set g_overkill_powerups_replace 1
set g_overkill_superguns_respawn_time 120
-set g_overkill_ammo_charge 0
-set g_overkill_ammo_charge_notice 1
-set g_overkill_ammo_charge_limit 1
-set g_overkill_ammo_charge_rate 0.5
-set g_overkill_ammo_charge_rate_vortex 0.5
-set g_overkill_ammo_charge_rate_machinegun 0.5
-set g_overkill_ammo_charge_rate_shotgun 0.5
-set g_overkill_ammo_charge_rate_hmg 0.25
-set g_overkill_ammo_charge_rate_rpc 1.5
-set g_overkill_ammo_decharge 0.1
-set g_overkill_ammo_decharge_machinegun 0.025
-set g_overkill_ammo_decharge_shotgun 0.15
-set g_overkill_ammo_decharge_vortex 0.2
-set g_overkill_ammo_decharge_rpc 1
-set g_overkill_ammo_decharge_hmg 0.01
// =========
// vampire
weapon_clipload = STAT(WEAPON_CLIPLOAD);
weapon_clipsize = STAT(WEAPON_CLIPSIZE);
- float ok_ammo_charge, ok_ammo_chargepool;
- ok_ammo_charge = STAT(OK_AMMO_CHARGE);
- ok_ammo_chargepool = STAT(OK_AMMO_CHARGEPOOL);
float vortex_charge, vortex_chargepool;
vortex_charge = STAT(VORTEX_CHARGE);
vortex_chargepool = STAT(VORTEX_CHARGEPOOL);
ring_rgb = wcross_color;
ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
- else if (ok_ammo_charge)
- {
- ring_value = ok_ammo_chargepool;
- ring_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload_alpha;
- ring_rgb = wcross_color;
- ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
- }
else if(autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload && weapon_clipsize) // forces there to be only an ammo ring
ring_value = bound(0, weapon_clipload / weapon_clipsize, 1);
entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
player.metertime = 0;
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0];
- player.(weaponentity).weapons = '0 0 0';
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ player.(weaponentity).weapons = '0 0 0';
+ }
if (nexball_mode & NBM_BASKETBALL)
player.weapons |= WEPSET(NEXBALL);
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode
if(player.buffs & BUFF_AMMO.m_itemid)
- if(player.(weaponentity).clip_size)
- player.(weaponentity).clip_load = player.(weaponentity).(weapon_load[player.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon.m_id]) = player.(weaponentity).clip_size;
+ {
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ if(player.(weaponentity).clip_size)
+ player.(weaponentity).clip_load = player.(weaponentity).(weapon_load[player.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon.m_id]) = player.(weaponentity).clip_size;
+ }
+ }
if((player.buffs & BUFF_INVISIBLE.m_itemid) && (player.oldbuffs & BUFF_INVISIBLE.m_itemid))
if(player.alpha != autocvar_g_buffs_invisible_alpha)
player.buff_ammo_prev_infitems = (player.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO);
- if(player.(weaponentity).clip_load)
- player.(weaponentity).buff_ammo_prev_clipload = player.(weaponentity).clip_load;
- player.(weaponentity).clip_load = player.(weaponentity).(weapon_load[player.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon.m_id]) = player.(weaponentity).clip_size;
+ if(player.buffs & BUFF_AMMO.m_itemid)
+ {
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ if(player.(weaponentity).clip_load)
+ player.(weaponentity).buff_ammo_prev_clipload = player.(weaponentity).clip_load;
+ if(player.(weaponentity).clip_size)
+ player.(weaponentity).clip_load = player.(weaponentity).(weapon_load[player.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon.m_id]) = player.(weaponentity).clip_size;
+ }
+ }
player.items &= ~IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO;
- if(player.(weaponentity).buff_ammo_prev_clipload)
- player.(weaponentity).clip_load = player.(weaponentity).buff_ammo_prev_clipload;
+ if(player.buffs & BUFF_AMMO.m_itemid)
+ {
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ if(player.(weaponentity).buff_ammo_prev_clipload)
+ player.(weaponentity).clip_load = player.(weaponentity).buff_ammo_prev_clipload;
