body_table_height = 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y * max(1, tm.team_size); // no player? show 1 empty line
- pos.y += autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness;
pos -= '1 1 0';
tmp.x = sbwidth + 2;
drawpic(pos, "gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_tableheader", tmp, rgb + '0.5 0.5 0.5', scoreboard_alpha_bg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- // table border
- tmp.y += autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness;
- tmp.y += body_table_height;
- drawborderlines(autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness, pos, tmp, '0 0 0', scoreboard_alpha_bg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // more transparency for the scoreboard
- // separator header/table
pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y;
- tmp.y = autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness;
- drawfill(pos, tmp, '0 0 0', scoreboard_alpha_bg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- pos.y += autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness;
// table background
tmp.y = body_table_height;
// go back to the top to make alternated columns highlighting and to print the strings
pos.y -= 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y;
- pos.y -= autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness;
pos += '1 1 0';
if (scoreboard_highlight)
column_dim.y = 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; // header
- column_dim.y += autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness;
column_dim.y += body_table_height;
pos.x = xmin;
pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; // skip the header
- pos.y += autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness;
// item size
tmp.x = sbwidth;
float weapon_width = sbwidth / columnns / rows;
drawstring(pos, sprintf(_("Accuracy stats (average %d%%)"), average_accuracy), hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', scoreboard_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y + autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness;
+ pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y;
vector tmp = '0 0 0';
tmp.x = sbwidth;
tmp.y = height * rows;
drawpic_tiled(pos, "gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_bg", bg_size, tmp, rgb * autocvar_scoreboard_color_bg_team, scoreboard_alpha_bg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
drawpic_tiled(pos, "gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_bg", bg_size, tmp, rgb, scoreboard_alpha_bg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawborderlines(autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness, pos, tmp, '0 0 0', scoreboard_alpha_bg * 0.75, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
// column highlighting
for (int i = 0; i < columnns; ++i)
// draw table header
drawstring(pos, _("Map stats:"), hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', scoreboard_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y + autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness;
+ pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y;
// draw table
vector tmp = '0 0 0';
drawpic_tiled(pos, "gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_bg", bg_size, tmp, rgb * autocvar_scoreboard_color_bg_team, scoreboard_alpha_bg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
drawpic_tiled(pos, "gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_bg", bg_size, tmp, rgb, scoreboard_alpha_bg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawborderlines(autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness, pos, tmp, '0 0 0', scoreboard_alpha_bg * 0.75, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
// draw monsters
pos.y += hud_fontsize.y;
drawstring(pos, _("Rankings"), hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', scoreboard_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- pos.y += hud_fontsize.y + autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness;
+ pos.y += hud_fontsize.y;
vector tmp = '0 0 0';
tmp.x = sbwidth;
tmp.y = 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y * RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT;
drawpic_tiled(pos, "gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_bg", bg_size, tmp, rgb * autocvar_scoreboard_color_bg_team, scoreboard_alpha_bg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
drawpic_tiled(pos, "gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_bg", bg_size, tmp, rgb, scoreboard_alpha_bg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawborderlines(autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness, pos, tmp, '0 0 0', scoreboard_alpha_bg * 0.75, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
// row highlighting
for(i = 0; i<RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT; ++i)
drawcolorcodedstring(pos + '8 0 0' * hud_fontsize.y, n, '1 1 0' * hud_fontsize.y, scoreboard_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y;
- pos.y += autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness;
return pos;
- vector team_score_baseoffset;
- team_score_baseoffset = eY * (2 * autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness + hud_fontsize.y) - eX * (autocvar_scoreboard_border_thickness + hud_fontsize.x * 0.25);
+ vector team_score_baseoffset = eY * hud_fontsize.y - eX * hud_fontsize.x * 0.25;
for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next)