def player_hashkey_info_data(request):
- (hashkey, status) = verify_request(request)
+ # hashkey = request.matchdict['hashkey']
+ # the incoming hashkey is double quoted, and WSGI unquotes once...
+ # hashkey = unquote(hashkey)
+ # if using request verification to obtain the hashkey
+ (idfp, status) = verify_request(request)
+ log.debug("d0_blind_id verification: idfp={0} status={1}\n".format(idfp, status))
+ log.debug("\n----- BEGIN REQUEST BODY -----\n" + request.body +
+ "----- END REQUEST BODY -----\n\n")
# if config is to *not* verify requests and we get nothing back, this
# query will return nothing and we'll 404.
player = DBSession.query(Player).\
filter(Player.player_id == Hashkey.player_id).\
filter(Player.active_ind == True).\
- filter(Hashkey.hashkey == hashkey).one()
+ filter(Hashkey.hashkey == idfp).one()
- games_played = get_games_played(player.player_id)
- overall_stats = get_overall_stats(player.player_id)
- fav_maps = get_fav_maps(player.player_id)
- elos = get_elos(player.player_id)
- ranks = get_ranks(player.player_id)
+ games_played = get_games_played(player.player_id)
+ overall_stats = get_overall_stats(player.player_id)
+ fav_maps = get_fav_maps(player.player_id)
+ elos = get_elos(player.player_id)
+ ranks = get_ranks(player.player_id)
+ most_recent_game = get_recent_games(player.player_id, 1)[0]
except Exception as e:
raise pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound
Provides elo information on a specific player. Raw data is returned.
+ (idfp, status) = verify_request(request)
+ log.debug("d0_blind_id verification: idfp={0} status={1}\n".format(idfp, status))
hashkey = request.matchdict['hashkey']
++<<<<<<< HEAD
+ log.debug("\n----- BEGIN REQUEST BODY -----\n" + request.body +
+ "----- END REQUEST BODY -----\n\n")
+ # the incoming hashkey is double quoted, and WSGI unquotes once...
+ hashkey = unquote(hashkey)
++>>>>>>> master
player = DBSession.query(Player).\