cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes = {0, "r_showcollisionbrushes", "0", "draws collision brushes in quake3 maps (mode 1), mode 2 disables rendering of world (trippy!)"};
cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonfactor = {0, "r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonfactor", "-1", "expands outward the brush polygons a little bit, used to make collision brushes appear infront of walls"};
cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonoffset = {0, "r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonoffset", "0", "nudges brush polygon depth in hardware depth units, used to make collision brushes appear infront of walls"};
-cvar_t r_showdisabledepthtest = {0, "r_showdisabledepthtest", "0", "disables depth testing on r_show* cvars, allowing you to see what hidden geometry the graphics card is processing\n"};
+cvar_t r_showdisabledepthtest = {0, "r_showdisabledepthtest", "0", "disables depth testing on r_show* cvars, allowing you to see what hidden geometry the graphics card is processing"};
cvar_t r_drawentities = {0, "r_drawentities","1", "draw entities (doors, players, projectiles, etc)"};
cvar_t r_drawviewmodel = {0, "r_drawviewmodel","1", "draw your weapon model"};
cvar_t r_speeds = {0, "r_speeds","0", "displays rendering statistics and per-subsystem timings"};