entity head;
- if not(teamplay && cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal"))
+ if not(teams_matter && cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal"))
if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO || self.eater.classname == "player" || self.flagcarried || self.digesting) // a flag carrier can't waste time on team healing
// the greater the skill, the higher the chance bots will swallow someone each attempt
if(skill >= random_try)
- if not(teamplay && prey.team == self.team)
+ if not(teams_matter && prey.team == self.team)
self.BUTTON_ATCK = TRUE; // swallow
self.decide_delay1 = time + decide_pred; // time before the bot decides what to do with their prey
// the higher the skill, the more the bot will kick in your stomack
if(skill >= random_try)
- if not(teamplay && prey.team == self.team) // if someone from the same team somehow made it in the belly, don't kick the eater
+ if not(teams_matter && prey.team == self.team) // if someone from the same team somehow made it in the belly, don't kick the eater
self.BUTTON_ATCK = TRUE; // kick
self.decide_delay2 = time + decide_prey; // time before the bot decides what to do with their predator