set cl_vore_stomachmodel 1 "when enabled, we see the stomach model around us when eaten. -1 = disabled, 1 = enabled, anything between 0 and 1 = alpha"\r
set cl_vore_cameraspeed 1.5 "speed at which you see yourself sliding down when swallowed, 0 disables"\r
set cl_vore_punchangle 10 "your view gets tilted by this amount when swallowing or regurgitating someone"\r
-set g_vore_regurgitatecolor_release "0.875 1 0.375" "the color players will have when regurgitated alive"\r
-set g_vore_regurgitatecolor_digest "0.125 0.25 0" "the color players will have when digested"\r
-set g_vore_gurglesound 1 "predators make an ambient gurgling sound"\r
+set g_vore_teamvore 1 "allow players to swallow their team mates"\r
set g_vore_biggergut 1 "when enabled, a player can't swallow someone with more players in their stomach than them"\r
set g_vore_showhealth 1 "when enabled, a predator can see their prey's health on the stomach board, and prey can see the health of players he's joining in the stomach"\r
+set g_vore_gurglesound 1 "predators make an ambient gurgling sound"\r
set g_vore_soundocclusion 0.25 "directional player sounds are cut to this amount of their initial volume for eaten players (simulates hearing harder from the stomach)"\r
+set g_vore_regurgitatecolor_release "0.875 1 0.375" "the color players will have when regurgitated alive"\r
+set g_vore_regurgitatecolor_digest "0.125 0.25 0" "the color players will have when digested"\r
set sv_weaponstats_damagefile "" "when set to a file name, per-weapon damage stats get written to that file"\r
set sv_weaponstats_killfile "" "when set to a file name, per-weapon kill stats get written to that file"\r
if(self.classname == "player" && self.predator.classname != "player" && self.deadflag == DEAD_NO) // we can't swallow players while inside someone's stomach ourselves\r
if not(vlen(self.velocity) > cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_speedcap"))\r
+ if(teams_matter && == && !cvar("g_vore_teamvore"))\r
+ {\r
+ if(time > self.complain_vore)\r
+ {\r
+ play2(self, "weapons/unavailable.wav");\r
+ sprint(self, "You cannot swallow your team mates\n");\r
+ self.complain_vore = time + complain_delay_time;\r
+ }\r
+ return FALSE;\r
+ }\r
if(self.stomach_load >= cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_limit"))\r
if(time > self.complain_vore)\r
if(self.predator.digesting == TRUE)\r
if(teams_matter && ==\r
+ if(cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal") && cvar("g_vore_teamvore"))\r
// execute prey commands\r