// If we want the timer to keep running, we enable expiring then use the exact time the powerup will finish at.
// If we want the timer to freeze, we disable expiring and we just use the time left of the powerup.
// See Item_SetExpiring() below.
- float finished_time = (autocvar_g_powerups_dropondeath == 2 ? timeleft : t);
+ float finished = (autocvar_g_powerups_dropondeath == 2 ? timeleft : t);
- // If the timer is frozen, the item will stay on the floor for 60 secs (TODO hardcoded for now),
+ // If the timer is frozen, the item will stay on the floor for 20 secs (same as weapons),
// otherwise it'll disappear after the timer runs out.
- float time_to_live = (autocvar_g_powerups_dropondeath == 2 ? 60 : timeleft);
+ float time_to_live = (autocvar_g_powerups_dropondeath == 2 ? 20 : timeleft);
// TODO: items cannot hold their "item field" yet, so we need to list all the powerups here!
- case ITEM_Strength: e.strength_finished = finished_time; break;
- case ITEM_Shield: e.invincible_finished = finished_time; break;
- case ITEM_Invisibility: e.invisibility_finished = finished_time; break;
- case ITEM_Speed: e.speed_finished = finished_time; break;
+ case ITEM_Strength: e.strength_finished = finished; break;
+ case ITEM_Shield: e.invincible_finished = finished; break;
+ case ITEM_Invisibility: e.invisibility_finished = finished; break;
+ case ITEM_Speed: e.speed_finished = finished; break;
Item_InitializeLoot(e, item.m_canonical_spawnfunc, this.origin + '0 0 32', randomvec() * 175 + '0 0 175', time_to_live);