t->colormapping = VectorLength2(ent->colormap_pantscolor) + VectorLength2(ent->colormap_shirtcolor) >= (1.0f / 1048576.0f);
t->basetexture = (!t->colormapping && t->currentskinframe->merged) ? t->currentskinframe->merged : t->currentskinframe->base;
- t->glosstexture = r_texture_white;
+ t->glosstexture = r_texture_black;
t->backgroundbasetexture = t->backgroundnumskinframes ? ((!t->colormapping && t->backgroundcurrentskinframe->merged) ? t->backgroundcurrentskinframe->merged : t->backgroundcurrentskinframe->base) : r_texture_white;
- t->backgroundglosstexture = r_texture_white;
+ t->backgroundglosstexture = r_texture_black;
t->specularpower = r_shadow_glossexponent.value;
// TODO: store reference values for these in the texture?
t->specularscale = 0;
else if (r_shadow_gloss.integer >= 2 && r_shadow_gloss2intensity.value > 0)
+ {
+ t->glosstexture = r_texture_white;
+ t->backgroundglosstexture = r_texture_white;
t->specularscale = r_shadow_gloss2intensity.value;
+ }
// lightmaps mode looks bad with dlights using actual texturing, so turn