-void CommonCommand_info(float request, entity caller, float argc) // todo: figure out how this works?
+void CommonCommand_info(float request, entity caller, float argc)
- string command;
+ string command = builtin_cvar_string(strcat("sv_info_", argv(1)));
- command = builtin_cvar_string(strcat("sv_info_", argv(1)));
- wordwrap_sprint(command, 1111); // why 1111?
+ wordwrap_sprint(command, 1000);
print_to(caller, "ERROR: unsupported info command");
-void CommonCommand_records(float request, entity caller) // TODO: Isn't this flooding with the sprint messages? Old code, but perhaps bad?
+void CommonCommand_records(float request, entity caller)
- if(caller.flags & FL_CLIENT)
+ if(autocvar_sv_timeout)
- if(autocvar_sv_timeout)
+ if(vote_called) { print_to(caller, "^7Error: You can not call a timeout while a vote is active."); }
+ else if(inWarmupStage && !g_warmup_allow_timeout) { print_to(caller, "^7Error: You can not call a timeout in warmup-stage."); }
+ else if(time < game_starttime) { print_to(caller, "^7Error: You can not call a timeout while the map is being restarted."); }
+ else if(caller && (caller.allowedTimeouts < 1)) { print_to(caller, "^7Error: You already used all your timeout calls for this map."); }
+ else if(caller && (caller.classname != "player")) { print_to(caller, "^7Error: You must be a player to call a timeout."); }
+ else // everything should be okay, proceed with starting the timeout
- if(caller.classname == "player")
- {
- if(vote_called)
- print_to(caller, "^7Error: you can not call a timeout while a vote is active!");
- else
- {
- if (inWarmupStage && !g_warmup_allow_timeout)
- return print_to(caller, "^7Error: You can not call a timeout in warmup-stage!");
- if (time < game_starttime )
- return print_to(caller, "^7Error: You can not call a timeout while the map is being restarted!");
- if (timeoutStatus != 2) {
- //if the map uses a timelimit make sure that timeout cannot be called right before the map ends
- if (autocvar_timelimit) {
- //a timelimit was used
- float myTl;
- myTl = autocvar_timelimit;
- float lastPossibleTimeout;
- lastPossibleTimeout = (myTl*60) - autocvar_sv_timeout_leadtime - 1;
- if (lastPossibleTimeout < time - game_starttime)
- return print_to(caller, "^7Error: It is too late to call a timeout now!");
- }
- }
- //player may not call a timeout if he has no calls left
- if (caller.allowedTimeouts < 1)
- return print_to(caller, "^7Error: You already used all your timeout calls for this map!");
- //now all required checks are passed
- caller.allowedTimeouts -= 1;
- bprint(caller.netname, " ^7called a timeout (", ftos(caller.allowedTimeouts), " timeouts left)!\n"); //write a bprint who started the timeout (and how many he has left)
- remainingTimeoutTime = autocvar_sv_timeout_length;
- remainingLeadTime = autocvar_sv_timeout_leadtime;
- timeoutInitiator = caller;
- if (timeoutStatus == 0) { //if another timeout was already active, don't change its status (which was 1 or 2) to 1, only change it to 1 if no timeout was active yet
- timeoutStatus = 1;
- //create the timeout indicator which centerprints the information to all players and takes care of pausing/unpausing
- timeoutHandler = spawn();
- timeoutHandler.think = timeoutHandler_Think;
- }
- timeoutHandler.nextthink = time; //always let the entity think asap
- //inform all connected clients about the timeout call
- Announce("timeoutcalled");
+ if (timeoutStatus != 2) {
+ //if the map uses a timelimit make sure that timeout cannot be called right before the map ends
+ if (autocvar_timelimit) {
+ //a timelimit was used
+ float myTl;
+ myTl = autocvar_timelimit;
+ float lastPossibleTimeout;
+ lastPossibleTimeout = (myTl*60) - autocvar_sv_timeout_leadtime - 1;
+ if (lastPossibleTimeout < time - game_starttime)
+ return print_to(caller, "^7Error: It is too late to call a timeout now!");
- else
- print_to(caller, "^7Error: only players can call a timeout!");
+ if(caller) { caller.allowedTimeouts -= 1; }
+ bprint(GetCallerName(caller), " ^7called a timeout", (caller ? strcat(" (", ftos(caller.allowedTimeouts), " timeouts left)") : string_null), "!\n"); // write a bprint who started the timeout (and how many they have left)
+ remainingTimeoutTime = autocvar_sv_timeout_length;
+ remainingLeadTime = autocvar_sv_timeout_leadtime;
+ timeoutInitiator = caller;
+ // if another timeout was already active, don't change its status (which was 1 or 2) to 1
+ if (timeoutStatus == 0)
+ {
+ timeoutStatus = 1;
+ timeoutHandler = spawn();
+ timeoutHandler.think = timeoutHandler_Think;
+ }
+ timeoutHandler.nextthink = time; //always let the entity think asap
+ Announce("timeoutcalled");
return; // never fall through to usage