_This article looks complete, [old methodology](#old-methodology) isn't a very complete section due to the obsolescence._
+## _Table of Contents_
+> 1. [Modeling requirements](#modeling-requirements)
+> 2. [Introduction to export a weapon](#introduction-to-export-a-weapon)
+> 3. [Textures and UV map](#textures-and-uv-map)
+> 4. [Starting to export](#starting-to-export)
+> > 4.1. [Modifiers](#modifiers)<br/>
+> > 4.2. [Bones and animations](#bones-and-animations)<br/>
+> > 4.3. [Textures and materials](#textures-and-materials)
+> 5. [New methodology](#new-methodology)
+> > 5.1. [SMD (includes IQM converter and dpmodel guide)](#smd-includes-iqm-converter-and-dpmodel-guide)
+> 6. [Export troubleshooting](#export-troubleshooting)
+> 7. [Old methodology](#old-methodology)
+> > 7.1. [MD3](#md3)<br/>
+> > 7.2. [IQM](#iqm)
# Modeling requirements
### To follow this, you need knowledge about modeling using Blender
-Blender version recommended: 2.79b or later
+Blender version recommended: [**2.79b**](https://download.blender.org/release/Blender2.79/) or [**later**](https://www.blender.org/)
You need [dpmodel](https://icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces/files/) to convert SMD files:
- [dpmodel tool](https://icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces/files/dpmodel20091008beta1.zip)
**Conclusion**: Sometimes, renaming formats can be useful to save effort. Note: it's a kind of weird way to do stuff, file formats are hardcoded in the gamecode rather than dynamically obtained. The issue of model resources was found here: https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic-data.pk3dir/-/issues/2629#note_686988936
-## Export troubleshooting
+# Export troubleshooting
-- Spamming CSQC errors:<br/>
+- _**Spamming CSQC errors:**_<br/>
If you received spamming errors like that:<br/>
<img src="uploads/1f769ede89975be78d88eaad1b062a3d/spammingerrorstagweapon.jpg" alt="spammingerrorstagweapon" width=450 /><br/>
It's because you didn't do correctly the steps after exporting the models. Remember, `g_*` and `v_*` MUST contain one bone.
-- Broken shadow artifacts (enabled with `r_shadows 2` and disabled `r_shadow_shadowmapping 0`):<br/>
+- _**Broken shadow artifacts (enabled with `r_shadows 2` and disabled `r_shadow_shadowmapping 0`):**_<br/>
To solve this, the possible way is exporting to IQM from Blender, selecting bone and mesh (both highlighted). Usually, this issue happens in `g_*` and `v_*` ones.
<br/>Reference: https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic-data.pk3dir/-/issues/2667
-- When exporting to IQM, get duplicated names in the texture:<br/>
+- _**When exporting to IQM, get duplicated names in the texture:**_<br/>
<img src="uploads/cdb90908aab4a52580019c871a936156/duplicatedtexturenameloadingerror.jpg" alt="duplicatedtexturenameloadingerror" width=700 /><br/>
Take a closer look what is telling here:<br/>
_The "Materials" option controls how material names are generated. "material+image-ext" combines the name of the material and the name of the UV-map image (without its extension or directory) to generate the material name, "material" uses only the name of the material, and "image" just uses the name of the UV-map image (without its directory)._ <br/><br/>
<img src="uploads/f3f39c9a06a408bffd5e48bc5e07eac6/exporttutorialMD3.jpg" alt="exporttutorialMD3" />
+And export the model to MD3. _Attention: You can't export a model over than 8192 triangles/polys._
## IQM
Before to export, you need to select all objects and bones in the scene. (Pressing A, seeing all objects highlighting orange or red)