+ }
+ }
it.ammo_rockets = start_ammo_rockets;
it.ammo_fuel = start_ammo_fuel;
it.weapons = start_weapons;
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode
- if(!client_hasweapon(it, it.(weaponentity).m_weapon, weaponentity, true, false))
- it.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon = w_getbestweapon(it, weaponentity);
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ if(it.(weaponentity).m_weapon == WEP_Null && slot != 0)
+ continue;
+ if(!client_hasweapon(it, it.(weaponentity).m_weapon, weaponentity, true, false))
+ it.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon = w_getbestweapon(it, weaponentity);
+ }
this.weapons |= WEPSET(BLASTER);
this.weapons |= e.m_wepset;
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode
Weapon w = Weapons_from(nix_weapon);
- if(this.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon != w)
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ if(this.(weaponentity).m_weapon == WEP_Null && slot != 0)
+ continue;
+ if(this.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon != w)
if(!client_hasweapon(this, this.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon, weaponentity, true, false))
if(client_hasweapon(this, w, weaponentity, true, false))
W_SwitchWeapon(this, w, weaponentity);
+ }
MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nix, ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon)
METHOD(HeavyMachineGun, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
if(vdist(actor.origin - actor.enemy.origin, <, 3000 - bound(0, skill, 10) * 200))
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
METHOD(HeavyMachineGun, wr_think, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire))
METHOD(RocketPropelledChainsaw, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR(rpc, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR(rpc, lifetime), false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR(rpc, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR(rpc, lifetime), false);
METHOD(RocketPropelledChainsaw, wr_think, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire))
float autocvar_g_overkill_superguns_respawn_time;
bool autocvar_g_overkill_100h_anyway;
bool autocvar_g_overkill_100a_anyway;
-bool autocvar_g_overkill_ammo_charge;
-float autocvar_g_overkill_ammo_charge_notice;
-float autocvar_g_overkill_ammo_charge_limit;
.vector ok_deathloc;
.float ok_spawnsys_timer;
-.float ok_lastwep;
+.Weapon ok_lastwep[MAX_WEAPONSLOTS];
.float ok_item;
-.float ok_notice_time;
-.float ammo_charge[Weapons_MAX];
-.float ok_use_ammocharge = _STAT(OK_AMMO_CHARGE);
-.float ok_ammo_charge = _STAT(OK_AMMO_CHARGEPOOL);
.float ok_pauseregen_finished;
-void(entity ent, float wep) ok_DecreaseCharge;
void ok_Initialize();
REGISTER_MUTATOR(ok, cvar("g_overkill") && !cvar("g_instagib") && !g_nexball && cvar_string("g_mod_balance") == "Overkill")
- entity actor = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- if (actor.ok_use_ammocharge)
- {
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode
- ok_DecreaseCharge(actor, actor.(weaponentity).m_weapon.m_id);
- return true;
- }
- entity actor = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- return actor.ok_use_ammocharge;
void W_Blaster_Attack(entity, .entity, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float);
-void ok_DecreaseCharge(entity ent, int wep)
- if(!ent.ok_use_ammocharge) return;
- entity wepent = Weapons_from(wep);
- if (wepent == WEP_Null) return; // dummy
- ent.ammo_charge[wep] -= max(0, cvar(sprintf("g_overkill_ammo_decharge_%s", wepent.netname)));
-void ok_IncreaseCharge(entity ent, int wep)
- entity wepent = Weapons_from(wep);
- if (wepent == WEP_Null) return; // dummy
- if(ent.ok_use_ammocharge)
- if(!PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(ent)) // not while attacking?
