// can be multiple meshs per surface
struct surfmesh_s *chain;
- int numverts;
- int numtriangles;
- float *verts;
- float *svectors;
- float *tvectors;
- float *normals;
- int *lightmapoffsets;
- float *str;
- float *uvw;
- float *abc;
- int *index;
- int *triangleneighbors;
+ int numverts; // number of vertices in the mesh
+ int numtriangles; // number of triangles in the mesh
+ float *verts; // float[verts*4] vertex locations
+ float *svectors; // float[verts*4] direction of 'S' (right) texture axis for each vertex
+ float *tvectors; // float[verts*4] direction of 'T' (down) texture axis for each vertex
+ float *normals; // float[verts*4] direction of 'R' (out) texture axis for each vertex
+ int *lightmapoffsets; // index into surface's lightmap samples for vertex lighting
+ float *str; // float[verts*4] texcoords for surface texture
+ float *uvw; // float[verts*4] texcoords for lightmap texture
+ float *abc; // float[verts*4] texcoords for detail texture
+ int *index; // int[tris*3] triangles of the mesh, 3 indices into vertex arrays for each
+ int *triangleneighbors; // int[tris*3] neighboring triangle on each edge (-1 if none)