seta cl_particles_oldnexbeam 0 "Uses the old v2.3 Nexgun beam instead of the new beam, only works if server allows it (g_allow_oldnexbeam 1)"
set sv_qcweaponanimation 0
-set g_telefrags 1
-set g_telefrags_avoid 0
+set g_telefrags 1 "telefragging, i.e. killing someone who stands in the way of someone who is teleporting"
+set g_telefrags_avoid 1 "when teleporters have a random destination, avoid teleporting to locations where a telefrag would happen"
set g_teleport_maxspeed 0 "maximum speed that a player can keep when going through a teleporter (if a misc_teleporter_dest also has a cap the smallest one of these will be used), 0 = don't limit, -1 = keep no speed"
set g_respawn_ghosts 0 "if 1 dead bodies become ghosts and float away when the player respawns"