+string GetClientVersionMessage(entity this)
+ if (CS(this).version_mismatch) {
+ if(CS(this).version < autocvar_gameversion) {
+ return strcat("This is Xonotic ", autocvar_g_xonoticversion,
+ "\n^3Your client version is outdated.\n\n\n### YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PLAY ON THIS SERVER ###\n\n\nPlease update!!!^8");
+ } else {
+ return strcat("This is Xonotic ", autocvar_g_xonoticversion,
+ "\n^3This server is using an outdated Xonotic version.\n\n\n ### THIS SERVER IS INCOMPATIBLE AND THUS YOU CANNOT JOIN ###.^8");
+ }
+ } else {
+ return strcat("Welcome to Xonotic ", autocvar_g_xonoticversion);
+ }
+string getwelcomemessage(entity this)
+ MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuildMutatorsPrettyString, "");
+ string modifications = M_ARGV(0, string);
+ if(g_weaponarena)
+ {
+ if(g_weaponarena_random)
+ modifications = strcat(modifications, ", ", ftos(g_weaponarena_random), " of ", g_weaponarena_list, " Arena");
+ else
+ modifications = strcat(modifications, ", ", g_weaponarena_list, " Arena");
+ }
+ else if(cvar("g_balance_blaster_weaponstartoverride") == 0)
+ modifications = strcat(modifications, ", No start weapons");
+ if(cvar("sv_gravity") < stof(cvar_defstring("sv_gravity")))
+ modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Low gravity");
+ if(g_weapon_stay && !g_cts)
+ modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Weapons stay");
+ if(g_jetpack)
+ modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Jet pack");
+ if(autocvar_g_powerups == 0)
+ modifications = strcat(modifications, ", No powerups");
+ if(autocvar_g_powerups > 0)
+ modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Powerups");
+ modifications = substring(modifications, 2, strlen(modifications) - 2);
+ string versionmessage = GetClientVersionMessage(this);
+ string s = strcat(versionmessage, "^8\n^8\nmatch type is ^1", gamemode_name, "^8\n");
+ if(modifications != "")
+ s = strcat(s, "^8\nactive modifications: ^3", modifications, "^8\n");
+ if(cache_lastmutatormsg != autocvar_g_mutatormsg)
+ {
+ if(cache_lastmutatormsg)
+ strunzone(cache_lastmutatormsg);
+ if(cache_mutatormsg)
+ strunzone(cache_mutatormsg);
+ cache_lastmutatormsg = strzone(autocvar_g_mutatormsg);
+ cache_mutatormsg = strzone(cache_lastmutatormsg);
+ }
+ if (cache_mutatormsg != "") {
+ s = strcat(s, "\n\n^8special gameplay tips: ^7", cache_mutatormsg);
+ }
+ string mutator_msg = "";
+ MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuildGameplayTipsString, mutator_msg);
+ mutator_msg = M_ARGV(0, string);
+ s = strcat(s, mutator_msg); // trust that the mutator will do proper formatting
+ string motd = autocvar_sv_motd;
+ if (motd != "") {
+ s = strcat(s, "\n\n^8MOTD: ^7", strreplace("\\n", "\n", motd));
+ }
+ return s;
+void default_delayedinit(entity this)
+ if(!scores_initialized)
+ ScoreRules_generic();
+void InitGameplayMode()
+ VoteReset();
+ // find out good world mins/maxs bounds, either the static bounds found by looking for solid, or the mapinfo specified bounds
+ get_mi_min_max(1);
+ // assign reflectively to avoid "assignment to world" warning
+ int done = 0; for (int i = 0, n = numentityfields(); i < n; ++i) {
+ string k = entityfieldname(i); vector v = (k == "mins") ? mi_min : (k == "maxs") ? mi_max : '0 0 0';
+ if (v) {
+ putentityfieldstring(i, world, sprintf("%v", v));
+ if (++done == 2) break;
+ }
+ }
+ // currently, NetRadiant's limit is 131072 qu for each side
+ // distance from one corner of a 131072qu cube to the opposite corner is approx. 227023 qu
+ // set the distance according to map size but don't go over the limit to avoid issues with float precision
+ // in case somebody makes extremely large maps
+ max_shot_distance = min(230000, vlen(world.maxs - world.mins));
+ MapInfo_LoadMapSettings(mapname);
+ GameRules_teams(false);
+ if (!cvar_value_issafe(world.fog))
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("The current map contains a potentially harmful fog setting, ignored");
+ world.fog = string_null;
+ }
+ if(MapInfo_Map_fog != "")
+ if(MapInfo_Map_fog == "none")
+ world.fog = string_null;
+ else
+ world.fog = strzone(MapInfo_Map_fog);
+ clientstuff = strzone(MapInfo_Map_clientstuff);
+ MapInfo_ClearTemps();
+ gamemode_name = MapInfo_Type_ToText(MapInfo_LoadedGametype);
+ cache_mutatormsg = strzone("");
+ cache_lastmutatormsg = strzone("");
+ InitializeEntity(NULL, default_delayedinit, INITPRIO_GAMETYPE_FALLBACK);
void Map_MarkAsRecent(string m);
float world_already_spawned;
void Nagger_Init();
float checkrules_suddendeathend;
float checkrules_overtimesadded; //how many overtimes have been already added
+string cache_mutatormsg;
+string cache_lastmutatormsg;
const int WINNING_NO = 0; // no winner, but time limits may terminate the game
const int WINNING_YES = 1; // winner found
const int WINNING_NEVER = 2; // no winner, enter overtime if time limit is reached
GameLogEcho(strcat(":team:", ftos(player_id), ":", ftos(team_number), ":", ftos(type)));