- ent.ammo_charge[wep] = min(autocvar_g_overkill_ammo_charge_limit, ent.ammo_charge[wep] + cvar(sprintf("g_overkill_ammo_charge_rate_%s", wepent.netname)) * frametime / W_TICSPERFRAME);
-float ok_CheckWeaponCharge(entity ent, int wep)
- if(!ent.ok_use_ammocharge) return true;
- entity wepent = Weapons_from(wep);
- if(wepent == WEP_Null) return false; // dummy
- return (ent.ammo_charge[wep] >= cvar(sprintf("g_overkill_ammo_decharge_%s", wepent.netname)));
entity frag_attacker = M_ARGV(1, entity);
ok_DropItem(frag_target, targ);
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
- frag_target.ok_lastwep = frag_target.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon.m_id;
+ frag_target.ok_lastwep[slot] = frag_target.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon;
+ }
entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode
if(IS_DEAD(player) || !IS_PLAYER(player) || STAT(FROZEN, player))
- if(player.ok_lastwep)
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
- Weapon newwep = Weapons_from(player.ok_lastwep);
- if(player.ok_lastwep == WEP_HMG.m_id)
- newwep = WEP_MACHINEGUN;
- if(player.ok_lastwep == WEP_RPC.m_id)
- newwep = WEP_VORTEX;
- player.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon = newwep;
- player.ok_lastwep = 0;
- }
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ entity thiswep = player.(weaponentity);
- ok_IncreaseCharge(player, player.(weaponentity).m_weapon.m_id);
+ if(player.ok_lastwep[slot] && player.ok_lastwep[slot] != WEP_Null)
+ {
+ Weapon newwep = player.ok_lastwep[slot];
+ if(player.ok_lastwep[slot] == WEP_HMG)
+ newwep = WEP_MACHINEGUN;
+ if(player.ok_lastwep[slot] == WEP_RPC)
+ newwep = WEP_VORTEX;
+ thiswep.m_switchweapon = newwep;
+ player.ok_lastwep[slot] = WEP_Null;
+ }
+ }
if(!forbidWeaponUse(player) || player.weapon_blocked) // allow if weapon is blocked
player.jump_interval = time + WEP_CVAR_PRI(blaster, refire) * W_WeaponRateFactor(player);
- Weapon oldwep = player.(weaponentity).m_weapon;
- player.(weaponentity).m_weapon = WEP_BLASTER;
- W_Blaster_Attack(
- player,
- weaponentity,
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, shotangle),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, damage),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, edgedamage),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, radius),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, force),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, speed),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, spread),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, delay),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, lifetime)
- );
- player.(weaponentity).m_weapon = oldwep;
- }
- player.weapon_blocked = false;
- player.ok_ammo_charge = player.ammo_charge[player.(weaponentity).m_weapon.m_id];
- if(player.ok_use_ammocharge)
- if(!ok_CheckWeaponCharge(player, player.(weaponentity).m_weapon.m_id))
- {
- if(autocvar_g_overkill_ammo_charge_notice && time > player.ok_notice_time && PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(player) && IS_REAL_CLIENT(player) && player.(weaponentity).m_weapon == player.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon)
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
- player.ok_notice_time = time + 2;
- play2(player, SND(DRYFIRE));
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ if(player.(weaponentity).m_weapon == WEP_Null && slot != 0)
+ continue;
+ Weapon oldwep = player.(weaponentity).m_weapon;
+ player.(weaponentity).m_weapon = WEP_BLASTER;
+ W_Blaster_Attack(
+ player,
+ weaponentity,
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, shotangle),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, damage),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, edgedamage),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, radius),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, force),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, speed),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, spread),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, delay),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, lifetime)
+ );
+ player.(weaponentity).m_weapon = oldwep;
- Weapon wpn = player.(weaponentity).m_weapon;
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode
- if(player.(weaponentity).state != WS_CLEAR)
- w_ready(wpn, player, weaponentity, PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(player) | (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(player) << 1));
- player.weapon_blocked = true;
PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(player) = false;
entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- if(autocvar_g_overkill_ammo_charge)
- {
- FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, LAMBDA(player.ammo_charge[it.m_id] = autocvar_g_overkill_ammo_charge_limit));
- player.ok_use_ammocharge = 1;
- player.ok_notice_time = time;
- }
- else
- player.ok_use_ammocharge = 0;
// if player changed their weapon while dead, don't switch to their death weapon
- player.ok_lastwep = 0;
+ {
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ player.ok_lastwep[slot] = WEP_Null;
+ }
+ }
player.ok_pauseregen_finished = time + 2;
return true;
- entity spectatee = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- entity client = M_ARGV(1, entity);
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode
- client.ammo_charge[client.(weaponentity).m_weapon.m_id] = spectatee.ammo_charge[spectatee.(weaponentity).m_weapon.m_id];
- client.ok_use_ammocharge = spectatee.ok_use_ammocharge;
entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity);
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode
- FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, LAMBDA(
- if(frag_target.weapons & WepSet_FromWeapon(it))
- if(frag_target.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon != it)
- if(W_IsWeaponThrowable(frag_target, it.m_id))
- W_ThrowNewWeapon(frag_target, it.m_id, false, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(frag_target), randomvec() * 175 + '0 0 325', weaponentity);
- ));
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ if(frag_target.(weaponentity).m_weapon == WEP_Null && slot != 0)
+ continue;
+ FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, LAMBDA(
+ if(frag_target.weapons & WepSet_FromWeapon(it))
+ if(frag_target.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon != it)
+ if(W_IsWeaponThrowable(frag_target, it.m_id))
