seta hud_panel_weapons_accuracy_color2 "0 1 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_accuracy_color_levels "0 20 100" "accuracy values at which a specified color (hud_panel_weapons_accuracy_color<X>) will be used. If your accuracy is between 2 of these values then a mix of the Xth and X+1th colors will be used. You can specify up to 10 values, in increasing order"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo 1 "show ammo as a status bar"
-seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_shells 40 "show 100% of the status bar at this ammo count"
-seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_nails 100 "show 100% of the status bar at this ammo count"
-seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_cells 60 "show 100% of the status bar at this ammo count"
-seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_rockets 60 "show 100% of the status bar at this ammo count"
+seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_shells 50 "show 100% of the status bar at this ammo count"
+seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_nails 200 "show 100% of the status bar at this ammo count"
+seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_cells 80 "show 100% of the status bar at this ammo count"
+seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_rockets 80 "show 100% of the status bar at this ammo count"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_fuel 100 "show 100% of the status bar at this ammo count"
seta hud_panel_notify_time 10 "time that a new entry stays until it fades out"