-void default_delayedinit(entity this)
- if(!scores_initialized)
- ScoreRules_generic();
-void InitGameplayMode()
- VoteReset();
- // find out good world mins/maxs bounds, either the static bounds found by looking for solid, or the mapinfo specified bounds
- get_mi_min_max(1);
- // assign reflectively to avoid "assignment to world" warning
- int done = 0; for (int i = 0, n = numentityfields(); i < n; ++i) {
- string k = entityfieldname(i); vector v = (k == "mins") ? mi_min : (k == "maxs") ? mi_max : '0 0 0';
- if (v) {
- putentityfieldstring(i, world, sprintf("%v", v));
- if (++done == 2) break;
- }
- }
- // currently, NetRadiant's limit is 131072 qu for each side
- // distance from one corner of a 131072qu cube to the opposite corner is approx. 227023 qu
- // set the distance according to map size but don't go over the limit to avoid issues with float precision
- // in case somebody makes extremely large maps
- max_shot_distance = min(230000, vlen(world.maxs - world.mins));
- MapInfo_LoadMapSettings(mapname);
- GameRules_teams(false);
- if (!cvar_value_issafe(world.fog))
- {
- LOG_INFO("The current map contains a potentially harmful fog setting, ignored");
- world.fog = string_null;
- }
- if(MapInfo_Map_fog != "")
- if(MapInfo_Map_fog == "none")
- world.fog = string_null;
- else
- world.fog = strzone(MapInfo_Map_fog);
- clientstuff = strzone(MapInfo_Map_clientstuff);
- MapInfo_ClearTemps();
- gamemode_name = MapInfo_Type_ToText(MapInfo_LoadedGametype);
- cache_mutatormsg = strzone("");
- cache_lastmutatormsg = strzone("");
- InitializeEntity(NULL, default_delayedinit, INITPRIO_GAMETYPE_FALLBACK);
-string GetClientVersionMessage(entity this)
- if (CS(this).version_mismatch) {
- if(CS(this).version < autocvar_gameversion) {
- return strcat("This is Xonotic ", autocvar_g_xonoticversion,
- "\n^3Your client version is outdated.\n\n\n### YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PLAY ON THIS SERVER ###\n\n\nPlease update!!!^8");
- } else {
- return strcat("This is Xonotic ", autocvar_g_xonoticversion,
- "\n^3This server is using an outdated Xonotic version.\n\n\n ### THIS SERVER IS INCOMPATIBLE AND THUS YOU CANNOT JOIN ###.^8");
- }
- } else {
- return strcat("Welcome to Xonotic ", autocvar_g_xonoticversion);
- }
-string getwelcomemessage(entity this)
- MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuildMutatorsPrettyString, "");
- string modifications = M_ARGV(0, string);
- if(g_weaponarena)
- {
- if(g_weaponarena_random)
- modifications = strcat(modifications, ", ", ftos(g_weaponarena_random), " of ", g_weaponarena_list, " Arena");
- else
- modifications = strcat(modifications, ", ", g_weaponarena_list, " Arena");
- }
- else if(cvar("g_balance_blaster_weaponstartoverride") == 0)
- modifications = strcat(modifications, ", No start weapons");
- if(cvar("sv_gravity") < stof(cvar_defstring("sv_gravity")))
- modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Low gravity");
- if(g_weapon_stay && !g_cts)
- modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Weapons stay");
- if(g_jetpack)
- modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Jet pack");
- if(autocvar_g_powerups == 0)
- modifications = strcat(modifications, ", No powerups");
- if(autocvar_g_powerups > 0)
- modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Powerups");
- modifications = substring(modifications, 2, strlen(modifications) - 2);
- string versionmessage = GetClientVersionMessage(this);
- string s = strcat(versionmessage, "^8\n^8\nmatch type is ^1", gamemode_name, "^8\n");
- if(modifications != "")
- s = strcat(s, "^8\nactive modifications: ^3", modifications, "^8\n");
- if(cache_lastmutatormsg != autocvar_g_mutatormsg)
- {
- if(cache_lastmutatormsg)
- strunzone(cache_lastmutatormsg);
- if(cache_mutatormsg)
- strunzone(cache_mutatormsg);
- cache_lastmutatormsg = strzone(autocvar_g_mutatormsg);
- cache_mutatormsg = strzone(cache_lastmutatormsg);
- }
- if (cache_mutatormsg != "") {
- s = strcat(s, "\n\n^8special gameplay tips: ^7", cache_mutatormsg);
- }
- string mutator_msg = "";
- MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuildGameplayTipsString, mutator_msg);
- mutator_msg = M_ARGV(0, string);
- s = strcat(s, mutator_msg); // trust that the mutator will do proper formatting
- string motd = autocvar_sv_motd;
- if (motd != "") {
- s = strcat(s, "\n\n^8MOTD: ^7", strreplace("\\n", "\n", motd));
- }
- return s;
void setcolor(entity this, int clr)
#if 0
#pragma once
-string cache_mutatormsg;
-string cache_lastmutatormsg;
/// \brief Returns the global team entity at the given index.
/// \param[in] index Index of the team.
/// \return Global team entity at the given index.
void LogTeamchange(float player_id, float team_number, float type);
-void default_delayedinit(entity this);
-void InitGameplayMode();
-string GetClientVersionMessage(entity this);
-string getwelcomemessage(entity this);
void setcolor(entity this, int clr);
/// \brief Returns whether the given entity belongs to a valid team.