+ W_ThrowNewWeapon(frag_target, it.m_id, false, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(frag_target), randomvec() * 175 + '0 0 325', weaponentity);
+ ));
+ }
return true;
PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(
+ weaponentity,
WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_botaimspeed),
WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_botaimlifetime),
PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(
+ weaponentity,
if(WEP_CVAR(blaster, secondary))
if((random() * (WEP_CVAR_PRI(blaster, damage) + WEP_CVAR_SEC(blaster, damage))) > WEP_CVAR_PRI(blaster, damage))
- { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_SEC(blaster, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_SEC(blaster, lifetime), false); }
+ { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_SEC(blaster, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_SEC(blaster, lifetime), false); }
- { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_PRI(blaster, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(blaster, lifetime), false); }
+ { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_PRI(blaster, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(blaster, lifetime), false); }
- { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_PRI(blaster, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(blaster, lifetime), false); }
+ { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_PRI(blaster, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(blaster, lifetime), false); }
METHOD(Blaster, wr_think, void(Blaster thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire))
METHOD(Crylink, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
if(random() < 0.10)
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_PRI(crylink, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(crylink, middle_lifetime), false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_PRI(crylink, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(crylink, middle_lifetime), false);
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_SEC(crylink, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_SEC(crylink, middle_lifetime), false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_SEC(crylink, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_SEC(crylink, middle_lifetime), false);
METHOD(Crylink, wr_think, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire))
METHOD(Devastator, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
// aim and decide to fire if appropriate
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR(devastator, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR(devastator, lifetime), false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR(devastator, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR(devastator, lifetime), false);
if(skill >= 2) // skill 0 and 1 bots won't detonate rockets!
// decide whether to detonate rockets
float shoot;
if(WEP_CVAR_PRI(electro, speed))
- shoot = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_PRI(electro, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(electro, lifetime), false);
+ shoot = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_PRI(electro, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(electro, lifetime), false);
- shoot = bot_aim(actor, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
+ shoot = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
- if(bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_SEC(electro, speed), WEP_CVAR_SEC(electro, speed_up), WEP_CVAR_SEC(electro, lifetime), true))
+ if(bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_SEC(electro, speed), WEP_CVAR_SEC(electro, speed_up), WEP_CVAR_SEC(electro, lifetime), true))
PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = true;
if(random() < 0.03) actor.bot_secondary_electromooth = 0;
PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = false;
if(actor.bot_primary_fireballmooth == 0)
- if(bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_PRI(fireball, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(fireball, lifetime), false))
+ if(bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_PRI(fireball, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(fireball, lifetime), false))
if(random() < 0.02) actor.bot_primary_fireballmooth = 0;
- if(bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_SEC(fireball, speed), WEP_CVAR_SEC(fireball, speed_up), WEP_CVAR_SEC(fireball, lifetime), true))
+ if(bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_SEC(fireball, speed), WEP_CVAR_SEC(fireball, speed_up), WEP_CVAR_SEC(fireball, lifetime), true))
PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = true;
if(random() < 0.01) actor.bot_primary_fireballmooth = 1;
METHOD(Hagar, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_PRI(hagar, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(hagar, lifetime), false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_PRI(hagar, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(hagar, lifetime), false);
else // not using secondary_speed since these are only 15% and should cause some ricochets without re-aiming
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_PRI(hagar, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(hagar, lifetime), false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_PRI(hagar, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(hagar, lifetime), false);
METHOD(Hagar, wr_think, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire))
METHOD(HLAC, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_PRI(hlac, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(hlac, lifetime), false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_PRI(hlac, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(hlac, lifetime), false);
METHOD(HLAC, wr_think, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire))
METHOD(MachineGun, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
if(vdist(actor.origin - actor.enemy.origin, <, 3000 - bound(0, skill, 10) * 200))
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
METHOD(MachineGun, wr_think, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire))
if(actor.(weaponentity).minelayer_mines >= WEP_CVAR(minelayer, limit))
PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = false;
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, lifetime), false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, lifetime), false);
if(skill >= 2) // skill 0 and 1 bots won't detonate mines!
