+string translate_modifications(string s)
+ return build_mutator_list(s);
+string translate_weaponarena(string s)
+ if (s == "") return s;
+ if (s == "All Weapons Arena") return _("All Weapons Arena");
+ if (s == "Dev All Weapons Arena") return _("Dev All Weapons Arena");
+ if (s == "Most Weapons Arena") return _("Most Weapons Arena");
+ if (s == "All Available Weapons Arena") return _("All Available Weapons Arena");
+ if (s == "Dev All Available Weapons Arena") return _("Dev All Available Weapons Arena");
+ if (s == "Most Available Weapons Arena") return _("Most Available Weapons Arena");
+ if (s == "No Weapons Arena") return _("No Weapons Arena");
+ int n = tokenizebyseparator(s, " & ");
+ string wpn_list = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ Weapon wep = Weapon_from_name(argv(i));
+ if (wep == WEP_Null)
+ LOG_INFO("^3Warning: ^7server sent an invalid weapon name\n");
+ wpn_list = cons_mid(wpn_list, " & ", wep.m_name);
+ }
+ return sprintf(_("%s Arena"), wpn_list);
bool force_centerprint = ReadByte();
string hostname = ReadString();
string ver = ReadString();
- string modifications = ReadString();
+ string modifications = translate_modifications(ReadString());
+ string weaponarena_list = translate_weaponarena(ReadString());
string cache_mutatormsg = ReadString();
string mutator_msg = ReadString();
string motd = ReadString();
string msg = "";
msg = strcat(msg, ver);
msg = strcat(msg, "^8\n\n", _("match type is "), " ^1", MapInfo_Type_ToText(gametype), "^8\n");
+ modifications = cons_mid(modifications, ", ", weaponarena_list);
if(modifications != "")
msg = strcat(msg, "^8\n", _("active modifications:"), " ^3", modifications, "^8\n");
if (cache_mutatormsg != "")
return strcat(draw_currentSkin, "/", pic);
+// if s == "" (MENUQC) builds the mutator list for the Mutators dialog based on local cvar values
+// otherwise (CSQC) translates the mutator list (s) that client has received from server
+// NOTE: this function merges MENUQC and CSQC code in order to avoid duplicating and separating strings
+string build_mutator_list(string s)
+ int i = -1, n = 0; // allow only 1 iteration in the following for loop if (s == "")
+ if (s != "")
+ {
+ i = 0;
+ n = tokenizebyseparator(s, ", ");
+ }
+ string s2 = "";
+ for (string arg = ""; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ if (i >= 0) arg = argv(i);
+ if(arg == "Dodging" || (!n && cvar("g_dodging"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Dodging"));
+ if(arg == "InstaGib" || (!n && cvar("g_instagib"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("InstaGib"));
+ if(arg == "New Toys" || (!n && cvar("g_new_toys"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("New Toys"));
+ if(arg == "NIX" || (!n && cvar("g_nix"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("NIX"));
+ if(arg == "Rocket Flying" || (!n && cvar("g_rocket_flying"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Rocket Flying"));
+ if(arg == "Invincible Projectiles" || (!n && cvar("g_invincible_projectiles"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Invincible Projectiles"));
+ if(arg == "Low gravity" || (!n && cvar("sv_gravity") < stof(cvar_defstring("sv_gravity")))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Low gravity"));
+ if(arg == "Cloaked" || (!n && cvar("g_cloaked"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Cloaked"));
+ if(arg == "Hook" || (!n && cvar("g_grappling_hook"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Hook"));
+ if(arg == "Midair" || (!n && cvar("g_midair"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Midair"));
+ if(arg == "Melee only" || (!n && cvar("g_melee_only"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Melee only"));
+ if(arg == "Vampire" || (!n && cvar("g_vampire"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Vampire"));
+ if(arg == "Piñata" || (!n && cvar("g_pinata"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Piñata"));
+ if(arg == "Weapons stay" || (!n && cvar("g_weapon_stay"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Weapons stay"));
+ if(arg == "Blood loss" || (!n && cvar("g_bloodloss") > 0)) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Blood loss"));
+ if(arg == "Jetpack" || (!n && cvar("g_jetpack"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Jetpack"));
+ if(arg == "Buffs" || (!n && cvar("g_buffs") > 0)) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Buffs"));
+ if(arg == "Overkill" || (!n && cvar("g_overkill"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Overkill"));
+ if(arg == "No powerups" || (!n && cvar("g_powerups") == 0)) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("No powerups"));
+ if(arg == "Powerups" || (!n && cvar("g_powerups") > 0)) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Powerups"));
+ if(arg == "Touch explode" || (!n && cvar("g_touchexplode") > 0)) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Touch explode"));
+ if(arg == "Wall jumping" || (!n && cvar("g_walljump"))) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("Wall jumping"));
+ if(arg == "No start weapons" || (!n && cvar_string("g_weaponarena") == "0" && cvar("g_balance_blaster_weaponstartoverride") == 0)) s2 = cons_mid(s2, ", ", _("No start weapons"));
+ }
+ return s2;
void wordwrap_cb(string s, float l, void(string) callback)
#ifndef SVQC
string draw_currentSkin;
string draw_UseSkinFor(string pic);
+string build_mutator_list(string s);
// iterative depth-first search, with fields that go "up", "down left" and "right" in a tree
string XonoticMutatorsDialog_toString(entity me)
- string s = "";
