seta timelimit_suddendeath 5 "number of minutes suddendeath mode lasts after all overtimes were added and still no winner was found"\r
// common team values\r
-set g_tdm 0 "Team Deathmatch: the team who kills their opponents most often wins"\r
+seta g_tdm 0 "Team Deathmatch: the team who kills their opponents most often wins"\r
seta teamplay_default 4 "default teamplay setting in team games. 1 = no friendly fire, self damage. 2 = friendly fire and self damage enabled. 3 = no friendly fire, but self damage enabled. 4 = obey the following four cvars"\r
seta g_mirrordamage 0.3 "for teamplay 4: mirror damage factor"\r
set sv_teamnagger 1 "enable a nag message when the teams are unbalanced"\r
// dm\r
-set g_dm 1 "Deathmatch: killing any other player is one frag, player with most frags wins"\r
+seta g_dm 1 "Deathmatch: killing any other player is one frag, player with most frags wins"\r
set gamecfg 1 // "deathmatch"\r
// ctf\r
-set g_ctf 0 "Capture The Flag: take the enemy flag and bring it to yours at your base to score"\r
+seta g_ctf 0 "Capture The Flag: take the enemy flag and bring it to yours at your base to score"\r
set g_ctf_flag_returntime 30\r
set g_ctf_flagcarrier_selfdamage 1\r
set g_ctf_flagcarrier_selfforce 1\r
exec ctfscoring-ai.cfg\r
// domination\r
-set g_domination 0 "Domination: capture and hold control points to gain points"\r
+seta g_domination 0 "Domination: capture and hold control points to gain points"\r
set g_domination_default_teams 2 "default number of teams for maps that aren't domination-specific"\r
seta g_domination_teams_override 0 "use a specific number of teams in domination games (minimum 2), disables dom_team entities"\r
set g_domination_disable_frags 0 "players can't get frags normally, only get points from kills"\r
//set g_domination_balance_team_points 1 "# of points received is based on team sizes"\r
// last man standing\r
-set g_lms 0 "Last Man Standing: everyone starts with a certain amount of lives, and the survivor wins"\r
+seta g_lms 0 "Last Man Standing: everyone starts with a certain amount of lives, and the survivor wins"\r
set g_lms_lives_override -1\r
set g_lms_regenerate 0\r
set g_lms_campcheck_interval 10\r
set g_lms_join_anytime 1 "if true, new players can join, but get same amount of lives as the worst player"\r
// arena\r
-set g_arena 0 "Arena: many one-on-one rounds are played to find the winner"\r
+seta g_arena 0 "Arena: many one-on-one rounds are played to find the winner"\r
set g_arena_maxspawned 2 "maximum number of players to spawn at once (the rest is spectating, waiting for their turn)"\r
set g_arena_roundbased 1 "if disabled, the next player will spawn as soon as someone dies"\r
set g_arena_warmup 5 "time, newly spawned players have to prepare themselves in round based matches"\r
set g_arena_powerups 0 "enables powerups (superhealth, strength and shield), which are removed by default"\r
// ca\r
-set g_ca 0 "Clan Arena: Played in rounds, once you're dead you're out! The team with survivors wins the round."\r
+seta g_ca 0 "Clan Arena: Played in rounds, once you're dead you're out! The team with survivors wins the round."\r
set g_ca_point_limit 10 "point limit 10 is standard for clan arena"\r
set g_ca_point_leadlimit 0\r
set g_ca_warmup 10 "how long the players will have time to run around the map before the round starts"\r
// onslaught\r
-set g_onslaught 0 "Onslaught: take control points towards the enemy generator and then destroy it"\r
+seta g_onslaught 0 "Onslaught: take control points towards the enemy generator and then destroy it"\r
set g_onslaught_gen_health 5000\r
set g_onslaught_cp_health 1000\r
set g_onslaught_cp_buildhealth 100\r
set g_onslaught_cp_regen 20\r
// assault\r
-set g_assault 0 "Assault: attack the enemy base as fast as you can, then defend the base against the enemy for that time to win"\r
+seta g_assault 0 "Assault: attack the enemy base as fast as you can, then defend the base against the enemy for that time to win"\r
// race\r
-set g_race 0 "Race: be faster than your opponents"\r
+seta g_race 0 "Race: be faster than your opponents"\r
set g_race_qualifying_timelimit 0\r
set g_race_qualifying_timelimit_override -1\r
set g_race_teams 0 "when 2, 3, or 4, the race is played as a team game (the team members can add up their laps)"\r
// cts\r
-set g_cts 0 "CTS: complete the stage"\r
+seta g_cts 0 "CTS: complete the stage"\r
// rpg\r
-set g_rpg 0 "RPG: RolePlay / Free Roam gametype"\r
+seta g_rpg 0 "RPG: RolePlay / Free Roam gametype"\r
// server game balance settings\r
// powerup balance settings\r
alias addvote "qc_cmd addtolist sv_vote_commands $*"\r
// key hunt\r
-set g_keyhunt 0 "Key Hunt: collect all keys from the enemies and bring them together to score"\r
+seta g_keyhunt 0 "Key Hunt: collect all keys from the enemies and bring them together to score"\r
set g_balance_keyhunt_delay_return 60\r
set g_balance_keyhunt_delay_round 5\r
set g_balance_keyhunt_delay_tracking 10\r