// decide whether to detonate mines
PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = false;
if(actor.bot_secondary_grenademooth == 0) // WEAPONTODO: merge this into using WEP_CVAR_BOTH
- if(bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_PRI(mortar, speed), WEP_CVAR_PRI(mortar, speed_up), WEP_CVAR_PRI(mortar, lifetime), true))
+ if(bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_PRI(mortar, speed), WEP_CVAR_PRI(mortar, speed_up), WEP_CVAR_PRI(mortar, lifetime), true))
if(random() < 0.01) actor.bot_secondary_grenademooth = 1;
- if(bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_SEC(mortar, speed), WEP_CVAR_SEC(mortar, speed_up), WEP_CVAR_SEC(mortar, lifetime), true))
+ if(bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_SEC(mortar, speed), WEP_CVAR_SEC(mortar, speed_up), WEP_CVAR_SEC(mortar, lifetime), true))
PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = true;
if(random() < 0.02) actor.bot_secondary_grenademooth = 0;
PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = false;
PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = false;
if(!WEP_CVAR(porto, secondary))
- if(bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_PRI(porto, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(porto, lifetime), false))
+ if(bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_PRI(porto, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_PRI(porto, lifetime), false))
METHOD(PortoLaunch, wr_think, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire))
actor.bot_secondary_riflemooth = 0;
if(actor.bot_secondary_riflemooth == 0)
- if(bot_aim(actor, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false))
+ if(bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false))
if(random() < 0.01) actor.bot_secondary_riflemooth = 1;
- if(bot_aim(actor, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false))
+ if(bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false))
PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = true;
if(random() < 0.03) actor.bot_secondary_riflemooth = 0;
if(WEP_CVAR(seeker, type) == 1)
if(W_Seeker_Tagged_Info(actor, weaponentity, actor.enemy) != NULL)
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR(seeker, missile_speed_max), 0, WEP_CVAR(seeker, missile_lifetime), false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR(seeker, missile_speed_max), 0, WEP_CVAR(seeker, missile_lifetime), false);
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR(seeker, tag_speed), 0, WEP_CVAR(seeker, tag_lifetime), false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR(seeker, tag_speed), 0, WEP_CVAR(seeker, tag_lifetime), false);
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR(seeker, tag_speed), 0, WEP_CVAR(seeker, tag_lifetime), false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR(seeker, tag_speed), 0, WEP_CVAR(seeker, tag_lifetime), false);
METHOD(Seeker, wr_think, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire))
METHOD(Shockwave, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
if(vdist(actor.origin - actor.enemy.origin, <=, WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_range)))
- { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false); }
+ { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false); }
- { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false); }
+ { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false); }
METHOD(Shockwave, wr_think, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire))
METHOD(Shotgun, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
if(vdist(actor.origin - actor.enemy.origin, <=, WEP_CVAR_SEC(shotgun, melee_range)))
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false);
METHOD(Shotgun, wr_think, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire))
METHOD(Vaporizer, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
if(actor.(thiswep.ammo_field) > 0)
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, 1000000, 0, 1, false);
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 1, false);
- PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, lifetime), false); // WEAPONTODO: replace with proper vaporizer cvars
+ PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR_SEC(vaporizer, lifetime), false); // WEAPONTODO: replace with proper vaporizer cvars
METHOD(Vaporizer, wr_think, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire))
entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- float xyspeed = vlen(vec2(player.velocity));
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode
- if (player.(weaponentity).m_weapon == WEP_VORTEX && WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge) && WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_velocity_rate) && xyspeed > WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_minspeed))
- {