- if(cvar("g_dodging"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Dodging"));
- if(cvar("g_instagib"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("InstaGib"));
- if(cvar("g_new_toys"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("New Toys"));
- if(cvar("g_nix"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("NIX"));
- if(cvar("g_rocket_flying"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Rocket Flying"));
- if(cvar("g_invincible_projectiles"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Invincible Projectiles"));
+ string s = build_mutator_list("");
if(cvar_string("g_weaponarena") != "0")
s = cons_mid(s, ", ", WeaponArenaString());
- else if(cvar("g_balance_blaster_weaponstartoverride") == 0)
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("No start weapons"));
- if(cvar("sv_gravity") < stof(cvar_defstring("sv_gravity")))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Low gravity"));
- if(cvar("g_cloaked"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Cloaked"));
- if(cvar("g_grappling_hook"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Hook"));
- if(cvar("g_midair"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Midair"));
- if(cvar("g_melee_only"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Melee only"));
- if(cvar("g_vampire"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Vampire"));
- if(cvar("g_pinata"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Piñata"));
- if(cvar("g_weapon_stay"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Weapons stay"));
- if(cvar("g_bloodloss") > 0)
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Blood loss"));
- if(cvar("g_jetpack"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Jetpack"));
- if(cvar("g_buffs") > 0)
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Buffs"));
- if(cvar("g_overkill"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Overkill"));
- if(cvar("g_powerups") == 0)
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("No powerups"));
- if(cvar("g_powerups") > 0)
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Powerups"));
- if(cvar("g_touchexplode") > 0)
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Touch explode"));
- if(cvar("g_walljump"))
- s = cons_mid(s, ", ", _("Wall jumping"));
if(s == "")
return ZCTX(_("MUT^None"));
MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuildMutatorsPrettyString, "");
string modifications = M_ARGV(0, string);
- if(g_weaponarena)
- {
- if(g_weaponarena_random)
- modifications = strcat(modifications, ", ", ftos(g_weaponarena_random), " of ", g_weaponarena_list, " Arena");
- else
- modifications = strcat(modifications, ", ", g_weaponarena_list, " Arena");
- }
- else if(cvar("g_balance_blaster_weaponstartoverride") == 0)
+ if (!g_weaponarena && cvar("g_balance_blaster_weaponstartoverride") == 0)
modifications = strcat(modifications, ", No start weapons");
if(cvar("sv_gravity") < stof(cvar_defstring("sv_gravity")))
modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Low gravity");
if(g_weapon_stay && !g_cts)
modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Weapons stay");
- modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Jet pack");
+ modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Jetpack");
modifications = substring(modifications, 2, strlen(modifications) - 2);
WriteString(MSG_ONE, modifications);
+ WriteString(MSG_ONE, g_weaponarena_list);
if(cache_lastmutatormsg != autocvar_g_mutatormsg)
strcpy(cache_lastmutatormsg, autocvar_g_mutatormsg);
else if (s == "all" || s == "1")
g_weaponarena = 1;
- g_weaponarena_list = "All Weapons";
+ g_weaponarena_list = "All Weapons Arena";
g_weaponarena_weapons = weapons_all();
else if (s == "devall")
g_weaponarena = 1;
- g_weaponarena_list = "Dev All Weapons";
+ g_weaponarena_list = "Dev All Weapons Arena";
g_weaponarena_weapons = weapons_devall();
else if (s == "most")
g_weaponarena = 1;
- g_weaponarena_list = "Most Weapons";
+ g_weaponarena_list = "Most Weapons Arena";
g_weaponarena_weapons = weapons_most();
else if (s == "all_available")
g_weaponarena = 1;
- g_weaponarena_list = "All Available Weapons";
+ g_weaponarena_list = "All Available Weapons Arena";
// this needs to run after weaponsInMapAll is initialized
InitializeEntity(NULL, weaponarena_available_all_update, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET);
else if (s == "devall_available")
g_weaponarena = 1;
- g_weaponarena_list = "Dev All Available Weapons";
+ g_weaponarena_list = "Dev All Available Weapons Arena";
// this needs to run after weaponsInMapAll is initialized
InitializeEntity(NULL, weaponarena_available_devall_update, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET);
else if (s == "most_available")
g_weaponarena = 1;
- g_weaponarena_list = "Most Available Weapons";
+ g_weaponarena_list = "Most Available Weapons Arena";
// this needs to run after weaponsInMapAll is initialized
InitializeEntity(NULL, weaponarena_available_most_update, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET);
else if (s == "none")
g_weaponarena = 1;
- g_weaponarena_list = "No Weapons";
+ g_weaponarena_list = "No Weapons Arena";
if(wep != WEP_Null)
g_weaponarena_weapons |= (wep.m_wepset);
- g_weaponarena_list = strcat(g_weaponarena_list, wep.m_name, " & ");
+ g_weaponarena_list = strcat(g_weaponarena_list, wep.netname, " & ");
if (g_weaponarena_list != "") // remove trailing " & "
g_weaponarena_list = substring(g_weaponarena_list, 0, strlen(g_weaponarena_list) - 3);
else // no valid weapon found
- g_weaponarena_list = "No Weapons";
+ g_weaponarena_list = "No Weapons Arena";
if (g_weaponarena)