// John Carmack said the quake palette.lmp can be considered public domain because it is not an important asset to id, so I include it here as a fallback if no external palette file is found.
unsigned char host_quakepal[768] =
+// marked: colormap colors: cb = (e->render.colormap & 0xF0);cb += (cb >= 128 && cb < 224) ? 4 : 12;
+// 0x0*
+ 0,0,0, 15,15,15, 31,31,31, 47,47,47, 63,63,63, 75,75,75, 91,91,91, 107,107,107,
+ 123,123,123, 139,139,139, 155,155,155, 171,171,171, 187,187,187, 203,203,203, 219,219,219, 235,235,235,
+// 0x1* 0 ^
+ 15,11,7, 23,15,11, 31,23,11, 39,27,15, 47,35,19, 55,43,23, 63,47,23, 75,55,27,
+ 83,59,27, 91,67,31, 99,75,31, 107,83,31, 115,87,31, 123,95,35, 131,103,35, 143,111,35,
+// 0x2* 1 ^
+ 11,11,15, 19,19,27, 27,27,39, 39,39,51, 47,47,63, 55,55,75, 63,63,87, 71,71,103,
+ 79,79,115, 91,91,127, 99,99,139, 107,107,151, 115,115,163, 123,123,175, 131,131,187, 139,139,203,
+// 0x3* 2 ^
+ 0,0,0, 7,7,0, 11,11,0, 19,19,0, 27,27,0, 35,35,0, 43,43,7, 47,47,7,
+ 55,55,7, 63,63,7, 71,71,7, 75,75,11, 83,83,11, 91,91,11, 99,99,11, 107,107,15,
+// 0x4* 3 ^
+ 7,0,0, 15,0,0, 23,0,0, 31,0,0, 39,0,0, 47,0,0, 55,0,0, 63,0,0,
+ 71,0,0, 79,0,0, 87,0,0, 95,0,0, 103,0,0, 111,0,0, 119,0,0, 127,0,0,
+// 0x5* 4 ^
+ 19,19,0, 27,27,0, 35,35,0, 47,43,0, 55,47,0, 67,55,0, 75,59,7, 87,67,7,
+ 95,71,7, 107,75,11, 119,83,15, 131,87,19, 139,91,19, 151,95,27, 163,99,31, 175,103,35,
+// 0x6* 5 ^
+ 35,19,7, 47,23,11, 59,31,15, 75,35,19, 87,43,23, 99,47,31, 115,55,35, 127,59,43,
+ 143,67,51, 159,79,51, 175,99,47, 191,119,47, 207,143,43, 223,171,39, 239,203,31, 255,243,27,
+// 0x7* 6 ^
+ 11,7,0, 27,19,0, 43,35,15, 55,43,19, 71,51,27, 83,55,35, 99,63,43, 111,71,51,
+ 127,83,63, 139,95,71, 155,107,83, 167,123,95, 183,135,107, 195,147,123, 211,163,139, 227,179,151,
+// 0x8* 7 ^ v 8
+ 171,139,163, 159,127,151, 147,115,135, 139,103,123, 127,91,111, 119,83,99, 107,75,87, 95,63,75,
+ 87,55,67, 75,47,55, 67,39,47, 55,31,35, 43,23,27, 35,19,19, 23,11,11, 15,7,7,
+// 0x9* 9 v
+ 187,115,159, 175,107,143, 163,95,131, 151,87,119, 139,79,107, 127,75,95, 115,67,83, 107,59,75,
+ 95,51,63, 83,43,55, 71,35,43, 59,31,35, 47,23,27, 35,19,19, 23,11,11, 15,7,7,
+// 0xA* 10 v
+ 219,195,187, 203,179,167, 191,163,155, 175,151,139, 163,135,123, 151,123,111, 135,111,95, 123,99,83,
+ 107,87,71, 95,75,59, 83,63,51, 67,51,39, 55,43,31, 39,31,23, 27,19,15, 15,11,7,
+// 0xB* 11 v
+ 111,131,123, 103,123,111, 95,115,103, 87,107,95, 79,99,87, 71,91,79, 63,83,71, 55,75,63,
+ 47,67,55, 43,59,47, 35,51,39, 31,43,31, 23,35,23, 15,27,19, 11,19,11, 7,11,7,
+// 0xC*
+ 255,243,27, 239,223,23, 219,203,19, 203,183,15, 187,167,15, 171,151,11, 155,131,7, 139,115,7,
+ 123,99,7, 107,83,0, 91,71,0, 75,55,0, 59,43,0, 43,31,0, 27,15,0, 11,7,0,
+// 0xD* 12 ^
+ 0,0,255, 11,11,239, 19,19,223, 27,27,207, 35,35,191, 43,43,175, 47,47,159, 47,47,143,
+ 47,47,127, 47,47,111, 47,47,95, 43,43,79, 35,35,63, 27,27,47, 19,19,31, 11,11,15,
+// 0xE* 13 ^
+ 43,0,0, 59,0,0, 75,7,0, 95,7,0, 111,15,0, 127,23,7, 147,31,7, 163,39,11,
+ 183,51,15, 195,75,27, 207,99,43, 219,127,59, 227,151,79, 231,171,95, 239,191,119, 247,211,139,
+// 0xF* 14 ^
+ 167,123,59, 183,155,55, 199,195,55, 231,227,87, 127,191,255, 171,231,255, 215,255,255, 103,0,0,
+ 139,0,0, 179,0,0, 215,0,0, 255,0,0, 255,243,147, 255,247,199, 255,255,255, 159,91,83
+}; // 15 ^
void Palette_SetupSpecialPalettes(void)