- // add a maximum of charge_velocity_rate when going fast (f = 1), gradually increasing from minspeed (f = 0) to maxspeed
- xyspeed = min(xyspeed, WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_maxspeed));
- float f = (xyspeed - WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_minspeed)) / (WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_maxspeed) - WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_minspeed));
- // add the extra charge
- player.(weaponentity).vortex_charge = min(1, player.(weaponentity).vortex_charge + WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_velocity_rate) * f * PHYS_INPUT_TIMELENGTH);
- }
+ if(!WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge) || !WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_velocity_rate))
+ return;
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ if (player.(weaponentity).m_weapon == WEP_VORTEX && WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge) && WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_velocity_rate) && vdist(vec2(player.velocity), >, WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_minspeed)))
+ {
+ float xyspeed = vlen(vec2(player.velocity));
+ // add a maximum of charge_velocity_rate when going fast (f = 1), gradually increasing from minspeed (f = 0) to maxspeed
+ xyspeed = min(xyspeed, WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_maxspeed));
+ float f = (xyspeed - WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_minspeed)) / (WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_maxspeed) - WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_minspeed));
+ // add the extra charge
+ player.(weaponentity).vortex_charge = min(1, player.(weaponentity).vortex_charge + WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_velocity_rate) * f * PHYS_INPUT_TIMELENGTH);
+ }
+ }
void W_Vortex_Attack(Weapon thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, float issecondary)
METHOD(Vortex, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
- if(bot_aim(actor, 1000000, 0, 1, false))
+ if(bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 1, false))
.float wpcost;
.int wpflags;
-bool bot_aim(entity this, float shotspeed, float shotspeedupward, float maxshottime, float applygravity);
+bool bot_aim(entity this, .entity weaponentity, float shotspeed, float shotspeedupward, float maxshottime, float applygravity);
void bot_clientconnect(entity this);
void bot_clientdisconnect(entity this);
void bot_cmdhelp(string scmd);
return targorigin + targvelocity * (shotdelay + vlen(targorigin - shotorg) / shotspeed);
-bool bot_aim(entity this, float shotspeed, float shotspeedupward, float maxshottime, bool applygravity)
+bool bot_aim(entity this, .entity weaponentity, float shotspeed, float shotspeedupward, float maxshottime, bool applygravity)
float f, r, hf, distanceratio;
vector v;
hf = this.dphitcontentsmask;
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode
shotspeed *= W_WeaponSpeedFactor(this);
shotspeedupward *= W_WeaponSpeedFactor(this);
if (!shotspeed)
float bot_shouldattack(entity this, entity targ);
float bot_aimdir(entity this, vector v, float maxfiredeviation);
-bool bot_aim(entity this, float shotspeed, float shotspeedupward, float maxshottime, bool applygravity);
+bool bot_aim(entity this, .entity weaponentity, float shotspeed, float shotspeedupward, float maxshottime, bool applygravity);
float findtrajectorywithleading(vector org, vector m1, vector m2, entity targ, float shotspeed, float shotspeedupward, float maxtime, float shotdelay, entity ignore);
vector bot_shotlead(vector targorigin, vector targvelocity, float shotspeed, float shotdelay);
#include "bot_null.qh"
#if 0
-bool bot_aim(entity this, float shotspeed, float shotspeedupward, float maxshottime, float applygravity) { return false; }
+bool bot_aim(entity this, .entity weaponentity, float shotspeed, float shotspeedupward, float maxshottime, float applygravity) { return false; }
void bot_clientconnect(entity this) { }
void bot_clientdisconnect(entity this) { }
void bot_cmdhelp(string scmd) { }
* Called by W_DecreaseAmmo
#define EV_W_DecreaseAmmo(i, o) \
- /** actor */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
+ /** actor */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
+ /** weapon entity */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_entity) \
MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(W_DecreaseAmmo, EV_W_DecreaseAmmo);
void W_DecreaseAmmo(Weapon wep, entity actor, float ammo_use, .entity weaponentity)
- if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(W_DecreaseAmmo, actor)) return;
+ if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(W_DecreaseAmmo, actor, actor.(weaponentity))) return;
if ((actor.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO) && !wep.reloading_ammo) return;