+// To create a almost working builtin file from this replace:
+// "^NULL,.*" with ""
+// "^{.*//.*}:Wh\(.*)" with ""
+// "\:" with "//"
+// ".*//:Wh{\#:d*}:Wh{.*}" with "\2 = \1;"
+// "\n\n+" with "\n\n"
prvm_builtin_t vm_cl_builtins[] = {
NULL, // #0 NULL function (not callable) (QUAKE)
VM_CL_makevectors, // #1 void(vector ang) makevectors (QUAKE)
VM_vectoyaw, // #13 float(vector v) vectoyaw (QUAKE)
VM_CL_spawn, // #14 entity() spawn (QUAKE)
VM_remove, // #15 void(entity e) remove (QUAKE)
-VM_CL_traceline, // #16 float(vector v1, vector v2, float tryents) traceline (QUAKE)
+VM_CL_traceline, // #16 float(vector v1, vector v2, float tryents, entity ignoreentity) traceline (QUAKE)
NULL, // #17 entity() checkclient (QUAKE)
VM_find, // #18 entity(entity start, .string fld, string match) find (QUAKE)
VM_precache_sound, // #19 void(string s) precache_sound (QUAKE)
VM_traceon, // #29 void() traceon (QUAKE)
VM_traceoff, // #30 void() traceoff (QUAKE)
VM_eprint, // #31 void(entity e) eprint (QUAKE)
-VM_CL_walkmove, // #32 float(float yaw, float dist) walkmove (QUAKE)
+VM_CL_walkmove, // #32 float(float yaw, float dist[, float settrace]) walkmove (QUAKE)
NULL, // #33 (QUAKE)
VM_CL_droptofloor, // #34 float() droptofloor (QUAKE)
VM_CL_lightstyle, // #35 void(float style, string value) lightstyle (QUAKE)
VM_CL_setcursormode, // #343 void(float usecursor) setcursormode (EXT_CSQC)
VM_getmousepos, // #344 vector() getmousepos (EXT_CSQC)
VM_CL_getinputstate, // #345 float(float framenum) getinputstate (EXT_CSQC)
-VM_CL_setsensitivityscale, // #346 void(float sens) setsensitivityscaler (EXT_CSQC)
+VM_CL_setsensitivityscale, // #346 void(float sens) setsensitivityscale (EXT_CSQC)
VM_CL_runplayerphysics, // #347 void() runstandardplayerphysics (EXT_CSQC)
VM_CL_getplayerkey, // #348 string(float playernum, string keyname) getplayerkeyvalue (EXT_CSQC)
VM_CL_isdemo, // #349 float() isdemo (EXT_CSQC)
NULL, // #454 entity() spawnclient (DP_SV_BOTCLIENT)
NULL, // #455 float(entity clent) clienttype (DP_SV_BOTCLIENT)
NULL, // #456 void(float to, string s) WriteUnterminatedString (DP_SV_WRITEUNTERMINATEDSTRING)
-VM_CL_te_flamejet, // #457 void(vector org, vector vel, float howmany) te_flamejet = #457 (DP_TE_FLAMEJET)
+VM_CL_te_flamejet, // #457 void(vector org, vector vel, float howmany) te_flamejet (DP_TE_FLAMEJET)
NULL, // #458
VM_ftoe, // #459 entity(float num) entitybyindex (DP_QC_EDICT_NUM)
VM_buf_create, // #460 float() buf_create (DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS)
VM_strtolower, // #480 string(string s) VM_strtolower (DP_QC_STRING_CASE_FUNCTIONS)
VM_strtoupper, // #481 string(string s) VM_strtoupper (DP_QC_STRING_CASE_FUNCTIONS)
VM_cvar_defstring, // #482 string(string s) cvar_defstring (DP_QC_CVAR_DEFSTRING)
-VM_CL_pointsound, // #483 void(vector origin, string sample, float volume, float attenuation) (DP_SV_POINTSOUND)
+VM_CL_pointsound, // #483 void(vector origin, string sample, float volume, float attenuation) pointsound (DP_SV_POINTSOUND)
VM_strreplace, // #484 string(string search, string replace, string subject) strreplace (DP_QC_STRREPLACE)
VM_strireplace, // #485 string(string search, string replace, string subject) strireplace (DP_QC_STRREPLACE)
-VM_CL_getsurfacepointattribute,// #486 vector(entity e, float s, float n, float a) getsurfacepointattribute = #486;
+VM_CL_getsurfacepointattribute,// #486 vector(entity e, float s, float n, float a) getsurfacepointattribute
VM_gecko_create, // #487 float gecko_create( string name )
VM_gecko_destroy, // #488 void gecko_destroy( string name )