seta hud_panel_centerprint_time 3 "message duration (NOTE: certain messages have a fixed duration)"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_in 0 "how long a message takes to fade in"
-seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_in_short 0 " "how long a message that lasts 2 or less seconds takes to fade in"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_out 0.15 "how long a message takes to fade out (this time is included in the message duration and can't be > 5)"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent 1 "enable extra fading effects for each additional message, so that the more messages you have the more they become faded out"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passone 3 "division factor for the first pass for alpha fading, with 2 all messages after the first have half alpha"
bool autocvar_hud_panel_centerprint;
float autocvar_hud_panel_centerprint_align;
float autocvar_hud_panel_centerprint_fade_in = 0.15;
-float autocvar_hud_panel_centerprint_fade_in_short = 0;
float autocvar_hud_panel_centerprint_fade_out = 0.15;
float autocvar_hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent = 1;
float autocvar_hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passone = 3;