strcat(" ", weaponorder_byimpulse, " ");
+ weapon_cnt = 0;
+ for(i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST; ++i)
+ {
+ self = get_weaponinfo(i);
+ if(self.impulse >= 0)
+ {
+ weaponorder[weapon_cnt] = self;
+ ++weapon_cnt;
+ }
+ }
+ for(i = weapon_cnt; i < WEP_MAXCOUNT; ++i)
+ weaponorder[i] = NULL;
+ heapsort(weapon_cnt, weaponorder_swap, weaponorder_cmp, world);
+ weaponorder_cmp_str = string_null;
+ }
+ float when, fadetime;
+ when = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_time;
+ fadetime = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_fadetime;
+ float weapons_st = getstati(STAT_WEAPONS);
+ float weapon_count;
+ if (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_onlyowned)
+ {
+ if(autocvar__hud_configure && menu_enabled != 2)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawBg(1); // also draw the bg of the entire panel
+ vector old_panel_size;
+ for(i = 0; i <= WEP_LAST-WEP_FIRST; ++i)
+ {
+ if(weapons_st & weaponorder[i].weapons)
+ ++weapon_count;
+ }
+ if(!autocvar__hud_configure && (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble && time - complain_weapon_time < when + fadetime))// && complain_weapon >= 0
+ ++weapon_count;
+ if (weapon_count == 0)
+ return;
+ // reduce size of the panel
+ if (panel_size_y > panel_size_x)
+ {
+ old_panel_size_y = panel_size_y;
+ panel_size_y *= weapon_count / WEP_COUNT;
+ panel_pos_y += (old_panel_size_y - panel_size_y) / 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ old_panel_size_x = panel_size_x;
+ panel_size_x *= weapon_count / WEP_COUNT;
+ panel_pos_x += (old_panel_size_x - panel_size_x) / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ weapon_count = WEP_COUNT;
if (timeout && time >= weapontime + timeout && !autocvar__hud_configure)
f = (time - (weapontime + timeout)) / timeout_effect_length;
HUD_Chat(); // HUD_DrawPanel(HUD_PANEL_CHAT);
- if (autocvar__hud_configure && spectatee_status && hud_configure_prev == -1) // try to join if we are in hud_configure mode, but still spectating, and in the first frame (in order to get rid of motd when launching a server via the menu "HUD Setup" button)
- localcmd("cmd selectteam auto; cmd join\n");
- if(autocvar__hud_configure && tab_panel != -1)
+ if(autocvar__hud_configure)
- HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(tab_panel)
- drawfill(panel_pos - '1 1 0' * panel_bg_border, panel_size + '2 2 0' * panel_bg_border, '1 1 1', .2, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ if(tab_panel != -1)
+ {
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(tab_panel)
+ drawfill(panel_pos - '1 1 0' * panel_bg_border, panel_size + '2 2 0' * panel_bg_border, '1 1 1', .2, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ if(highlightedPanel != -1)
+ {
+ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSizeForId(highlightedPanel);
+ HUD_Panel_HlBorder(panel_bg_border + 1.5 * hlBorderSize, '0 0.5 1', 0.25 * (1 - autocvar__menu_alpha));
+ }
hud_configure_prev = autocvar__hud_configure;