int opts_compiler = COMPILER_GMQCC;
static const int usage(const char *const app) {
- printf("usage:\n");
- printf(" %s -c<file> -oprog.dat -- compile file\n" , app);
- printf(" %s -a<file> -oprog.dat -- assemble file\n" , app);
- printf(" %s -c<file> -i<file> -oprog.dat -- compile together (allowed multiple -i<file>)\n" , app);
- printf(" %s -a<file> -i<file> -oprog.dat -- assemble together(allowed multiple -i<file>)\n", app);
- printf(" example:\n");
- printf(" %s -cfoo.qc -ibar.qc -oqc.dat -afoo.qs -ibar.qs -oqs.dat\n", app);
- printf(" additional flags:\n");
- printf(" -debug -- turns on compiler debug messages\n");
- printf(" -memchk -- turns on compiler memory leak check\n");
- printf(" -help -- prints this help/usage text\n");
- printf(" -std -- select the QuakeC compile type (types below):\n");
- printf(" -std=qcc -- original QuakeC\n");
- printf(" -std=ftqecc -- fteqcc QuakeC\n");
- printf(" -std=qccx -- qccx QuakeC\n");
- printf(" -std=gmqcc -- this compiler QuakeC (default selection)\n");
- printf(" codegen flags:\n");
- printf(" -fdarkplaces-string-table-bug -- patches the string table to work with bugged versions of darkplaces\n");
- printf(" -fomit-nullcode -- omits the generation of null code (will break everywhere see propsal.txt)\n");
+ printf("usage:\n"
+ " %s -c<file> -oprog.dat -- compile file\n"
+ " %s -a<file> -oprog.dat -- assemble file\n"
+ " %s -c<file> -i<file> -oprog.dat -- compile together (allowed multiple -i<file>)\n"
+ " %s -a<file> -i<file> -oprog.dat -- assemble together(allowed multiple -i<file>)\n"
+ " example:\n"
+ " %s -cfoo.qc -ibar.qc -oqc.dat -afoo.qs -ibar.qs -oqs.dat\n"
+ " additional flags:\n"
+ " -debug -- turns on compiler debug messages\n"
+ " -memchk -- turns on compiler memory leak check\n"
+ " -help -- prints this help/usage text\n"
+ " -std -- select the QuakeC compile type (types below):\n"
+ " -std=qcc -- original QuakeC\n"
+ " -std=ftqecc -- fteqcc QuakeC\n"
+ " -std=qccx -- qccx QuakeC\n"
+ " -std=gmqcc -- this compiler QuakeC (default selection)\n"
+ " codegen flags:\n"
+ " -fdarkplaces-string-table-bug -- patches the string table to work with bugged versions of darkplaces\n"
+ " -fomit-nullcode -- omits the generation of null code (will break everywhere see propsal.txt)\n",
+ app,app,app,app,app
+ );
return -1;
while ((argc > 1) && argv[1][0] == '-') {
switch (argv[1][1]) {
+ case 'v': {
+ printf("GMQCC:\n"
+ " version: %d.%d.%d (0x%08X)\n"
+ " build date: %s\n"
+ " build time: %s\n",
+ (GMQCC_VERSION >> 16) & 0xFF,
+ (GMQCC_VERSION >> 8) & 0xFF,
+ (GMQCC_VERSION >> 0) & 0xFF,
+ __DATE__,
+ __TIME__
+ );
+ return 0;
+ }
case 'c': items_add((argitem){util_strdup(&argv[1][2]), 0}); break; /* compile */
case 'a': items_add((argitem){util_strdup(&argv[1][2]), 1}); break; /* assemble */
case 'i': items_add((argitem){util_strdup(&argv[1][2]), 2}); break; /* includes */
if (!strncmp(&argv[1][1], "std=qccx", 8 )) { opts_compiler = COMPILER_QCCX; break; }
if (!strncmp(&argv[1][1], "std=gmqcc", 9 )) { opts_compiler = COMPILER_GMQCC; break; }
if (!strncmp(&argv[1][1], "std=", 4 )) {
- printf("invalid std selection, supported types:\n");
- printf(" -std=qcc -- original QuakeC\n");
- printf(" -std=ftqecc -- fteqcc QuakeC\n");
- printf(" -std=qccx -- qccx QuakeC\n");
- printf(" -std=gmqcc -- this compiler QuakeC (default selection)\n");
+ printf("invalid std selection, supported types:\n"
+ " -std=qcc -- original QuakeC\n"
+ " -std=ftqecc -- fteqcc QuakeC\n"
+ " -std=qccx -- qccx QuakeC\n"
+ " -std=gmqcc -- this compiler QuakeC (default selection)\n");
return 0;