- todo: difficulty ratings are: 0 = trivial, 1 = easy, 2 = easy-moderate, 3 = moderate, 4 = moderate-hard, 5 = hard, 6 = hard++, 7 = nightmare, d = done, -d = done but have not notified the people who asked for it, f = failed, -f = failed but have not notified the people who asked for it
-d bug darkplaces d3d9: drawsetcliparea not working right - seems to be Y-flipped, this also affects menus in Steelstorm (VorteX)
-d bug darkplaces d3d9: overbright particles get weird colors (VorteX)
+0 bug darl[;aces remderer: r_showbboxes breaks updates of the bloom texture (Supa)
+0 bug darkplaces android: make sure android:theme is set reasonably to avoid having performance issues on Adreno (it may need to be android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent" or maybe some other value?) (banshee21)
0 bug darkplaces client csqc: CSQC_InputEvent is supposed to handle mouse movement, compare to FTEQW code (avirox)
0 bug darkplaces client csqc: engine prediction function is not implemented - could just return the engine's current cl.movement_origin (Spike)
0 bug darkplaces client csqc: entities not being drawn with VF_PERSPECTIVE 0? (daemon)
f feature dpmod: include .vis files for all id1 maps - this idea rejected due to lack of .vis support and download size
f hqbsp: CreateBrushFaces should use RadiusFromBounds for its rotation box code, but hmap is obsolete (Vic)
f optimization darkplaces renderer: change water distortion textures from multiple 2D textures to one 3D texture for smoother animation (Tomaz)
-f optimization darkplaces visibility: R_Q3BSP_RecursiveWorldNode should take clipflags parameter and do not cull a node against a plane if the parent node is totally on one side of the plane (Vic)
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+f optimization darkplaces visibility: R_Q3BSP_RecursiveWorldNode should take clipflags parameter and do not cull a node against a plane if the parent node is totally on one side of the plane (Vic)